Oh??? So tell us, Baldino, what ARE those numbers? Want to make any bets? Like I said, "deny by never refute!
And pretend that his numbers were great up until 2009, so what? W announced his intentions walking into a Clinton economy. W inherited Clinton's economy, just like Obama inherited W's W said that the economy was good and he wanted to announce a peace dividend, W said he wanted to reward the citizens of this nation for the equity they built up in it. So he cut the budgets to all the regulatory administrations he didn't like side stepping Congress and gave out the biggest tax cuts in history and then gave us and unfunded war, an unfunded prescription drug entitlement to Medicare members, Enron, the bank failures, Wall Street bailout, Operation Fast and Furious ..... need I add more? Man you are really on the wrong side of this. They almost gutted VA here in Texas. They shut down three VA hospitals.
They halved budgets, handed out all the savings, made fortunes more for the already fortunate, gutted the middle class, killed thousands of ours, hundreds of thousands of them, have hocked your grand children's savings. Why are you so protective of those who are so contemptuous of you???