flakey ass wrote,
Quote:Why not? Obama has resurrected Karl Marx with his redistribution and other collectivist policies, which have and are failing.
Just proves flakey ass doesn't understand the difference between communism and capitalism. Ignorance must be a family curse.
Obama's policies without the help of conservatives have been successful beyond the comprehension of the GOP who tries at every turn to make Obama a failed president. It's really funny! The stock market is hitting new highs after recovering from GW Bush's Great Recession, and the job market has been improving ever since 2009 when Obama became president.
This is the typical unemployment for the country since 2008 from chronline.com.
Quote:Unemployment Rate in Lewis County Falls to Lowest Level Since October 2008
Dramatic Drop: Number of Unemployed in Lewis County Has Fallen by 960 from June 2013 to June 2014