Sun 15 Dec, 2013 11:03 pm

Ego Crusher: Obama Voted No. 111 Among Most Famous People in History
Posted by Jammie on Dec 15, 2013 at 8:55 am

By the time his term in office is mercifully he’ll be a lot lower since most people won’t want anything to do with him.

Jesus is the most important person history, according to a new internet search programme that ranks Napoleon second and Mohammed third.

The software, developed in the US, scours the internet for opinions expressed about famous people and uses a special algorithm to to predict how important they will remain 200 years after their death.

And it has thrown up some unusual and potentially embarrassing results with Prime Minister David Cameron all the way down in 1,483rd place.

The first Briton on the list is William Shakespeare in fourth place closely followed by Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Adolf Hitler and Alexander the Great.

Kings and Queens of England rank highly with Henry VIII in 11th place, Elizabeth I in 13th, Queen Victoria in 16th and Charles I in 39th.

Surprisingly Nelson Mandela ranks only 356th well below President Barack Obama at 111th and former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at 271st.

Clearly fame has little in common with competence or value to the world.

Now this news is sure to make the left go absolutely bonkers:

Winston Churchill in 37th place is well beaten by Theodore Roosevelt in 23rd place and even by George W Bush who is one place ahead in 36th.

Bush is 75 spots ahead of President Ego. That’s gonna leave a mark.[/quote]

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
cicerone imposter
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 11:48 pm
I'd like to see who did the poll and the results.

My poll:
1. Mandela
2. Gandhi
3. Lincoln
4. Washington
5. Mother Teresa
6. Bill Gates
7. Martin Luther King
8. Chiyune Sugihara
9. My wife
10. My siblings
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 12:27 am
coldjoint wrote:

former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at 271st.

Smart poll... Drunk

Also Hitler finished 7th, so the poll isn't necessarily the kind you want to do well in.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 12:39 am
From the article.
By the time his term in office is mercifully he’ll be a lot lower since most people won’t want anything to do with him.

This guy knows the future so well, he can predict how Obama will rate after he serves his two terms in office. He's a ******* fraud! FACT: Nobody knows how he'll rate. It's up to historians to rate them, not some nut who thinks he knows the future.
0 Replies
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 02:44 am
0 Replies
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 05:32 am
0 Replies
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 05:38 am
My poll:
1. Lincoln
2. Gandhi
3. Martin Luther King
4. Mandela
6. Mother Teresa
7. Chiune Sugihara
8. Obama
9.Bill Gates
0 Replies
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 11:01 am
@cicerone imposter,
I'd like to see who did the poll and the results.

Why don't you find out then? It doesn't change the fact that Obama is merely a bad president and his mistakes will be his legacy along with the damage he has done to this country.
0 Replies
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 02:29 pm

Obama rodeo clown leading in votes for person of the year
6 hours ago

SEDALIA, Mo. (KMOX) – Inspired by Time Magazine’s well-known list, Sedalia, Missouri now has its own Person of the Year Award and the 2013 competition isn’t even close.

There are seven nominees but the man who brought national attention to the Missouri State Fair this summer is running away with more than half of the votes.

Tuffy Gessling, better known as Tuffy the Clown, is a rodeo clown who wore a mask of President Obama at the fair, asking those in the crowd if they wanted to see the president gored by a bull.

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 02:32 pm
0 Replies
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 08:45 pm
A few stories on how Obamacare is affecting states. Worst law ever. Worst president ever.

Part of 83 in the series Obamacare

Obamacare compliance means less money for TN service agencies
The mystery of Obamacare spending in Arkansas
Obamacare raises questions for MD small business owners
Kansas official on Obamacare: ‘Let someone else be the guinea pig’
Obamacare insurance marketplace has plenty of kinks on first day
OR’s Obamacare insurance marketplace hits technological snag
Fail: Day 1 of the New Mexico Obamacare rollout
Senator asks: Do you want this dysfunctional government taking over health care?
Jobs, coverage at risk with Obamacare, MN union health official says
Oregon’s Obamacare ads resemble middle school art
VIDEO: Obamacare vs Affordable Care Act: Comedy triumphs in court of confusion
Patience is key to navigating Illinois’ Obamacare marketplace
Hawaii residents, lawmakers frustrated with health connector glitches
Healthy young, key to Obamacare, aren’t buying it
NM’s health exchange tries to lure ‘young invincibles’
Obama drama: Senator blames governor for big rate hikes
Progressive group navigates Oregon students through Obamacare
Maddening: Trying to log onto federal health care site
You know that one guy who successfully signed up for Obamacare? He didn’t
What’s wrong? It’s been a week, and Obamacare website still not working
HHS Secretary Sebelius back in FL after embarrassing Obamacare rollout
Health centers enroll Floridians in Obamacare as application problems persist
VIDEO: Stewart skewers Sebelius on Obamacare
Obamacare effect? 9 companies exit Nebraska’s health insurance market
Obamacare: Children of undocumented parents face an uncertain future
Which way do we go? Obamacare navigator registration in TN in question
NM health exchange tries to ease problems with Obamacare website
CPA says hype over Obamacare small business tax credit is misleading
Obamacare navigator under fire for arrest warrant
Reports of Obamacare fraud emerge in Tennessee
After two weeks, FL online Obamacare enrollees are hard to find
Illinois state governor touts 100K Obamacare enrollees, all in Medicaid
Kansas lawmaker calls for crackdown on Obamacare navigators
WI health care exchange seeing few getting through
Hawaii’s Obamacare exchange relaunches with more glitches
We’ll know next month how many people in NM signed up for Obamacare — maybe
Zero: Number of Nebraskans Obamacare navigators have signed up
It took this Delaware woman 11 days to sign up for Obamacare – and she was the first
How many people have signed up for health insurance in VA? Who knows?
What else? NM federal health exchange ads stalled due to website problems
Blue Cross hires temp workers to deal with Obamacare glitches
If Obamacare is the next Medicare, will physicians leave en masse?
Three problems that won’t be solved by fixing the Obamacare exchange glitches
Plenty of Oregonians interested in Obamacare, but none can enroll online
Criticize this: Obamacare premiums a near match to WI disclosures
Report: Missourians will see sharp rise in premiums under Obamacare
Kansas navigators say they’ve enrolled no one in Obamacare
Obamacare too costly for rich Coloradans, Democrat congressman says
Study: Kansas premiums to spike following Obamacare rollout
Hang on to your candy: Creepy Uncle Sam is back
Obamacare or bust: NM Watchdog turned back again
Medical journals, experts refute claim that Medicaid cuts ER use
Arkansas spends $4M on Obamacare ads, wants more
LOL: In July video, HHS bragged about being ‘on schedule’ with Obamacare
Illinois uses Day of the Dead to market Obamacare
Sebelius denies GOP’s Terry ‘unreliable’ Obamacare info
About 290,000 Washington residents lose health insurance plans
Broken promise: Obamacare cancels almost 20,000 Kansas health care plans
Top hospitals opt out of Obamacare
Obamacare moves to intensive care
Obamacare provision could lead to more Medicaid fraud
Obamacare: Religious groups want to ‘move mountains’
Obamacare hitting Wisconsin residents with double whammy
Kansas AG: Obamacare threatens consumer privacy
1,500 in New Mexico have to move out of the high-risk insurance pool
Cover Oregon website fiasco creates jobs, but costs millions
For Florida’s Obamacare small business exchange, it’s crunch time
Only 877 Wisconsinites have signed up for Obamacare, federal report says
Just 172 in NM have completed Obamacare applications: ‘Woefully inadequate,’ says NMIX board member
With only 346 Oklahomans signed up, leaders decry ‘Obamacare debacle’
Defying Obamacare: ‘Send them the bill,’ NM insurance official says
Kansas Obamacare enrollment dwarfed by nearly 20,000 cancellations
Numbers don’t lie: In Illinois, Obamacare means Medicaid
Wisconsin governor proposes insurance plan to address Obamacare rollout failure
Tennesseans might know Tuesday if they can keep canceled health insurance
People demand answers over Oregon’s Obamacare fail
Calif. says ‘no’ to Obamacare freebies, makes own law
HI health exchange violates federal law, League of Women Voters say
Obamacare video winner: ‘Forget about the price tag’
Harvard study finds ‘striking’ rejection of Obamacare by young Americans
HI health exchange has signed up 574 people, for about $348,000 apiece
Are the uninsured getting Obamacare coverage in Illinois?
Secret Obamacare handbook the feds don’t want you to see is online

Please, feel free to "steal our stuff"! Just remember to credit Find out more

cicerone imposter
Mon 16 Dec, 2013 08:46 pm
The Exchange
While You're Working, Congress Isn't
By Rick Newman
7 hours ago
A hallway outside the Senate chamber is empty during the tenth hour of a floor speech by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2013 in Washington. Cruz began a lengthy speech urging his colleagues to oppose moving ahead on a bill he supports. The measure would prevent a government shutdown and defund Obamacare. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci).

A hallway outside the Senate chamber is empty during the tenth hour of a floor speech by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2013 in Washington. Cruz began a lengthy speech urging his colleagues to oppose moving ahead on a bill he supports. The measure would prevent a government shutdown and defund Obamacare. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)

America has a new Public Enemy No. 1. And chances are, you voted for it.

CEOs are the usual target of ire over the diverging fortunes of the rich and the rest. But 2013 is turning into the year when members of Congress made greedy CEOs look good. Congress had its least productive year in decades in 2013, and may have done more harm than good through a government shutdown and other gridlock-fueled antics that hurt the economy. The partisan hostility in Washington has pushed Congress’s already low approval rating to the sorriest level on record.

Base pay for members of Congress is $174,000 per year, with the Speaker of the House (currently John Boehner) earning $223,500 and leadership members of both parties earning $193,400. Generous retirement benefits and other perks may be worth up to $110,000 per year more. There’s nothing new about those numbers, and pay rates, in fact, have been frozen since 2009.

A dwindling usefulness

What is new is the dwindling amount of useful activity that takes place in Congress. The legislature passed just 57 bills in 2013, compared with an average of 282 passed bills per year from 1973 through 2012. So the 2013 tally was 80% below the historical average.

I betcha most of these bums getting voted back in next year.
0 Replies
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 02:41 am
You can bet republicans are behind most of President Obama's failures...

Including them sending a wave of republican hacker initiated denial of service attacks on the website on day 1...

If you don't know what a denial of service attack is, that is when republicans used robots to access the site repetitively so someone who is dying of cancer and vitally needs this insurance service can't get in...

Your "list" of supposed Obama failures is only in reality a paper trail of republican meddling into the vital affairs of the American people...
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 10:45 am
You can bet republicans are behind most of President Obama's failures...

That is bullshit. Obamas biggest failure is Healthcare which he got passed with both houses with a Democratic majority.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 05:28 pm
I love it when whites/conservatives vote against benefits that helps more whites than blacks. After all, more whites vote them into office than does 'everybody else.'

Percent of Unemployed Workers Receiving UI
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 05:48 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You need to post a source Tojo.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 05:49 pm
@cicerone imposter,
December 13, 2013
Renewal of Federal Unemployment Benefits Blocked in the House
Attempts by Democrats to allow a vote on a reauthorization of federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) were blocked this week. In the House, a proposed amendment to a bipartisan budget bill, which would have extended the EUC program and prevented it from expiring at the end of the year, was rejected by Republican leaders, who would not let it come up for a vote. Late yesterday, the House passed a two-year budget agreement, but failed to address the looming shutdown of federal unemployment insurance for 1.3 million long-term unemployed job-seekers -- and for millions more who would exhaust regular state benefits next year with no access to federal aid, without Congressional action to renew the EUC program. House majority leaders said they would begin a three week holiday recess today even as frustrated supporters of an EUC reauthorization vowed to fight on both during and after the recess.
0 Replies
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 09:08 pm
MSNBC 12/16/13
Melber: GOP losing ACA spin war
cicerone imposter
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 09:24 pm
What I liked about the message was that it's not "ObamaCare." It's not government run health care; it's only regulations about health care. 1. Noody can be turned down. 2. There are three ways to buy insurance (it's not a single-payer program). 3. It's controlling cost. and 4. It's expanding coverage.
0 Replies
Tue 17 Dec, 2013 09:46 pm
In order for to do any sort of business with Cover Oregon, they must sign a far-reaching non-disparagement agreement that forbids the signee from saying anything remotely negative or disparaging about the Obamacare exchange. If state officials decide that someone has spoken unfavorably about the Obamacare exchange, that business or organization can have their grant money revoked.


Free Speech is Dead: Oregon Bans Criticism of Obamacare Exchange


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