bobsal u1553115
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 02:51 pm
Bull ****.
0 Replies
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 02:55 pm
I guess those workers making sure they have marketable skills has nothing to do with what they get paid.
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 03:01 pm
I guess those workers making sure they have marketable skills has nothing to do with what they get paid.

0 Replies
Tue 1 Jul, 2014 09:59 pm
bobsal u1553115
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 06:03 am
Explain how the ADA makes for FEWER doctors, asshole.
Explain the death panel thing, shithead.
Explain where the health rationing comes in, crap for brains.
Explain where the increased costs come in, dickbreath.

Four goddam lies out of five statements. Thats a record for you, jizzwad.
bobsal u1553115
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 06:06 am

KKK holds protest in Gettysburg

By Allison Dougherty | Special to PennLive
Email the author
on June 28, 2014 at 4:29 PM, updated June 28, 2014 at 7:13 PM

GETTYSBURG – "The only solution is an all-white revolution," said one of 10 Ku Klux Klan members during a klan protest rally held Saturday at the Gettysburg National Military Park.

But, Marguerethe Jaede, of Columbus, Ohio, who was in the area for a lacrosse tournament and happened upon the rally while in the park, didn't agree. They're "preaching hate and ignorance," Jaede said.

Held by the Traditional Rebel Knights of Braddock Heights, Md., the rally was organized to protest against black on white violence, illegal immigration and gay rights, among other subjects. The group also expressed opinions about President Obama, Jews and white supremacy.

"We are taking back this land," one klan protester said. "Anyone stands in our way, they're going in the ground."

Using a megaphone, the klan protesters spoke to onlookers from a fenced off area in a field just north of Mead's Headquarters along Taneytown Rd. in the park. The group of protest observers, which varied from about 30 to 50 people – as some came and left during the less than 60 minute rally – was generally peaceful, but others, such Jaede, yelled back at the klan members.

Protesters responded to observers. One said, "We remember what you look like everybody."

John Kreis, the Pennsylvania Grand Dragon of the Maryland based Confederate White Knights klan organization, said he was attending the protest to hear what the other group had to say, but others at the park had no idea the protest was scheduled.

One woman, who wouldn't give her name and would only identify herself as Canadian, took the hands of her two young children and hurried away across the parking lot upon hearing about the protest.

Katie Lawhon, a management assistant with Gettysburg National Military Park, on Saturday issued a written statement about the protest which said in part: "The National Park Service mission in preserving and protecting the historic resources at Gettysburg includes making them available to all Americans, even those whose views are contrary to the majority of the American public."

Albert Fike, who described himself as a racist and the vice-president of the group holding the rally, during a Friday interview said one of the reasons for having the protest in Gettysburg was, "We like to go to a white area to recruit."
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 06:36 am
Newest Pa. gubernatorial poll shows Tom Wolf gaining steam in Tom Corbett's deficit

Respondents of a new Franklin & Marshall College poll had vastly different opinions of Gov. Tom Corbett, left, and Democratic challenger Tom Wolf, right, (File photo PennLive)

Christina Kauffman | [email protected] By Christina Kauffman | [email protected]
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on July 02, 2014 at 5:00 AM, updated July 02, 2014 at 5:01 AM

The campaign to re-elect Gov. Tom Corbett has another ugly picture to hang on the wall, after a poll released Wednesday painted the latest dismal portrait of voter sentiment for the incumbent Republican.

This Franklin & Marshall College survey of registered voters is the most recent in a series of post-primary polls, showing the governor with low job approval and lagging behind his Democratic challenger, York County businessman Tom Wolf.

Only 26 percent of voters polled said Corbett deserves a second term. And if the general election had been held the day pollsters interviewed the 502 respondents, Corbett would've lost the election with 25 percent of the vote to Wolf's 47 percent. The group of undecided voters — 27 percent — exceeded Corbett's take of the crowd.

"The situation [Corbett] faces is pretty simple to explain," said poll director G. Terry Madonna, who's also director of the Center for Politics and Public Affairs. "He needs to find some successes to take to the voters this fall. Typically governors seeking re-election have a panoply of successes on which to go back to the voters. You don't want to go back to the voters and say, 'I didn't do A, B or C, but let me try again.'"

But Madonna said Corbett can share some blame in the failure to achieve his priorities, including privatization of the state's liquor stores and pension reform. The GOP has majority control in the House and Senate, but the Senate hasn't passed a privatization bill. And the House on Tuesday just sent the governor's preferred pension-reform bill back to committee despite Corbett holding up budget approval to try to get it passed.

"He needs big victories to take to his voters — and his own party isn't helping him," Madonna said.

Little is easy in a House divided among tea partyers, moderate Republicans and Democrats, he said.

Only 30 percent of 502 respondents polled June 23-29 felt the state was "headed in the right direction," while 59 percent said it was "on the wrong track," according to the poll from the Lancaster college.

More voters in the poll found Corbett "strongly unfavorable" at 34 percent than the combined number of those who found him "strongly favorable" at 8 percent and "somewhat favorable," 19 percent.

That compares with 35 percent of voters who found Wolf either somewhat or strongly favorable and 12 percent who found him strongly or somewhat unfavorable.

Voters still seem to be wrapping their heads around Wolf, as 52 percent of respondents said they were undecided or didn't know how they felt about the Democrat. Only 14 percent hadn't decided or didn't know what to say about Corbett.

"Wolf right now is the beneficiary of hugely positive voter reaction to his primary campaign, and he comes out of it with advantages," Madonna said. "He doesn't face the downside of being a politician now."

But Madonna said the poll numbers are "mostly about Corbett."

"If Corbett had a 50 percent positive job performance, he wouldn't be behind by 22 points," Madonna said, noting Corbett posted the lowest job performance for any incumbent governor in modern history.

Madonna said the June poll was also the first time voters chose education to overtake jobs and economy-related issues for the title of biggest problem facing the state.

Corbett campaign spokesman Chris Pack said the governor has suffered a perceived lack of education funding since a billion dollars in federal stimulus money ran out.

He said Corbett does have accomplishments to which he can point, including the unemployment rate decreasing from 8.2 percent to 5.6 percent during his first term.

Pack attributed the dismal poll numbers to the Corbett campaign "not really heating up yet."

"We've only heard from Wolf ... in his commercials," Pack said. "It'll turn around. You'll see it get more heated after the [state] budget is done."

But Wolf spokesman Jeff Sheridan said voters polled were responding to Corbett's record, "which speaks for itself."

"He's been governor for almost four years now," Sheridan said. "He has a record to run on — and that's the record."
0 Replies
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 09:59 am
CNN documented 935 lies told by Bush and company to get us to invade Iraq.

Now the Reps are working hard to denigrate Obamacare with even more lies. The question is when will the public catch on to the Rep Lie Machine.
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 10:14 am
When Obama stops delaying the law and allows it to take full effect. When they stop granting exceptions to political donors and friends of political donors in the ACA and allow the law to fully take effect on everyone.

Until those above things take place, how can you say the Rep's are lying. Even Obama doesn't know the full effects of his law as it isn't fully in place yet. Notice how all the changes don't take effect until after election season? See the BS we have been handed by Obama.

Now like a good lefty you have to shift the focus from the current President to one that hasn't been in office for 6 years. It is the same old blame game being played. But Bush... blah blah blah. Bush isn't in office and there is nothing that can be done now. The Dems had their chance in 2009 when they controlled both houses of Congress and they failed to take action. Stop with the change up blame game and accept that Obama has been in power for 6 years now. It's his govt and not Bush's.
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 10:31 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Explain how the ADA makes for FEWER doctors, asshole.

What is the ADA? Jizzwad
cicerone imposter
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 11:00 am
Unfortunately for democrats, president Obama's rating is in the basement. He's lied too often, didn't keep promises, the NSA, torture, drones, and his continued ignorance about foreign affairs is dismal. He's chasing GW Bush as the worst president since WWII. That's saying somet'n.
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 11:00 am
Obama is not chasing, he is the worst.

Poll: Obama 'worst president' since World War II

President Obama has topped predecessor George W. Bush in another poll, but not one he would like.

In a new Quinnipiac University Poll, 33% named Obama the worst president since World War II, and 28% put Bush at the bottom of post-war presidents.

"Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

Of course, Obama and Bush are the most recent presidents; historians will tell you that it takes decades to truly measure an individual president's performance.

Ronald Reagan topped the poll as the best president since World War II, with 35%. He is followed by presidents Bill Clinton (18%) and John F. Kennedy (15%).

Obama received only 8% in the best presidents poll.

The Quinnipiac poll also reports that 45% believe the nation would be better off had Mitt Romney defeated Obama in the 2012 presidential election; 38% say the country would be worse off with a Romney presidency
0 Replies
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 11:04 am
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 12:20 pm
Baldimo wrote:

When Obama stops delaying the law and allows it to take full effect. When they stop granting exceptions to political donors and friends of political donors in the ACA and allow the law to fully take effect on everyone.

Until those above things take place, how can you say the Rep's are lying. Even Obama doesn't know the full effects of his law as it isn't fully in place yet. Notice how all the changes don't take effect until after election season? See the BS we have been handed by Obama.

Now like a good lefty you have to shift the focus from the current President to one that hasn't been in office for 6 years. It is the same old blame game being played. But Bush... blah blah blah. Bush isn't in office and there is nothing that can be done now. The Dems had their chance in 2009 when they controlled both houses of Congress and they failed to take action. Stop with the change up blame game and accept that Obama has been in power for 6 years now. It's his govt and not Bush's.

It is great to see you admit to the massive Rep lying. So you think it is okay for the Reps to lie until Obama does certain things. Of course nothing Obama does, or does not do, will stop the massive Rep lying. You know that.
Frank Apisa
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 12:24 pm
Advocate wrote:

Baldimo wrote:

When Obama stops delaying the law and allows it to take full effect. When they stop granting exceptions to political donors and friends of political donors in the ACA and allow the law to fully take effect on everyone.

Until those above things take place, how can you say the Rep's are lying. Even Obama doesn't know the full effects of his law as it isn't fully in place yet. Notice how all the changes don't take effect until after election season? See the BS we have been handed by Obama.

Now like a good lefty you have to shift the focus from the current President to one that hasn't been in office for 6 years. It is the same old blame game being played. But Bush... blah blah blah. Bush isn't in office and there is nothing that can be done now. The Dems had their chance in 2009 when they controlled both houses of Congress and they failed to take action. Stop with the change up blame game and accept that Obama has been in power for 6 years now. It's his govt and not Bush's.

It is great to see you admit to the massive Rep lying. So you think it is okay for the Reps to lie until Obama does certain things. Of course nothing Obama does, or does not do, will stop the massive Rep lying. You know that.

He may not, Advocate. None of them may...or at least most of them may not. They really are living in a world of delusion.
0 Replies
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 12:24 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Unfortunately for democrats, president Obama's rating is in the basement. He's lied too often, didn't keep promises, the NSA, torture, drones, and his continued ignorance about foreign affairs is dismal. He's chasing GW Bush as the worst president since WWII. That's saying somet'n.

If you are not careful, CJ and Baldy are going to give you BJ's. Your statements about Obama are beyond stupid.
cicerone imposter
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 12:26 pm
Why? Because the majority of Amercans agree with my opinions? Which country do you belong to?
0 Replies
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 12:26 pm

Another Obama Victory! 85% of ObamaCare ‘Inconsistencies’ Can’t be Fixed

Coming on the heels of his IRS scandal, his Benghazi scandal, a -2.9% GDP, humiliating defeats in the Supreme Court and a cratering approval rating, this sure is shaping up as a summer of major accomplishments for Mr. Pen and Phone, huh?

Federal officials can’t resolve 85 percent of 2.9 million “inconsistencies” on applications for ObamaCare even after nine months of trying, according to new data provided by the administration.

Most of the problems involve certifying citizenship and income, key components of the national health plan.

But some of the problems are downright nutty.

One unidentified state-run marketplace cited situations in which infants and young children were “erroneously identified as incarcerated, according to federal data,” the inspector general for the Health and Human Services Department revealed Tuesday.

Just 425,000 problematic applications have been resolved out of 2.9 million that states and the federal exchange reported, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services told The Post.

Only citizens are eligible for ObamaCare, and only people at certain income levels are eligible for tax credits and subsidies.

But in 77 percent of the applications under scrutiny, federal records differed from what applicants submitted on those two key qualifications.

But hey, why dwell on the negative when it obviously has a 23% rate of success? Can’t you racists see that?
0 Replies
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 12:31 pm
Nice try. Why do you accept these things from Obama? Instead turning around and pointing the fingers at someone who isn't in office, you want to point at someone who isn't in power. Do you see what you are doing?

Sure point the finger at me like I accept something. That isn't the case. It's funny to see you guys try it though.
0 Replies
Wed 2 Jul, 2014 12:38 pm
Your statements about Obama are stupid.


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