I think that feminism is fundamentally mistaken.
It's an ideology and like all ideologies it results from increasing social pressures. Traditionally Americans have been far freer from social pressure than Europeans. de Tocqueville wrote an essay entitled "Why the Americans Have Never Been so Eager as the French for General Ideas in Political Affairs"
A low density of population in an unexploited land with Industrial Revolutions to draw from is going to be relatively free from social pressures and a man gets to do what a man's got to do with only the most basic restrictions and even those difficult to enforce.
It is another mistake to imagine that such freedom from ideology was a communal wisdom demonstrating moderation and maturity. However flattering such a thought is the actual cause is sociological, and any population in similar circumstance would have come to the same position. It is not an indication of Americans being uniquely wonderful but a product of social conditions and the general suspicion of ideology turned into a national belief system should not automatically follow despite the obvious temptation. It is the effect of a specific cause.
So the growth of ideology in the US is a sign of increased social pressure except that now there is no new frontier to relieve such pressure for the intrepid spirit. As choices become less and less in this modern industrial situation the search for something ultimate in social and political life has only ideology to turn to for relief. As I pointed out yesterday there was "relief" in the Cambridge pavement crowd. A rage slightly depressurised.
But the cause of the pressure has actually been increased by the demo. Only a tiny fraction of course. The cause is our sense that we ourselves are becoming objects, or even just functions, of large impersonal forces which we hardly understand and cannot control.
The passion of ideology is that of people with their backs to the wall.
Feminism is unable to attack the cause of such pressure. It needs the agents of the pressure to promote itself.
So it attacks what it fondly thinks is misogyny. It is a very easy target especially when a single trivial incident can be blown out of all proportion and generalisations about men, if not specifically stated to be derived from DSK, are unconsciously felt to be by repetition and emphasis.
And the pressures causing such an ideology as feminism don't simply apply to women. They apply to men.
By dividing men and women as feminism does the forces causing the social pressures are thereby strengthened and thus the pressures increase and the ideology becomes more and more strident.
And men who join the misogyny chorus, possibly due to their personal characteristics not being very attractive to women and this form of ingratiation has to be called upon to try to fill the gap, which it never will in the eyes of healthy intelligent women, are the pits of the earth and the most dangerous enemy women have. Their sheer easy plausibility gives them away. As does their complacent self-approval as rescuers of what they must believe is the weaker sex. Wankers all.
Between the little dears they wrung the neck of the Head of the IMF for ****'s sake. And a long list of others stretching right back into antiquity. They only run the economy.
That's why Vance should resign. For so easily succumbing to the temptation to ingratiate himself with women with so little to go on as he eventually had to admit. And most of it bullshit. He's unAmerican.
It's actually what the election is about. The idea that Mr Santorum is a misogynist is ludicrous. Why does providing all the women with free artifical birth control tricks decrease pressure on women. It's bound to increase it because it removes their fall back position--fear of pregnancy. Shyness and chaste reticence has to become being awkward and uncoperative. They are then just like men. Seeking only sexual relief in the moment when their reproductive system is geared by evolution, or Divine technology, to a 2 year long biological process ending in weaning. And it causes them problems in the long run as do all frustrations of biological processes.
Feminists, in attacking men, are attacking the wrong target and are making the real target that much more difficult to attack.
And DSK is not a sex criminal and it is a libel to say he is.