Louie Gohmert suspects ‘undocumented Democrats’ are bringing Ebola across the border
By David Edwards
Thursday, August 14, 2014 13:22 EDT
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) warned this week that refugees — who he called “undocumented Democrats” — fleeing violence in Central America could be bringing diseases like Ebola into the United States.
“This administration doesn’t have the desire, doesn’t have the will to actually stop it,” Gohmert told radio host Tim Constantine on Wednesday. “Because they see people coming across as undocumented Democrats. And so, they want to keep the surge of people coming in illegally, even though it includes a big spike in Other-Than-Mexicans, OTMs as we call them.”
“It includes a spike in people from countries where terrorism abounds,” he continued. “We have people coming in from countries where Ebola is located.”
“And, gee, since they’re coming across our border, and you know, they don’t get checked, and most of them don’t get really thoroughly checked, they could be coming in with disease that we simply do not need.”
The Texas Republican insisted that he was not “fear mongering.”
“It’s silly not to be more careful,” he said.