@cicerone imposter,
From the site you posted...
Subsidy Results
Below you will find the information regarding your eligibility for federal subsidies. These subsidies are exclusively for plans purchased on the state exchanges under the ACA. As part of our analysis we illustrate what you would pay out of pocket for different sample levels of coverage.
Actual costs may vary in your state as these exchanges go live due to the actual premiums charged for plans. To find what you will actually pay on our
Household Income as a $ of FPL
Your household income as it relates to the federal poverty level. This is used to determine your eligibility and size of tax credits.
Premium Cap as % of Income
The percentage of your annual household income you are responsible for contributing towards the second cheapest available silver plan.
Annual Premium Cap
The annual dollar amount you are responsible for contributing towards the second cheapest available silver plan.
Monthly Premium Cap
The monthly dollar amount you are responsible for contributing towards the second cheapest available silver plan.