@Frank Apisa,
Why not. They reply the same way and pick at the same things. It is indeed typical of the left and those like them. Take Harry Reid for instance. Have you heard him rally against the Koch brothers? Of course you have, you share his angst. Yet when asked about Sheldon Adelson and his monetary contributions to political campaigns, that was a totally different story. He is a great upstanding person who only wants the best for the US. Even though he does the same exact thing with his money as the Koch brothers do. The left accuses the right of not doing anything, but at the same time the leadership in the Senate stalls just about everything that comes from the House and then says they don't do anything.
I'm sure you can agree with this: Throw out all the bums and put term limits in place. There is no reason someone should be in DC for more than 2 terms. Anything more than that, and it is just a career for them, they don't mean to serve the people, they mean to serve their own egos.