Julian Castro, Dan Patrick debate immigration
My comment on this video:
Dan Patrick could be no more disingenuous, he says he values life. Well it is insulting to think a Hispanic Catholic woman would finally make it to the land of opportunity and first thing would want to abort her child. This is not how it happens. She comes across the border as a young woman, is captured by far right, gun loving, white supremacist republicans and sold into sex slavery to a gross old redneck with leprosy and TB and he beats her, knocks her up and then leaves her in the ditch. Then jolly old republicans, like Dan Patrick, make sure there is only one abortion clinic working in Texas and that it is too far away for her to get access. Getting knocked up and beaten in a rape situation will change the mind of any pro-life Catholic. So Dan, should she have to carry this rape pregnancy to term because you value fetus life?