Once again you are wrong Cold... The government is in the "business" of regulating business so it functions of the people, for the people and by the people and not just a few people but that business serves ALL people (and the earth)... EPA
You are so brainwashed by stingy corporate greed and tea party propaganda politics which are funded by the very rich that government is designed to curb.
United States antitrust law is a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers.
So you don't think the government should be regulating business so it is fair to consumers? So who is supposed to regulate these unfair business practice? Like sweat shops, forcing 8 year olds and pregnant women to work 10 hours a day in unsanitary and unsafe conditions?
Once again, like the tea party, you object to the government regulating business yet you give no alternative? This is because you are a puppet to the rich and you offer no viable solutions on how business will be regulated otherwise.
This approach of yours is anti American, anti worker, it is even against the precepts of capitalism which encapsulates the American dream within its boundaries.
You object to the government regulating the rich? Well the alternative is a totalitarian oligarchy. IS THIS WHAT YOU REALLY WANT?