Sat 21 Jun, 2014 11:47 am
Ranking people out for spelling errors/ grammatical errors/typos/omitted words.

You guys just do not like your tactics being used by others. I have no problem with trying to compete with the arrogance of the Left. You are able to see just how annoying and useless things like that are but only when the opposition does it. Deal with it.
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Sat 21 Jun, 2014 11:51 am
parados wrote:

Hmmm... hard drive crashes happening about the same time? How could that happen? There have often been instances of faulty hard drives failing because of manufacturer defects. If the computers were all using the same type of hard drive it could be quite common for all of them to fail because of hardware issues.

Of course, crash is a generic term that doesn't refer to just drive failure from mechanical issues. It can also be caused by many other things including viruses or other software issues. Those are issues that would be replicated across many computers and to see multiple failures would also be common.

The crashes didn't delete the emails. The emails were not recovered by anyone after the crash. That sounds like sloppy IT, not a conspiracy.

There is also a malicious computer virus (ransomeware) running around that infects entire networks of hard drives and unless you pay them $250.00 within 48 hours you are permanently locked out of your hard drive's data.

It happened to an entire police precinct and they paid the 250.00 dollars to the hackers to regain the data on their hard drives.

It happened to a City Hall here in Maine and they refused to pay the money and lost of all of their data within 24 hours...

All you have to do is open the wrong email attachment or fall for the line on some website that their "flash player is out of date".

I am sure CJ is a self proclaimed computer techie now also and knows the specific details of why these hard drives were turned to toast.

‘Your Computer Blocked, Data Encrypted’ Virus (Ransomware)

Sat 21 Jun, 2014 12:00 pm
The Left enjoyed taunting Romney about his dog and his teenage exploits involving gays. Here, Hillary was not a teen, she was 27.
Angry rape victim says Hillary Clinton ‘lied like a dog’ in defending her attacker

After the Free Beacon discovered and published recordings from Hillary laughing about a 1975 case in which she successfully defended a rapist, the victim of that assault has come out to say she’s angry about how Clinton treated her

“When I heard that tape I was pretty upset, I went back to the room and was talking to my two cousins and I cried a little bit. I ain’t gonna lie, some of this has got me pretty down,” she said. “But I thought to myself, ‘I’m going to stand up to her. I’m going to stand up for what I’ve got to stand up for, you know?”

In her interview with The Daily Beast, she recounted the details of her attack in 1975 at age 12 and the consequences it had for both her childhood and adult life. A virgin before the assault, she spent five days afterwards in a coma, months recovering from the beating that accompanied the rape, and over 10 years in therapy. The doctors told her she would probably never be able to have children.

Hillary has a problem. She is no champion of womens or childrens rights. She is an arrogant elite with a need for power and no one is of any consequence in that quest.
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Sat 21 Jun, 2014 12:04 pm
I am sure CJ is a self proclaimed computer techie now also and knows the specific details of why these hard drives were turned to toast.

I know enough that the e-mails can be found because once something is digitized it is there forever. Hard drives being destroyed do not destroy the digital record.
Sat 21 Jun, 2014 12:06 pm
Do you really think govt email servers have access to the internet without going through a filter and firewall first? If you didn't know a majority of the govt sensitive servers are not allowed direct internet access. Hell a lot of their systems do not even have regular network access. My last job had a lot of govt contracts for the IRS, FBI, DHS and other various govt agencies. We would use a program for remote access for troubleshooting purposes. That is except for most of the govt agencies. They are what we call "black sites" and there is no remote access allowed. Why is this? Because they do not keep their storage on public networks.
0 Replies
Sat 21 Jun, 2014 12:12 pm

The progressive and the Jeffersonian views of rights are not only different, they are incompatible. Any time a right claimed by anyone imposes a duty on another to undertake positive action, the alleged right cannot possibly be exercised by both parties simultaneously without logical contradiction.

The progressive view of rights is often called the positivist view because such rights necessarily impose duties to undertake positive actions on others. It is part of a larger philosophy called legal positivism, which asserts that rights are whatever government says they are.

The Jeffersonian view of rights is often called the negative view because the only duty imposed on others by such rights is a duty to refrain from undertaking a particular action. It is a duty to refrain from interfering with others. Moreover, in this view, government itself is bound by the rights justly claimed by all individuals.

The next time you say, “I have a right,” ask: “Who has the duty?” If there is anyone who has a duty to do anything except refrain from interfering with you, ask: “On what grounds do I claim a right to subordinate that person’s will to mine?”

Just another way to say progressive ideas are truly crap. They are for control and intimidation. Stop listening to people who have no interest in your rights.
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Sat 21 Jun, 2014 12:13 pm
coldjoint wrote:

I am sure CJ is a self proclaimed computer techie now also and knows the specific details of why these hard drives were turned to toast.

I know enough that the e-mails can be found because once something is digitized it is there forever. Hard drives being destroyed do not destroy the digital record.

Apparently you don't know. The boot record becomes encrypted with some of the highest encryption available and the drive can only be either erased (reformatted) or the drive discarded...

The U.S. Army may not even have super computers able to access the boot sector of such an encrypted drive.

If so it might take months and even years to unlock the code.
Sat 21 Jun, 2014 12:16 pm
OK. I've decided on stupid.
Sat 21 Jun, 2014 12:17 pm
Apparently you don't know. The boot record becomes encrypted with some of the highest encryption available and the drive can only be either erased (reformatted) or the drive discarded...

Do us a favor. Destroy your hard drive. Then all your posts will disappear?
Stick to playing hide the sausage, you don't know what you are talking about
Sat 21 Jun, 2014 12:22 pm
coldjoint wrote:

Apparently you don't know. The boot record becomes encrypted with some of the highest encryption available and the drive can only be either erased (reformatted) or the drive discarded...

Do us a favor. Destroy your hard drive. Then all your posts will disappear?
Stick to playing hide the sausage, you don't know what you are talking about

One again the sore loser reprobate strikes again.

You have to insult someone's manhood because you can't win an argument.

Insecure lowlife scum.

I wonder why no one comes to your threads to converse?

Instead you attach to others like a brainless parasite.
Sat 21 Jun, 2014 12:26 pm
You have to insult someone's manhood because you can't win an argument.

First of all, what manhood? Second, you do not argue you just post more bullshit.
Sat 21 Jun, 2014 12:30 pm
IRS’s Own Employee Manual Proves They Are Lying
0 Replies
Sat 21 Jun, 2014 12:55 pm
coldjoint wrote:

You have to insult someone's manhood because you can't win an argument.

First of all, what manhood? Second, you do not argue you just post more bullshit.

More manhood insults?

There is no end to your insecurity and stupidity.

The truth stand on its own, only lies need a defense.
Frank Apisa
Sat 21 Jun, 2014 12:56 pm
Baldimo wrote:

I'm sure you can agree with this: Throw out all the bums and put term limits in place.

Actually, no I do not. I consider "Term limits" to be a simplistic solution to a very, very complex problem. I am not against them...but I do not see them as the solution to the problem as I perceive it.

There is no reason someone should be in DC for more than 2 terms. Anything more than that, and it is just a career for them, they don't mean to serve the people, they mean to serve their own egos.

It is almost certain that ANYBODY and EVERYBODY who makes it to DC...has already decided to serve his/her own ego...rather than serve the people.

It is almost certain that one does not get to DC without that already having been decided.

Baldimo...humans (all humans including the Mother Teresa's and Albert Schweitzer's) are doing what satisfied them...not what satisfies others...unless "what satisfies others" is what satisfies them.

Frankly, the kind of people who go though life trying "to do what satisfies others"...are door mats...the very last people you want to be leaders and steerers.

We do not want to be governed...none of us. Especially we Americans...but also the British, Germans, French...and all the other nationalities.

We just do not want to be governed.

THAT is the problem...and it is one that probably cannot be overcome.

The laugh of the Democrats and Republicans...the liberals and the conservatives...supposing they have the solutions is beyond measure.
0 Replies
Sat 21 Jun, 2014 01:16 pm
Oh course you have. It's easier than believing that hard work pays off.

Sat 21 Jun, 2014 01:39 pm
The boot record? The US Army using super computers to decrypt things?

Well you are partially right and partially wrong. First off the Army doesn't use super computers for anything. NSA and other such agencies do that, and I'm pretty sure they can hack anything the IRS uses. 2nd the govt doesn't use the best encryption in places like the IRS. My money says Anonymous could hack the IRS within a few weeks if they wanted to. Due to the fact that they don't really encrypt as much as you think they do, they have service contracts with the server manufactures that say they do not send back HDD's when there is a failure of the HDD. I know for a fact that the FBI and DHS do not return HDD's. I have sent replacement HDD's to them both when I worked for HP. The contract lists no RMA. As far as I know they mag wipe the HDD's and then send them to a shredder. With the types of servers I delt with, there was no such thing as a total data loss with govt records. They keep back ups of the backups because of these types of investigations. In fact in the servers they work with there are multiple HDD's per server. Look up information on servers such as HP's DL380 G8. Depending on the system they have between 8 and 24 HDD's per server. So a single HDD failure at the server level ie: mail server could not have destroyed data.

A PC or laptop at someones desk is a different story. You could have a single point of failure but once again the email is stored on a server. She might have saved copies of the emails to her HDD but that doesn't mean they were removed from the server. Even with profile limitations for email storage on the servers, the laptop should have an automatic backup service on it that does auto-backup's of the Laptop's or PC's HDD to a separate set servers in a data-center somewhere.

Could the information have been retrieved? More than likely yes, depending on the type of failure. It seems as if they didn't think it was important to maybe retrieve data that was on the head of the IRS, laptop. Yeah there would be nothing important on there at all. I'm not even talking about emails, I'm talking about doc's or anything she does in her job. The head of the IRS has no data that is important enough to retrieve for use on her new HDD? None of this makes any sense.
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Sat 21 Jun, 2014 09:26 pm
The truth stand on its own, only lies need a defense.

And you and a lot others are defending Obama because of lies. I'm glad you realize that.
0 Replies
Sat 21 Jun, 2014 09:30 pm
It's easier than believing that hard work pays off.

Especially when it is true. There is no interest in what someone should do. It is now what others can do for you. And this government facilitates that attitude.
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bobsal u1553115
Sat 21 Jun, 2014 10:48 pm
CT GOP Gov. candidate accidentally asks for endorsement from convicted sex offender
By Tom Boggioni
Saturday, June 21, 2014 20:59 EDT

A man-on-the-street interview conducted by a Republican Connecticut gubernatorial candidate took an awkward turn this week when the politico asked for, and received, the endorsement of a convicted sex offender, according to the CT-Post.

On Friday, Connecticut businessman and former Ambassador to Ireland, Tom Foley, was filming one in a series of ‘Talk with Tom’ interviews with potential voters designed to appear on his campaign website.

Foley’s film crew captured a one minute and 36-second interview with resident Jerry Buchanan who complained about “the damn liberals who want to tax people to death,” before endorsing Foley over sitting Gov. Dannel P. Malloy.

According to state records, Buchanan, 54, served three months in prison in 2006 for three separate sex-assault misdemeanors

Foley’s spokesperson, Chris Cooper, explained that the interviews are spontaneous and interviewees were not pre-screened.

“The only information we get about the subjects comes from what they provide on tape in a two or three minute interview about their views on Connecticut,” he said.

The campaign said that they were pulling the interview down from the Foley website.

Foley, who is running for the Republican nod against state Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, is seen in the interview discussing Connecticut businesses leaving the state and and taking jobs with them due to taxes.

Asking Buchanan if he has a job, Buchanan, replies,” No, right now I’m unemployed.”

Prodded further, Buchanan added, “I was with my uncle in real estate, — I take care of some of his buildings right now.”

Wrapping up the man-on-the-street video, Foley asked, “You going to stick around and vote in November?”

“I’m going to vote for Mr. Tom Foley, ” Buchanan replies as Foley laughs.

Watch the interview below Courtesy of Tom Foley for Connecticut:
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bobsal u1553115
Sat 21 Jun, 2014 10:50 pm
AZ schools chief outs himself as anonymous Internet troll who calls poor people ‘lazy pigs’
By David Edwards
Thursday, June 19, 2014 12:55 EDT

Arizona state schools Superintendent John Huppenthal (KTVK)

Arizona state schools Superintendent John Huppenthal admitted this week that he was the person who had been posting controversial anonymous messages on Internet websites, including one that likened poor people to “lazy pigs.”

For several months, writers at the Democratic Blog for Arizona have suspected that Huppenthal was the commenter that had been posting inflammatory comments at their site and others.

“We now know that (Franklin D. Roosevelt) was almost completely responsible for the great depression,” a user named Falcon9 wrote last year in the Blog for Arizona comments area. “Only in liberal mythology did FDR ‘save’ the nation. … Worse yet, Roosevelt’s disastrous economic policies drug down the whole world and directly led to the rise of a no-name hack named Adolph Hitler who was going nowhere until Germany’s economy went into the tank.”

Falcon9 also wrote that “job creators are being taxed to death,” while “Obama is rewarding the lazy pigs with food stamps (44 million people), air-conditioning, free health care, flat-screen TV’s (typical of ‘poor’ families).”

At another Arizona website, Seeing Red AZ, a user named Thucydides opined that it had been “Darwin, not Hitler, who named the Germans the master race.”

He added: “It was Darwin who expressed approval of eliminating both Jews and Africans. Hitler worked to eliminate the Jews. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood was given the job of eliminating African-Americans. Hitler fed 6 million Jews into the ovens. Sanger has fed 16 million African-Americans into the abortion mills.”

After blogger Bog Lord speculated this week that the online comments had been posted by Huppenthal, Arizona’s superintendent of schools fessed up.

“I love talking about public policy, and I have a passion for engaging in debate,” Huppenthal told The Arizona Republic. “I probably have 300,000 words out on the Internet, and 100 of them are getting me in trouble. When all of your missteps are there all together for people to see, it’s not a pretty picture.”

In an email to the paper, Huppenthal said that there was value in commenting anonymously “as our founding fathers believed when they developed the Federalist Papers.”

He argued that his “blog entries may have been taken completely out of context, or perhaps misunderstood.”

“In participating in these blogs, unfortunately, I have occasionally dipped into the morass of incivility, that I myself find intolerable,” he continued. “I sincerely do regret that.”

An op-ed published by The Arizona Republic on Thursday blasted Huppenthal for using anonymity to avoid accountability for his comments.

“The anonymous Internet is revealing,” the op-ed noted. “It shows us what a person really believes, what he holds deep in his heart. What he dares not say publicly.”

“But once you take the oath of office, a higher standard of accountability applies,” the editorial board concluded. “Citizens should know who they are voting for. Someone who truly has a passion for public policy would understand this.”

Watch the video below from KTVK, broadcast June 19, 2014.
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