Thu 10 Apr, 2014 12:13 am
Why would you invade a government?

I don't think you yourself are able.

You'll never perish my love for God and Jesus Christ. All you have to do is believe. Believe in them. They are so beautiful. The feelings. And so much more.
I have the right to speak to you about beliefs because you try to diminish mine. And I would love for you and others to experience the feelings I experience when believing. Believing is love like no other. The more you hand your life over to God and Jesus Christ the more clearly you see them speaking to you. Understanding is a, of many, beautiful feeling.
0 Replies
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 12:25 am
JTT wrote:

Ted Cruz, Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan think Americans are fools.

Perish the thought! Why would anyone think that of a people that have been tricked by their governments into supporting two hundred illegal invasions?

I have to agree, I have been fooled myself, but lest we point a finger while having three pointing back at ourselves? I seem to recall all of Europe oblivious to the workings of the U.N.'s "covert" oil for cash program with Saddam...

It is not too late for the world to try and set a positive, hallowed example of love and tolerance, all religions should have criteria for this.

"The greatest is charity."
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 12:26 am
You're interrupting my conversation rr.
0 Replies
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 06:42 am
The Pink Prevaricator. wrote:

So what? Violence is all they respect. And like the liberals whine like babies when they get a taste of their own medicine.

Weren't you just whining about Obama and his "free speech zones"?
You do cry a lot when you get your own medicine.
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 09:41 am
Weren't you just whining about Obama and his "free speech zones"?

No, thanks to you we know Obama is over reaching again. The law does not pertain to the Nevada desert. And your dishonesty and attempt at manipulation was also on display when you claimed the law was something it wasn't and even threw Bush in there again. You lost that round, Shill.
0 Replies
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 09:48 am
Video: Feds Use Attack Dogs And Tasers Against Protesters Trying To Protect Nevada Cattle Ranch…Update: More Video, More Joining Protest

Obamas police state. Anything to squeeze every dime out of the citizens that are productive for the ones who aren't. The protest is growing. How long before someone is seriously hurt?

As the video above shows, the tension got even greater after the federal agents showed up with backhoes and clashed with protesters questioning the action. Agents tased one man repeatedly, allegedly hit people with slow moving vehicles and at least one woman was thrown or knocked to the ground at around :30.


Here’s more video of the conflict, which shows the woman was thrown to the ground by one of the federal agents,(war on women?) and details more people coming to join the protest:
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 09:59 am
ABC, NBC Continue Blackout Of GOP’s Criminal Referral for Lois Lerner

This is news. Why isn't it covered? What does that tell you about getting out the truth and the free press. They are not free, they are owned and political favors like the large merger between Comcast and Time Warner are the rewards for silence on anything that makes OBozo look bad or like the liar he has proven himself to be.

And people have the balls to say large corporations and the rich own the Republicans. Think again.
0 Replies
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 10:16 am
House Republicans May Arrest Lois Lerner If DOJ Doesn’t

Among those tools is the House’s “inherent contempt” authority under the Constitution, which was initially exercised in 1795 during the First Congress and on multiple occasions thereafter. Lerner could be held until January 2015 when a new Congress is seated, which could issue another subpoena and throw her in the clink again if she still balks at testifying.

Did the president(Constitutional manipulator) forget about this? It seems that what Obama promised about holding those accountable is going to happen. Too bad he is probably one of them.
0 Replies
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 10:18 am
As I recall, cj, the Alfred P . Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

Oh yeah, Mc Veigh did not commit suicide, dork.
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 10:26 am


Houston, TX - April 9, 2014 - Washington is reeling as Rep. Elijah Cummings' (D-MD) true role in the IRS abuse scandal has come to light. Emails released by the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee, of which Cummings is the ranking member, show Cummings and his staff communicating with Lois Lerner while the IRS targeted True the Vote for abuse.

"Today's committee action reveals what we knew all along. Partisan politics and the weaponization of government against opponents of this administration is real and continues," said True the Vote president Catherine Engelbrecht. "Elijah Cummings has blocked the IRS abuse investigation all along. We now see clearly that two branches of government have colluded to target and silence private citizens.

"America has come to a tipping point," Engelbrecht said. "No more lies. No more cover-ups. No more collusion. Enough is enough. Finally, we have a chance for the rule of law to be re-established, thanks to the bold efforts of Chairman Issa and Rep. Jordan."

Engelbrecht added, "We filed an ethics complaint against Rep. Cummings in February. Today we're amending that filing to include this latest revelation. As I have said in my testimony before Congress; I will not retreat, I will not surrender, I will not be intimidated. I will not ask Rep. Cummings, Lois Lerner, Barack Obama, or anyone else, for permission to exercise my constitutional rights."

0 Replies
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 10:44 am
It was still a Tea Party party, cj. Looks like they's fixing to have them another one in Nevada. Have you put together your fightin' gear to head on down there?

Thu 10 Apr, 2014 10:59 am
So far, the Nevada Cattlemen's Association (NCA), which represents some 700 ranchers in the state, is taking a hands-off stance on Bundy's protest.

In a statement, the association noted that Bundy's case had been reviewed by a federal judge, and that a legal decision had been rendered to remove the cattle. The statement said that NCA "does not feel it is in our best interest to interfere in the process of adjudication in this matter, and in addition NCA believes the matter is between Mr. Bundy and the federal courts."

Asked about the Bundy situation, NCA president Ron Torell told ABC News, "This has gotten way out of hand."

Asked if other Nevada cattlemen were as angry with the federal government as Bundy, Torell said, "absolutely not."

It's true, he said, that many NCA members are disgruntled at having to deal with BLM's bureaucracy. But, he noted, 87 percent of Nevada land is public land, so cattlemen cannot survive on private land alone. "It's important for our permitees to work with the land management agencies. We want to be good stewards of the land -- to protect natural resources."

Of the Bundy affair, he said, "These types of situations have a way of painting the entire industry with controversy."
0 Replies
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 11:05 am
It was still a Tea Party party,

Show me one violent demonstration by the Tea Party. They are not a violent group.
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 11:07 am
The Alfred P . Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 11:20 am
The Alfred P . Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

You have yet to offer any proof.
0 Replies
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 11:30 am
Nobody does it like Trey Gowdy who, after listening to Democrats make excuses for Lois Lerner, schooled them all on why Lois Lerner waived her 5th amendment rights.

Watch the video. What is wrong with what he said? Have at it shills.
0 Replies
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 11:58 am
coldjoint wrote:

You don't think all those innocent woman and children, 500 0r so smothered and burned sleeping in a bunker Bagdad while we were "degrading infrastructure" weren't terrorized?

War is Hell, Islam is an ongoing curse. It figures you would defend killers and sexists with every hypocritical bone in your body.

I agree, killing gays is an abomination whether it is in Iran or the U.S..

I have not heard one single soul here defend Iran and their murderous policies towards gays and Christians. Many tea party people actually agree with Iran on their kill the gays policies.

The separation of Church and state is not a Christian ethic... So don't tell me morality comes from the Bible. If you think it does then please site chapter and verse? No instead we have Jesus perpetuating the lie "I am the way, the only way and no man goeth unto the father but by me." Then we have the Epistles stating that there is a "law of liberty".

Is not liberty an inalienable right? Rights are not laws, rights are immutable. Human rights are not voted away depending on which flavor of the days scripture you decide to push on everyone. Racism, and homophobia is still evil even if you try and use god (take your pick) to justify it.

The problem CJ is at the heart of Iran's motivation. It is a religious motivation.

What is worse hanging gays or justifying the abandoning and molesting of children?

Both ruin lives. One is subtle and one is in your face but both are equal forms of terror.

You might says well how did Catholics justify the continued raping of young children?

Well the same way you justify violence.

I knew an old Catholic bishop in my younger days he slept with a 14 year kid every night.

This young boy was given to him as a ward of the state a few years before I met him. How am I to argue with that? I was only 17 myself at the time and did not really understand what was going on.

One day over coffee and some scripture I asked the bishop what justified him sleeping with the boy?

He said that this boy came from an abusive household and the only thing he understood was more abuse. REALLY??!!

Islam is like a child and you are using the same logic to continue abuse and using religion to justify it. Christianity should know better considering the dark ages and Spanish inquisition that has left it irreparably blood stained and impotent of truth.

Using one errant religion to quell another errant religion is like using a blunt instrument to try and finely shape a stone into a perfect form. Both religions in the end will only destroy the stone.

We don't need your violent tea party and their religious "morality".

There is nothing whatsoever moral about the tea party's brand of Christianity.

If we are going to defend ourselves it will be under the guise of rationalism and free thinking not teaparty religion.

Can the tea party reason and think?

Is the earth is 6000 years old? Noah's ark is real?

No, the tea party cannot rationalize or think freely because they are just as obsessed by idiotic religious mumbo jumbo as Islam.

Handling snakes, witch hunts, polygamy, yes even guns for Jesus and the endorsement of violence to further their cause, which has nothing to do with Jesus and everything to do with a bunch of goober illiterate rednecks who have never even read or studied the Bible.

The tea party thinks with their guns just like the Catholic bishop thought with his dick.

There is NO difference between this religious zealots in Iran or in the U.S. Bible belt. They use religion to justify their evil deeds. One is blatantly in your face and one is subtle yet equally as devious.

Self proclaimed puritans who are far from pure...

The only thing they understand is violence?

How about real maternal and paternal love?

Christians use their Bible to justify throwing their LGBT teen children out onto the streets and many of the lives of LGBT teens are ruined by prostitution before they are even mature enough to know what is going on. They might as well string them up and hang them by a rope.

There is no difference.
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 12:26 pm
There is nothing whatsoever moral about the tea party's brand of Christianity.

The Tea Party has nothing to do with Christianity. Where do you get this crap from. That some members are Christian has 0 to do with their political views.

Limited government, less taxes, term limits appear nowhere in the Bible.

And let me straighten you out about religious doctrine. Nowhere in the Christian doctrine is child molesting advocted or considered pious. In the Islamic doctrine emulating the prophet is encouraged(child marriages) and murder of non-believers is sanctioned. 9/11 is considered a pious act by Muslims.

There is quite a difference there.
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 12:46 pm

Elijah Cummings was a tax cheat!

Democrats like Elijah Cummings always want to bring up the past when they want to smear something. So lets go back to the 1990′s and not forget that Elijah Cummings was a tax cheat! No wonder his relationship with the IRS got so cozy since! In the mid-1990s, the IRS filed court papers declaring that Cummings was legally obliged to pay more than $30,000 in unpaid federal taxes. It was not until these court papers were filed by the IRS that Cummings finally decided to pay up. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg for Elijah Cummings. In five instances, creditors went to court to try and force the corrupt Democrat to pay $24,000 in overdue debts. Cummings excuse for not paying his debt was that he was out of money because he had to pay child support or something
Democrats have lost all creditability.!+Exposing+Liberal+bias+cause+the+MSM+doesn%27t+have+to.%29
0 Replies
Thu 10 Apr, 2014 12:52 pm

Dedicated to Madeleine Albright, on Behalf of the Children of Iraq, whose Lives were a “Price Worth It.”

By Felicity Arbuthnot
Global Research, May 13, 2011
13 May 2011
Theme: Crimes against Humanity, US NATO War Agenda

Dedicated to Madeleine Albright, on Behalf of the Children of Iraq, whose Lives were a “Price Worth It.” (“60 Minutes”, 12th May 1996.)

” … war in our time is always indiscriminate, a war against innocents, a war against children.” Howard Zinn. (1922-2010.)

It was Kathy Kelly – relentlessly, lovingly, committed to the people of Iraq, constantly risking the draconian wrath, jail terms, and impossible fines of the US., government for her compassion – who alerted me. The ‘phone rang, it was 12th May 1996, and Kathy was calling from Chicago, stunned. Madeleine Albright, then US., Ambassador the the UN., had just appeared on “Sixty Minutes.”

Lesley Stahl, said Kathy, had said, of the US., driven embargo on Iraq: “We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?” Albright had responded: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.”

Some things really are indelibly seared in to memory. I remember a feeling of disbelief; somehow even the meticulous Kathy must have some way misconstrued. Was there any way she could fax me a transcript I asked, in those, for most, pre-home computer days. Magically, she obtained one within the hour. Reading it, the images of the children I had watched helplessly, their lives ebbing away, for want of embargoed medicines, treatments, frequently the ability to perform vital surgery, flooded my mind.

I thought of the sudden look of hope, in the eyes of parents sitting by the bed of a child, as one walked in to the ward. One was from outside Iraq, perhaps there was some miracle one could work, then the look died. As did so, so, many of the small, frail little souls, their lives snatched away. Now I knew that they were a “price” that was “worth it.” And with it, the realization that total evil really exists.

Iraq imported seventy percent of virtually everything. On Hiroshima Day 1990, with the implementation of the embargo rational life ended. From school books, to childrens’ toys, lipstick to sanitary items, washing up liquid to shampoo, normality died. But it was the health sector, formerly possibly the finest in the Middle East, free to all, which was uniquely devastated. After the 1991 bombing, it was – literally – largely in ruins.

The viciousness with which the UN., Sanctions Committee acted, made a mockery of the fine founding words of their Charter in general and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in particular. From incubators to paediatric syringes, cancer medications to dialysis machines and equipment, from pain killers to scalpels, anti-biotics to asthma inhalers, all were vetoed.

Six months before Albright’s pronouncement, in December 1995, Sara Zaidi and Mary Smith Fawzi of the Center for Economic and Social Rights and the Harvard School of Public Health, wrote to the Lancet, pointing out that by August 1991, just one year in to the embargo: “baseline mortality for the under five population rose from 43.2 to 128.5 per 1,000, reflecting a three fold increase in child mortality.” In their further survey (1995) under the auspices of UN., Food and Agricultural Organization: “the under five mortality rate increased five-fold.” Stunting and wasting had become prevalent in a country where food was formerly cheap and plentiful.

I first went to Iraq after the 1991 bombing, less a year later, and within a couple of hours witnessed the reality behind the statistics. In what had been a flagship teaching hospital, I watched a young nurse, frantically trying to clear the throat of a perfect, new born baby boy, his young parents standing, their faces frozen with terror. A friend, a doctor from Scotland was with me, she looked round and said: “In a situation like this, in near any hospital, you know where the vital items will be, there is nothing here.” We watched helplessly, as the little mite turned, white, grey, near blue, and lost his fledgling fight for life, as the sun streamed through broken, bomb damaged windows. The glass factories had been bombed – and glass too was vetoed. The baby had died for little more than cents worth of basic, plastic suction.

By 1993, mothers too malnourished to breast feed and unable to afford milk powder, fed their babies on sugared water, or sugared black tea. Virtually all became bloated, chronically malnourished and died. Doctors created a new diagnosis. They called them: “the sugar babies.”

For children who survived, experts on children in war zones, warned that this was possibly the most traumatized child population on earth. With the austerity, the ongoing (illegal) bombings by the US., and UK., they had no way to recover from their experiences.

An unforgettable example was a child of about five, in a small grocery store, early one morning. He came in, in the proud mode of children everywhere, entrusted with an important errand. He bought one egg. At the time, a tray of eggs cost a university Professor’s monthly salary. To go to a meal and find minute pieces of egg in it, was to be honoured indeed. The child carried it carefully to the door – and dropped it. He fell to his knees, trying to scrape it up up in his hands, tears streaming down his face. I reached in to my pocket, the shop keeper tapped him on the shoulder and gave him another one.

Two more children that were “worth” the “price”, were suffering from acute myeloid leukaemia, bleeding internally, covered in bruises from their leaking capillaries and in intractable pain. There was no pain relief. The younger one, aged three, was lying rigid, his eyes full of unshed tears. He had taught himself not to cry, since it wracked his agonized little body further. I turned away, unable to take a picture, or take notes, just wanting to comfort him; but to touch would have brought further agony.

Near the door, I bent to stroke the head of the older child, just five. In a gesture which must have cost him the unimaginable, he responded as children everywhere, to affection, and squeezed my hand tightly. I wrote at the time: “I walked from the ward, leant against the wall, and knew that it was actually possible to died of shame.”

Ms Albright would have been no doubt, pleased at the progress of her project in Basra. On one visit to the paediatric and maternity hospital, dear friend, Dr Jenan Hussein came running out to hug me. Then a moment’s silence, and I had a near premonition. She said: “Felicity, you know those children you wrote about in June?” (It was November) “I am sorry, they have all died.” They were seventeen babies in the premature baby unit, without even oxygen. (Vetoed.)

That was the visit when I nearly lost the plot. I walked in to one ward and a group of distraught women, aunts, grandmothers, were standing by a cot, of another perfect new born, who had just died. The mother had rushed from the unit beside herself in grief. I asked if I could hold the tiny still warm being. “Please, of course.” I put him over my shoulder, stroked his head, back, certain I could bring him back to life, he was warm, fluid, total. How long I stroked his small form, willing him back, I do not know. Finally, defeated, I laid him down, wrapped him and we wept together.

Further down the corridor was another new born. He was in an incubator, wrapped in blankets, since the incubator did not work (replacements vetoed) in the looking glass world Iraq had become. He needed an exchange transfusion, premature and yellow with jaundice as he was. I thought I had the blood type needed and offered mine if they checked to be sure, since wrong blood is as lethal as no blood. There were no facilities to check. Vetoed. My premature son had been saved by and exchange transfusion. I looked in to the mother’s eyes and resonated with her agony. We, the doctors, the baby, were all as helpless as each other.

As cancers soared (children in the mid 90′s were sometimes born with cancer – an unheard of phenomenon) cancer treatments were vetoed. The cancer has been linked to the weapons used, especially depleted uranium.

The UK Atomic Energy Authority in a “self initiated” Report, estimated that if fifty tonnes of the residual dust remained after the 1991 hostilities, there would be half a million excess cancer deaths by 2000. In fact the highest estimates of that left is 700 tonnes. In 1998 a John Hopkins University study estimated that if cancers continued on the current curve, 44% of the population would develop it by 2000.

The 2003 blitzkrieg may have left 2,000- 3,000 further tonnes of DU. For years many years couples have feared having children, given the equal epidemic of birth defects, as would be expected if nuclear waste is dropped on populations.

I have written much of Jassim, the child poet, who, hearing I was a writer, glowed with delight, and took a note book from under his pillow in the cancer ward he was lying in. Could he read me his poem? Of course:

“The name is love

The class is mindless

The school is suffering

The government is sadness

The city is sighing

The street is misery

The home number is one thousand sighs. ”

“Jassim”, I said, finally finding my voice, if you can write this at thirteen, think what you will do at twenty. I asked if I could use his poem and credit him. He was thrilled. He never saw it in print, in many places and languages. He died before an aid agency could get the medications he needed to him, circumventing the embargo.

Just before the invasion, I asked the father of another terminally ill child, Mohammed, (10) what he would like to ask of George W. Bush and Tony Blair. He responded: “Please ask them, do they want all out children as child sacrifices?”

“Liberating” Iraq has resulted in an estimated five million orphans, one million widows, nearly five million displaced, internally and externally and an infrastructure, social distortion, medical tragedy which makes the embargo years seem mild. Between the embargo and the invasion – 1990 – 2011, higher estimates are three million dead, the unborn, new born and under fives, still paying the highest price. A “price worth it.”

Happy Anniversary, Madam Albright.

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