Quote:It's fairly obvious.
Bush was gunning for Saddam from the minute he took office, he needed to make his daddy proud by getting rid of the dictator his daddy couldn't topple. The minute 9/11 happened they started talking about Iraq.
Al Gore did not have any of that emotional baggage, and he was considerably smarter than Bush.
I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with you here, Izzy. Bush gave a number of excuses for invading Iraq but he was only throwing out answers to quiet his critics because there was simply no reason to invade Iraq. From the get-go Cheney wanted this war for profiteering for his "former" company Halliburton and to control the oil well contracts. Dick Cheney mentioned to France, Germany and other European countries if they did not join the coalition of the willing to invade Iraq they would not get oil contracts from him. The NEOCONS, primarily consisting of Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld, and others, wanted to rid Israel of an enemy, Saddam Hussein and then on to Iran; fortunately for the world they got bogged down in Iraq because surprise, surprise, just when GWB began to brag "Mission Complete" the various factions in Iraq began to fight back. The US lost 4,500 US troops, not counting British and other countries' loss.
You were right, even before 9/11, the Cheney/Bush agenda was set to invade Iraq, a country that was no threat to America. George Bush senior, only wanted to chase Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait and back into his lair. They did not want to invade Iraq and that was never, ever a part of the senior Bush's plan.
The senior Bush deliberately gave the green light to Saddam Hussein to invade Kuwait. Hussein had been a close ally of the US; Bush's poll numbers were very low and he wanted to run for a second term, so the move to go to war was political. The cunning senior Bush figured one way to get his poll numbers up..... war.... because during a time of war the American people rally around their president. Had George Herbert Walker Bush instructed our Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspi, to advise Hussein that the US would not stand by while he invaded Kuwait, Saddam would have listened. Bush never warned Hussein while the Iraqi dictator spoke openly about taking back Kuwait which used to be a part of Iraq. And so, Hussein, thinking he had the green light to invade Kuwait, did just that. Immediately after the invasion, Bush senior got together a coalition to chase Saddam Hussein out.
The first Gulf war lasted a matter of days and Bush senior poll numbers did go up; unfortunately, such did not last and he was not elected for a second term.
You're quite correct regarding Al Gore who got the most votes but a partisan United States Supreme Court appointed the least qualified, George W Bush, to be president. Gore was smart, whereas GWB's brain had been riddled by cocaine and much alcohol abuse....he had sniffed so much cocaine that he had damaged his nasal septum. During the debates he kept sniffing as if he had a cold. No cold last that long. The US system of electing leaders is sadly broken.