Sat 29 Mar, 2014 02:44 pm
coldjoint wrote:

That would be your only option if you are against Executive Order 13547.

Keeping the ocean clean can be done without ceding sovereignty.

It can also be done without selling out our constitutional government (and regulations) to the rich...
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 02:46 pm
It can also be done without selling out our constitutional government to the rich...

Our government is not constitutional, Obama is president and he completely ignores it.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 02:46 pm
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 02:48 pm
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 02:49 pm
And beats his wife.

Lolita Grayson's petition for the injunction, dated Monday, says her husband pushed her against a door, causing her to fall to the ground, during a confrontation Saturday at their home on Oak Park Road near Windermere.

What a guy!!!!<br />
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 02:50 pm
The Pink Prevaticator wrote:

Keeping the ocean clean can be done without ceding sovereignty.

Executive Order 13547 does no such thing. The EC is here:

No where does it cede authority to any other nation or body. The word "cede" and "United Nations" are never mentioned. In fact it states its goal is "To achieve an America whose stewardship ensures that the ocean, our coasts, and the Great Lakes are healthy and resilient, safe and productive,"

The only mention in the EO is the accension of Law of the Sea Convention. That is nothing new. It is a continuation of policy approved by previous administrations.

On May 15, 2007, United States President George W. Bush announced that he had urged the Senate to approve the UNCLOS.[3]
Unless you want to argue that GW Bush was ceding sovereignty your argument is clearly a lie.
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 02:56 pm
"To achieve an America whose stewardship ensures that the ocean, our coasts, and the Great Lakes are healthy and resilient, safe and productive,"

Does that mean we are going to pay and other nations will let us? good call Obama.
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 03:01 pm
coldjoint wrote:

"To achieve an America whose stewardship ensures that the ocean, our coasts, and the Great Lakes are healthy and resilient, safe and productive,"

Does that mean we are going to pay and other nations will let us? good call Obama.
We in the U.S. are the main polluters of the ocean. Do you think we should pay to clean them up?

Do you think other countries will object to us cleaning up our own mess?
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 03:03 pm
Cj: Does that mean we are going to pay and other nations will let us? good call Obama.


This is what happens when you are saddled with a brain that only has the capacity to accept one sentence memes.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 03:03 pm
7 Things Libe
rals REALLY MEAN When They Cry “Racism”

1) You disagree with me: "The Republican Party is racist." "Sarah Palin is racist." There's a famous Tea Party sign that reads, "It doesn't matter what this sign says. You'll call it racism anyway!" Why are these people and groups racist? They JUST ARE. "Everybody" knows it. In other words, liberals believe they can't be racist by virtue of being liberal; so people or groups that oppose them must be "racist" by default. It's about as intellectual as a five year old calling someone a "poopy head," but it's how they think.

2) I need more attention and/or money: There are an awful lot of people in the Democrat Party who make a living calling people "racist." Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Melissa Harris-Perry, Toure, Joy Reid, Eric Dyson, the NAACP, Tavis Smiley, Cornell West and Ben Jealous rely on finding new and intriguing ways to accuse people of bigotry to fill their pockets and get in front of cameras. If they couldn't find enough things to call "racist," they'd be nobodies and worse yet, some of them might have to get real jobs instead of pretending to be offended for a living.

3) Let’s take a choice away from black Americans: No group in Congress does less to make the lives of its constituents better than the Congressional Black Caucus. Furthermore, no ethnic group in America has been more loyal to a political party with less to show for it than black Americans. So how can it be that the Democrat Party has been an absolute disaster for black Americans, yet it can count on 90% of the black vote every election? Simple; liberals have falsely convinced black Americans that Republicans hate them. That means no matter how bad it gets, Republicans can't even be considered as an option. This is how Democrats have managed to utterly destroy cities like Detroit without the populace even considering the Republican Party as an option.

4) You are disagreeing with a minority: The last thing any liberal wants is to argue an issue on its merits. Is it logical? Does it work? Is the benefit worth the cost? These things have NOTHING to do with why liberals support a position. So, one of the many ways they try to get people off track is to accuse any white person arguing with a minority of being racist. This is a neat trick, given that roughly 70% of Hispanic Americans and 90% of black Americans vote Democrat. Maybe Republicans should adopt this one and start accusing liberals who disagree with Allen West, Ben Carson and Ted Cruz of being racists.

5) Your attack is damaging us: When Republicans hit Democrats with any kind of damaging attack, it is inevitably called "racist." For example, this is how former MSNBC host Martin Bashir could say something as crazy as, "Republicans are using [the IRS scandal] as their latest weapon in the war against the black man in the White House. ‘IRS’ is the new ‘N****r.’” It's an attempt to shut Republicans up.

6) You won't do what I want!: When you reward and encourage people who claim to be offended by trivia instead of laughing at them for being such pansies, it only encourages them to lash out more at people who hurt their precious feelings. Liberals who get their feelings hurt tend to respond by classifying the people who've egregiously offended them – by say, wearing a Redskins jersey, supporting lower taxes, or not voting for Obama -- as horrible human beings. Maybe they're part of the "patriarchy," "sexists," "homophobes" or "racists." In all fairness, if Hillary Clinton were running for President, liberals would be screaming about sexism all the time. However, since Obama is ruining the country at the moment, calling someone a "racist" is their preferred way of whining that people won't do what they want.

7) Stop trying to do outreach to black Americans: Democrats believe they own black Americans. That’s why they hate black Americans who don't buy into that or white Republicans who want to do outreach. So, if a black Republican challenges the idea that black Americans are all helpless victims of racism who need crumbs from Democrats to survive, he'll be racially insulted. If a white Republican like Paul Ryan starts doing some outreach that could conceivably appeal to black Americans, he will immediately be attacked as a racist. The Democrats are absolutely committed to keeping black Americans under their thumbs and anyone who challenges that will be treated as a threat.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 03:05 pm
The Pink Prevaricator wrote:

Does that mean we are going to pay and other nations will let us? good call Obama.

The only think it appears to mean is you are a stupid idiot that can't read and will make up anything you can to try to make Obama look bad.

Good call TPP. You have just shown yourself to be a stupid troll that can't reason or think for himself.
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 03:07 pm
try to make Obama look bad.

He does a bang up job of that himself.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 03:08 pm
You have just shown yourself to be a stupid troll that can't reason or think for himself.

Look who is talking, a party line, progressive shill. Oh the IRONY!
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 03:10 pm
Rex: In becoming a Democrat it has hurt me in the realizing that my government has not always been what I thought it was.

You can't be blamed considering just how effective the USA system of propaganda has been, Rex.

But it is unconscionable once one knows and still, in knee jerk fashion, defends the USA for its crimes. You can't imagine how many is the number of your fellow citizens who have done that.
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 03:14 pm
Scott Walker’s Jobs Failure Even Worse Than Previously Estimated
0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 03:16 pm
More Common Core bullshit.
AP American History Goes Socialist, Founding Fathers Depicted As Rich Elites

We have a new set of AP American history standards and it’s only the first out of 33 AP course standards to be written. We can give thanks to the Architect of Common Core and College Board president, David Coleman. He has taken the five page outline currently given to teachers and has turned it into a 98 page Framework.

The new standards interpret American History for us.

Jane Robbins describes a few problems:

“The new Framework inculcates a consistently negative view of American culture. For example, the units on colonial America stress the development of a “rigid racial hierarchy” and a “strong belief in British racial and cultural superiority.” The Framework ignores the United States’ founding principles and their influence in inspiring the spread of democracy and galvanizing the movement to abolish slavery. The Framework continues this theme by reinterpreting Manifest Destiny—rather than a belief that America has a mission to spread democracy and new technologies across the continent, the Framework teaches that it “was built on a belief in white racial superiority and a sense of American cultural superiority.”

She goes on to note:

“A particularly troubling failure of the Framework is its dismissal of the Declaration of Independence and the principles so eloquently expressed there. The Framework’s entire discussion of this seminal document consists of just one phrase in one sentence: “The colonists’ belief in the superiority of republican self-government based on the natural rights of the people found its clearest American expression in Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and in the Declaration of Independence.” The Framework thus ignores the philosophical underpinnings of the Declaration and the willingness of the signers to pledge “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor” to the cause of freedom.”

It has been said that whoever wins gets to write the history and that is true of David Coleman in his war against traditional America and the constitution. He has won Common Core and the victory over the curriculum and he will decide history for every school child in the United States.

Some of the Founding Fathers have been left out of Coleman’s version of American history.

He has omitted Ben Franklin from his standards. Ben Franklin of course helped us fight and win the American Revolution. He developed unity and democracy in the colonies and, as an official agent in London for Pennsylvania, he advised the British that taxation without representation was a principle upon which America stood resolute.

Franklin was the official diplomat and ambassador to France for the thirteen colonies and without him we would not have gotten the aid and support we needed from the French to win the war.

James Madison is also noticeably absent from the standards. Madison, of course, wrote the Constitution. He was the champion and the author of the Bill of Rights.

Robbins notes that George Washington, our president, the man who led us to freedom, is reduced to a small snippet from his farewell address.

Also barely mentioned is John Adams who is reduced to being a rich white man.

Did you know that rich white elites fought the Revolution? The new generation will learn that. In discussing the leaders of the revolution, they said this:

“Those individuals who were wealthy, powerful, and influential before the event continued to possess wealth, power, and influence later. George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson could serve as examples. This approach would argue that the Revolution was basically a revolt by colonial elites against the elites in England.”

This is a typical leftist argument – the Founding Fathers were not motivated by the cause of freedom, but by elitist, racist motives and the Revolution wasn’t about freedom, it was rich white elites fighting other rich white elites.

African-American professor Walter Williams wisely explained the use of this tactic in these words:

“Politicians, news media, college professors and leftists of other stripes are selling us lies and propaganda. To lay the groundwork for their increasingly successful attack on our Constitution, they must demean and criticize its authors. As Senator Joe Biden demonstrated during the Clarence Thomas hearings, the framers’ ideas about natural law must be trivialized or they must be seen as racists.”

Slavery was not an invention of the Founding Fathers. It was in place for 200 years before they came to be. Many of the Founding Fathers released their slaves and wanted to fight Britain to rid the country of slavery. Most, though not all, of the Founding Fathers were opposed to slavery.

Then there is this – the constitution was created to maintain the elites’ power:

“Another analysis supporting the assertion made in the exam question might draw upon the work of historian Charles Beard, who famously argued that the creation of the Constitution in the late 1780s was a counterrevolution. Beard contended that the Constitution was created to maintain commercial and landowning elites’ power, influence, and standing in the face of events such as Shays’s Rebellion and other attempts at revolutionary change.”

I looked for Betsy Ross, John Browne, Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Jesse Owens and couldn’t find them. They’re not listed though the standards cover 1491 to the present. Thomas Jefferson is barely mentioned.

In contrast, slavery is mentioned 69 times.

How about this for a negative view of state constitutions:

“Many new state constitutions and the national Articles of Confederation, reflecting republican fears of both centralized power and excessive popular influence, placed power in the hands of the legislative branch and maintained property qualifications for voting and citizenship.”

Constitutions are out of fear? Property qualifications for voting and citizenship?

Coleman is a man who does not seem to value traditional America or the principles the country was founded on so much as he values her failings.

Though imperfect, the United States is a symbol of freedom throughout the world.

An explanation of who David Coleman is would be appropriate.

David Coleman is the father of Common Core.

The president of the College Board, leftist David Coleman of Greenwich Village, is currently aligning the SAT’s with the Common Core being developed in the United States. He is described by the press as as “the architect” of the Common Core State Standards Initiative.

He believes there is “a massive social injustice in this country” and that education is “the engine of social justice.”

In 2007, he co-founded Student Achievement Partners, a nonprofit that assembles educators and researchers to design actions based on evidence to improve student outcomes. Student Achievement promoted the adoption of the Common Core Standards. He also started The Grow Network which puts together study guides for parents, teachers, and students.

McGraw-Hill, the textbook company that stands to make a fortune from Common Core, acquired The Grow Network. Coleman worked for McGraw-Hill before starting up these companies. The entire arrangement should prove quite lucrative.

Coleman’s mother is Liz Coleman, President of the leftist Bennington College in Vermont. She founded a social justice initiative, the Center for the Advancement of Public Action, her ‘secular church’, purposed ‘to make the world’s pressing problems the focus of their education.’

She condemns the soviet union and the propaganda they furthered while calling for the state to indoctrinate children. She says Mr. Obama and his team cannot do it alone and sees the answer in education.
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 03:18 pm
JTT wrote:

Rex: In becoming a Democrat it has hurt me in the realizing that my government has not always been what I thought it was.

You can't be blamed considering just how effective the USA system of propaganda has been, Rex.

But it is unconscionable once one knows and still, in knee jerk fashion, defends the USA for its crimes. You can't imagine how many is the number of your fellow citizens who have done that.

I agree... and,
The heart of the problem is not "constitutional" government but the lack of it.

Until the U.N. swears to our U.S. constitution... I am not interested in ceding any power to that body either. I recall Saddam Hussein buying the U.N. ambassadors off not very long ago.

Sat 29 Mar, 2014 03:22 pm
The heart of the problem is not government but the lack of it.

You would cry like a banshee if the Constitution was enforced. People would have to succeed on their merits, not the color of their skin or their irresponsibility and sense of entitlement.
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 03:28 pm
Why Does Obama Need A 900 Person Entourage?

I get the need for presidential security, but isn’t an entourage of 900 just a bit excessive? The media doesn’t seem to have much of a problem with it, but they should considering how he’s constantly decrying inequality.

The Spartans needed only 300 men to hold off tens of thousands of Persians and their allies at Thermopylae. To chitchat with his fellow democratic leaders of the G-7 this week in Europe, Barack Obama required 900, including a small air force and private army. Given how very little is accomplished at any of these diplomatic gatherings (and in particular this one, which came up with a most mealy-mouthed denunciation of Russia’s invasion of Crimea), the fact that our still-global celebrity president feels the need for an entourage befitting an Ottoman Sultan is a perfect example of government decadence in post-modern, post-republican America.

Read the whole thing. While Obama lives like a king the country supporting him is falling apart.

0 Replies
Sat 29 Mar, 2014 03:42 pm
Thank you, cj.

Though imperfect, the United States is a symbol of freedom throughout the world.

That has been the big lie from the very beginning, cj, and you know it.

"When searching for the documentary record of the “good old days” back when the U.S. Government provided a shining example of honest government to the world, one quickly comes to the realization that those halcyon days never actually existed. In fact, the record of the English and Dutch occupations of North America, which led to the establishment of English colonies and later to the American Revolution are a record of unparallelled brutality and thievery: first of the lands of the aboriginal peoples of the North American continent, and almost immediately, the twin, world-historic crimes of the genocide of the Native American population and the African Slave Trade show that from its very inception, the U.S. Government has been a plague on world civilization and has been responsible for horrendous atrocities throughout its short and hopefully not much longer-lived history."


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