joint says:
Scared shitless, aren't they?
Really, really pissed off is a more accurate dscriptor, and deservedly so.\
The problem is political free speech isn't free. You have to pay for it and pay a lot (I realize that's not the sense the First Amendment uses the term in. It is however the hard reality of the 21st century, with speech conveyed via electronic means the Founding Fathers never dreamed of. Butr that's the whole point). Which means that the people with a lot of money, like the Koch brothers, or the fossil fuel industry, who between them far outspend everyone else, have one whole hell of a lot more political speech than you or I do. And THAT's what imperils free speech and democracy. The more you can pay, the more speech you can buy,They're buying and selling it, not us. Go, Democratic senators, you're doin' the right thing.