bobsal u1553115
Mon 7 Jul, 2014 11:38 pm
bobsal u1553115
Mon 7 Jul, 2014 11:40 pm
Miss. GOP certifies Cochran victory over McDaniel
Emily Wagster Pettus and Jeff Amy, Associated Press

Topics: From the Wires, News, Politics News

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — The Mississippi Republican Party says U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran won the state’s Republican primary runoff over challenger Chris McDaniel by 7,667 votes.

The party sent results to the Secretary of State on Monday, the legal deadline.

The GOP’s numbers showed Cochran winning by more than the 6,800 votes counted by The Associated Press after the June election. Tallies change as county parties examine provisional ballots and finalize results.

McDaniel, a state senator, has said he would challenge the results. But his attorney Mitch Tyner says it could be days before that happens.

Tyner says the campaign must first finish its investigation into how many voters improperly cast absentee ballots or who voted in both the Democratic primary and GOP runoff, a violation of state law.
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bobsal u1553115
Mon 7 Jul, 2014 11:46 pm
Bush Legacy:

Then: 4.2% (Bureau of Labor Statistics, January 2001)
Now: 6.7% (Bureau of Labor Statistics, November 2008)

Then: 10,587 (close of Friday, Jan. 19, 2001)
Now: 9,015 (close of Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2009)

Then: 6.4 million (Census numbers for 2000)
Now: 7.6 million (Census numbers for 2007 — most recent numbers available)

Then: 39.8 million (Census numbers for 2000)
Now: 45.7 million (Census numbers for 2007 — most recent available)

Then: +236.2 billion (2000, Congressional Budget Office)
Now: -$1.2 trillion (projected figure for 2009, Congressional Budget Office)
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 7 Jul, 2014 11:51 pm

ABC News Cuts Off Rick Perry In The Middle Of An Insane Obama Conspiracy Rant
By: Jason Easley more from Jason Easley
Sunday, July, 6th, 2014, 11:21 am

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Gov. Rick Perry tried to push his claim that the humanitarian crisis involving an influx of Central American children on the border was an Obama conspiracy, but ABC’s This Week called him out on it and ended the interview when Perry added an imaginary hurricane.



RADDATZ: — but Governor, this — this is about a law. This isn’t necessarily about Border Patrol. This is about a law. You heard in Jim Avila’s piece, they have to let these people into the country when they’re from non-contiguous nations, when they’re from Central America or South America.

Should that law be changed?

PERRY: The rule of law is that “The Constitution” requires the United States to secure the border. And we’re not doing that. We haven’t done it for years. And we are paying a huge price.

When you have catch and release policies that send…

RADDATZ: But — but, Governor, please…

PERRY: — a message to people…

RADDATZ: — go back to the law…

PERRY: — in Central America…

RADDATZ: — the 2008 law that was signed into law by George Bush.

Isn’t this is a backlog in the courts?

Doesn’t that have to be addressed first?

PERRY: What has to be addressed is the security of the border. You know that. I know that. The president of the United States knows that. I don’t believe he particularly cares whether or not the border of the United States is — is secure.

And that’s the reason there’s been this lack of effort, this lack of focus, this lack of resources…

RADDATZ: He’s telling people not to come.

PERRY: — and…

RADDATZ: He’s telling them in ads not to come into the United States, not to leave their homes.

PERRY: About — about five years too late would be my response to that. The president has sent powerful messages time after time…

RADDATZ: You know, Governor…

PERRY: — by his policies, by nuances, that it is OK to come to the United States and you can come across and you’ll be accepted in open arms. That is the real issue.

RADDATZ: But, Governor, you’ve made — I — I want to go back to an interview you did on Fox News. You re— you recently made some pretty serious allegations against the federal government.

RADDATZ: Governor, do you re

RADDATZ: Governor, do you really believe there’s some sort of conspiracy to get people into the United States by the federal government, by the Obama administration?

PERRY: When I have — when I have written a letter that is dated May of 2012, and I have yet to have a response from this administration, I will tell you they either are inept or don’t care, and that is my position.

We have been bringing to the attention of President Obama and his administration since 2010, he received a letter from me on the tarmac. He sends — I have to believe that when you do not respond in any way, that you are either inept, or you have some ulterior motive of which you are functioning from.

So the issue is, this president understands now that we have a huge problem on our southern border. We have to deal with it. And I don’t think you’re going to be able to address it until you put the resources there, and that’s boots on the ground. We’re asking for the FAA to allow for drones to be used.

Unless we secure our southern border, this is going to continue to be a massive amount of individuals that are coming to the United States. And, frankly, we don’t have a place to house them as it is. And if we have a major event, a hurricane that comes in to the Gulf Coast, I don’t have a place to be housing people who are displaced.

RADDATZ: OK, governor, I’m going to have to stop you there.

PERRY: This administration is housing them.

Apparently, President Obama is sending these Central American children some sort of subliminal message, because, according to Rick Perry, this influx of immigrants is all a vast conspiracy to….fill the country up with illegal immigrants?

The conspiracy and the attempt to blame the president for a humanitarian crisis that was triggered by a 2008 law that George W. Bush signed is absurd. It was good to see Martha Raddatz of This Week call out Perry on his nonsense. It was also nice to see a Republican being held accountable for the lunacy that they push on Fox News every day.

Usually, news networks will let Republicans like Gov. Perry ramble on even if the segment runs a little long, but This Week’s producers seemed to see that the segment was going nowhere, so they kept the show running on schedule. In typical conspiracy fashion, Perry claimed that President Obama is either inept or hiding an ulterior motive. When Perry added an imaginary hurricane to the scenario, ABC decided it was time to go.

In reality, the person with the ulterior motive is Rick Perry, who desperately wants to be the 2016 Republican nominee, and he is clearly planning on running on a platform of conspiracies and immigrant bashing to get it.
ABC News Cuts Off Rick Perry In The Middle Of An Insane Obama Conspiracy Rant was written by Jason Easley for PoliticusUSA.
© PoliticusUSA, Sun, Jul 6th, 2014 — All Rights Reserved

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bobsal u1553115
Tue 8 Jul, 2014 07:06 am

Mark Mayfield: Suicide Note Found After Death of Tea Party Official
Image: Mark Mayfield: Suicide Note Found After Death of Tea Party Official

Friday, 27 Jun 2014 02:43 PM

Tea party official Mark Mayfield committed suicide Friday, officials believe, after last month being accused of conspiring to take photos of U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran's wife, who suffers with dementia, in a nursing home. Cochran won a hard-fought Republican primary days earlier.

According to The Associated Press, the body of attorney Mark Mayfield was found Friday morning in the garage of his two-story, brick home in a gated community outside Jackson. A gun was found nearby, Ridgeland Police Chief Jimmy Houston said.

Houston says Mayfield had been shot, and a suicide note was found at the scene.

"Everything we see so far, this appears to be a suicide," Houston said.

Urgent: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll

In a statement, Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant expressed sympathy to the Mayfield family.

"Deborah and I are saddened to hear of the loss of Mark Mayfield. He was a long-time friend, and he will be missed. Our prayers go out to his family in this tragic moment," wrote Bryant, a Republican.

Mayfield and three other men were arrested last month and face various charges of conspiring to photograph Rose Cochran in the nursing home where she has lived since 2001. The Cochran family said she has lost the ability to speak and is receiving hospice care.

Police said conservative blogger Clayton Thomas Kelly of Pearl photographed 72-year-old Rose Cochran without permission on Easter Sunday. The photos were later used briefly in an anti-Cochran political video posted briefly online during the Republican primary.

All four of the men charged were supporters of state Sen. Chris McDaniel, who lost Tuesday's Republican runoff. Mayfield was a board member of the Central Mississippi Tea Party and had raised money for McDaniel's campaign.

Other suspects are elementary school teacher Richard Sager of Laurel and John Mary of Hattiesburg, who took over hosting a conservative talk radio show formerly hosted by McDaniel. McDaniel left the radio job before his election to the Mississippi Senate in 2007.

McDaniel denied any connection to the scheme.

Janis Lane, president of the board of the Central Mississippi Tea Party, said she had not seen Mayfield since he was charged in the nursing home photo plot, but had been in contact with him by phone and through text messages. She said Mayfield's integrity was important to him, and he sounded like he was feeling pressured by the investigation.

"It was truly a challenging time for him," Lane said, wiping away tears.

Lane spoke Friday at the Hinds County Courthouse, where she and other McDaniel supporters were examining poll books to look for examples of crossover voting - people who had voted in the June 3 Democratic primary and in Tuesday's Republican runoff between McDaniel and Cochran.

"He was the finest man," Lane said. "He was an attorney of impeccable character."
0 Replies
Tue 8 Jul, 2014 08:56 am
@bobsal u1553115,
It is the LGBT that is doing the judging. Something Jesus says not to do. You should stay out of areas you don't understand, but then you couldn't post at all.
0 Replies
Tue 8 Jul, 2014 10:09 am
@bobsal u1553115,
You are doing it again Bob. When this little discussion started it wasn't the S&P we were talking about. It was the Dow. I called you out on this before when you tried to shift the focus of what we were talking about. Well you have done it again. Congrats on your dishonesty.
cicerone imposter
Tue 8 Jul, 2014 10:36 am
More waste of time and money by the GOP.
House GOP wants to spend $3.3M on Benghazi probe
Associated Press By DONNA CASSATA

The deadly Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the consulate in Benghazi killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. (ABC News)
WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republicans have called for spending up to $3.3 million this year on the special select committee tasked with investigating the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

The seven-member GOP majority would receive some $2.2 million for staff and other operations while the five-member Democratic minority would get about $1 million, according to a document provided by House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi on Monday.
Tue 8 Jul, 2014 10:58 am
@cicerone imposter,
More waste of time and money by the GOP.

We are spending billions on illegals.
cicerone imposter
Tue 8 Jul, 2014 11:03 am
That's okay; it's about children. Your inability to think humanly only proves you're a human waste.
Tue 8 Jul, 2014 11:05 am

Congressman on Obama’s Media Border Tours: “This is the kind of media that they had in the former Soviet Union”

We have to disagree with Congressman Jim Bridenstine. The Soviet Union had a more open and diverse media and greater access to their leaders.

Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) on Tuesday compared the way the media is being handled at the United States border to the former Soviet Union.

Bridenstine, who was denied access last week to a detention facility in Oklahoma where more than 1,000 children are being housed, said he’d been invited back on Saturday and that journalists would get to tour the facility on Thursday.

But he criticized the terms for the visit.

The center told news outlets by email that “the media can come, it’ll be a 40-minute tour, but you can’t ask questions, you can’t talk to the staff, you can’t talk to the medical doctors, you can’t talk to the children,” Bridenstine said on CNN’s “New Day.”

“If you would like to take pictures, you can’t do that, but we’ll send pictures to you,” Bridenstine said.

“This is the kind of media that they had in the former Soviet Union,” he added. “This is not the kind of unfettered access that we expect in the United States when the president is going to ask for $2 billion.”

We’re OK with providing this funding. It should be met with across the board cuts in every other department to help pay for it, and we should also put a freeze on Obama’s vacation and travel budget, which would more than make up a good portion of the $2 billion
0 Replies
Tue 8 Jul, 2014 11:07 am
@cicerone imposter,
That's okay; it's about children.

No it isn't OK when it did not need to happen. If the border were properly enforced they never would have come. This is a calculated crisis by a calculating lying asshole that is our president. And you are an idiot if you can't see that. But a human idiot.
cicerone imposter
Tue 8 Jul, 2014 11:16 am
It's not about border enforcement; it's about congress not passing immigration laws, because the GOP stops all legislation that has to do with immigration.

Get your ******* head out of your ass!

The GOP Won’t Pass Immigration Reform – and It Could Prove Disastrous
March 1, 2014
by Joshua Holland

You don't even understand that the US is a land consisting of immigrants.
Tue 8 Jul, 2014 01:29 pm
@cicerone imposter,

You don't even understand that the US is a land consisting of immigrants.

Yes I do. And it is legal immigrants that made America. Remember Ellis Island where they were actually screened for diseases.
0 Replies
Tue 8 Jul, 2014 01:33 pm

Insane: Obama Wants $3.8 Billion to Throw at His Border Mess

To think just Monday Democrats were whining over spending $3.3 million to investigate Obama’s IRS scandal. Now Obama actually has the balls to ask for $3.8 billion to throw at his influx of migrant Democrats. This just cannot stand.

The White House on Tuesday will request $3.8 billion from Congress in emergency funding to deal with an influx of unaccompanied minors from Central America, a far higher amount than the Obama administration had previously signaled, according to a Capitol Hill source familiar with the plans.

The money would go to several federal agencies, including the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, State and Health and Human Services. Funds would be allocated to send more immigration judges to the southern border, build additional detention facilities and add border patrol agents, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the administration had not formally made the request.

The move is aimed at more quickly deporting the tens of thousands of women and children who have entered the countriy illegally across the souther border, most of them in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.

White House officials declined to comment.

If the GOP is dumb enough to give him money they need to take it out of his vacation and party budget. But you can see how this will proceed: The GOP is racist and hates Latinos for not giving Obama what he wants. Even some of his drooling media morons are pushing that nonsense.

It would be a lot cheaper to station one National guard soldier every 50 ft on the border.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 8 Jul, 2014 01:35 pm
Like the big dawg kept telling my most favorite President of all - GHWB, "Its the economy, stupid."

Its the economy, stupid.
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Tue 8 Jul, 2014 01:43 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Poll Naming Obama "Worst President" Since WWII Proves that People Are ******* Idiots

People that voted for Obama have already proven people are ******* idiots.

And can you source that bullshit.
Tue 8 Jul, 2014 01:51 pm
Here are the cable news ratings for July 1:

Fox & Friends ………….. 1,040,000 (56%)
MSNBC Morning Joe ……. 288,000 (15%)
CNN New Day …………….. 266,000 (14%)
HLN Morning Express …. 170,000 (9%)
CNBC Squawk Box …………. 99,000 (5%)

Nice to see a lot of people are getting another side of the issues. Not just progressive excuses and lies.

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