Sure... Let's start the list
House bills
HR 45. Bill to repeal ACA
HR 301 Bill to create a special envoy for religious freedom
HR 313 Requires govt employees to post on website the substance of any speech they give at a conference.
HR 306 Bill granting legal status to a single named immigrant even if she entered the US illegally
HR357 Bill to not pay for education for veterans if the College charges outstate tuition to the veteran.
HR367 Bill to require that Congress approve all new regulations from Executive branch agencies (This bill seems to be Unconstitutional on it's face)
HR444 Bill to require the President to submit a new budget with a heading for "Means-Tested Unified Spending" (I guess the GOP is too stupid to read the existing budget submitted by the President.)
HR592 Bill to allow Churches to qualify for Federal Disaster relief. (Not that any church would take the money because they would be subject to the other rules in the law.)
HR 668 Bill to require the President to resubmit budget with a line item listing how much of the deficit is owed by each person in the US.
HR 756 Bill to exempt mining from government regulations by declaring they are strategic.
HR 807 Bill to NOT pay the government's bills. Attempts to prioritize payments if Congress fails to pass a bill to pay what it has passed legislatively.
Now, flakey butt, why don't you give us one bill that the House passed that would create jobs.