Sun 9 Feb, 2014 12:09 pm
You continually get caught out on your ignorance, dismal fact checking and all round stupidity but you keep coming back for more. You must be American.


"Americans are too broadly underinformed to digest nuggets of information that seem to contradict what they know of the world. Instead, news channels prefer to feed Americans a constant stream of simplified information, all of which fits what they already know. That way they don't have to devote more air time or newsprint space to explanations or further investigations... Politicians and the media have conspired to infantilize, to dumb down, the American public. At heart, politicians don't believe that Americans can handle complex truths, and the news media, especially television news, basically agrees."
--Tom Fenton
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 12:13 pm
-Tom Fenton

Zinns college roommate? Laughing Laughing Laughing
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 12:19 pm
See what I mean. You haven't got the mental wherewithal to discuss boo. You are American, ejookated right up to grade 4.
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 12:27 pm
See what I mean. You haven't got the mental wherewithal to discuss boo.

You do not post anything worth discussing.
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 12:36 pm
I post things that so scare the **** out of you and so many of your compatriots, all of you raised on propagandist pablum, that all you can do is blubber out those inanities that y'all are so famous for. (see any of your previous responses)
0 Replies
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 01:03 pm
The Pink Prevaricator wrote:

If you cared about the future and debt, we wouldn't be having this conversation. The system has been targeted for destruction by this administration. And they are well on their way to accomplishing that.

And the fact remains California is still in serious trouble, as is New York.

If that is the case then why is a Texas, a GOP run state, adding debt at a rate 4 times faster than NY or California? Are you saying Obama is the cause of the Texas debt? NY and California have their debt problem in hand compared to Texas.
cicerone imposter
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 02:11 pm
You're right, and cj is wrong - as always.
By Mike TeSelle
Poll: Most Californians back Brown's plan to reduce debt over spending

UPDATED 12:36 PM PDT May 30, 2013

SACRAMENTO, Calif. —As Lowell Dunlap sipped on his morning coffee inside Sacramento's 16th Street Donuts, he said Gov. Jerry Brown's budget plan should be doing more to help social service programs.

However, according to a new poll from the Public Policy Institute of California, Dunlap is in the minority.

The poll released Wednesday found 55 percent of those surveyed favor Brown's plan to pay down the state's debts and to build a reserve over restoring cuts to social services.
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 02:37 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Most Californians back Brown's plan to reduce debt over spending

I don't know if I would be proud of helping an inept government, you knock yourself out. I am shocked, shocked more people don't want to give their money away.
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 03:48 pm
Cj: I don't know if I would be proud of helping an inept government, you knock yourself out. I am shocked, shocked more people don't want to give their money away.

What are you talking about? You have helped inept, criminal terrorist governments your whole sorry life, cj. You gladly give your money so they can use it to kill children, rape, torture, murder, steal, spread WMDs far and wide.

0 Replies
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 05:00 pm
@cicerone imposter,
California may have a high debt compared to other states, but we also have the 8th largest economy in the world that has been helping our state with healthy tax revenues.

Then why is the state so far in debt?
With "healthy tax revenues" shouldnt the state be in better financial shape than it is in?
cicerone imposter
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 05:13 pm
Debts that are created during the Great Recession takes time to recover from.
How dumb are you?
0 Replies
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 06:48 pm
California isn't that far in debt compared to other states. There are several states that have a higher per person debt than California.The debt per person is close to the debt per person in Texas. The difference is the debt is rising faster in Texas. At the rate Texas is adding debt, it will have a higher debt per GDP and higher debt per person in the next year or two than California does.
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 09:44 pm
next year or two than California does.

Didn't I hear about a story from 2009? And now you tell me about the future?

Try again.
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 09:48 pm
What are you talking about? You have helped inept, criminal terrorist governments your whole sorry life, cj. You gladly give your money so they can use it to kill children, rape, torture, murder, steal, spread WMDs far and wide.
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 09:55 pm
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 10:01 pm
You really have a terrible aversion (look it up) to the truth, cj.
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 10:18 pm
You really have a terrible aversion

to JTT
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 10:29 pm
There's those cold joint synapses misfiring yet again.
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 10:36 pm

off the top of your head can you tells us the function of a dendrite?
Sun 9 Feb, 2014 10:57 pm
Your misfiring synapses have a lot to do with your incredibly short attention span.

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