That's the situation Livy says the Romans got into.
Situation intolerable and necessary solution intolerable as well.
What the feminists had and have are leaders. Men have no leaders. If one peeps out he's villified and ridiculed in Ladymedia.
People even think Fox is right wing. Murdoch knows where to get his bread buttered.
Friday night's Sky sports news had five items. New whip regulations for jockeys, cricket, football, rugby and boxing. Not a female in sight in any of those items. Just the presenter who has an average skill in reading off a teleprompter without seeming to be doing so who I must admit was quite fetchingly attired.
And would you believe this one-- another chain-saw in a frock appeared on the main news demanding that the glasses in pubs be replaced by plastic drinking containers. Her justification was that there had been 134 injuries from broken glasses last year. That's in 70,000 pubs over 365 days of drinking. Obviously the injured piss-head to be used as evidence had a bad cut across his face and a surgeon came on explaining how such an injury will blight his career and romantic possibilities. He ignored the known attraction of duelling scars to females. Presumably the other 133 cases were less serious and most of them were probably scratches. She didn't bother addressing the point that there are other items in pubs which can be used to attack people with if glasses are not available. Or that nearly 400 soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan and ten times more badly injured. So how did this chump get the opportunity to spout her drivel on the main news? That's easy answered. She had a secret feminist agenda which fits with TV's agenda.
Feminists want to shut pubs altogether. Men meet in them you see and discuss things unsupervised. They even tell smutty jokes and real life stories which don't reflect too well on women.
They are attacking smoking because the money is better spent on soft furnishings and beauty aids which I must admit a lot of women need, and they stopped hunting. Not on behalf of foxes mind you because now they are poisoned. It was envy.
What would you estimate the annual budget spent on artificial beauty and esteem aids to be. Every single one a flat out lie. And intended to be. I got to £32 billion on shoes alone.
We've had it hawk. Accept your fate. There are two solutions. If you can afford it, like Simon Raven, monastic seclusion, or laugh it to scorn.
Any bloke who buys those newspapers ff showed us is off his head. One good thing about the DSK case is that it exposed the enemy in full view. And it was not a pretty sight.