Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 08:34 am
What he did was horrible - attacking an unknown, innocent woman so he could satisfy his urges. He's a pig, plain and simple.

Now that's our fair and honest Mame.

If I were a defence lawyer, I sure would do my damndest to get her on the jury.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 11:21 am
Lots of pretty wild speculation here and there's nothing wrong with that, but I think there are only a couple of reasonable scenarios where you could make an argument either way and they aren't being discussed here.

He's guilty (what I feel is most likely):
- Why would he do something so stupid with so much as stake? Good question, but powerful men do such things regularly. Political leaders, religious leaders, sports figures, etc. have all done pretty stupid things to smash their careers. What is here is more extreme than other actions the press are crediting him with, but in the same vein.
- Why this maid instead of someone else? Because she was there and she was alone. Same as most sexual assult cases between strangers.

He's not guilty (consensual sex):
- She panicked afterwards worried about engaging with the high profile guests and decided to falsely accuse him.
- He promised her money and stiffed her. (I'm really surprised you guys haven't tried this one. I must have more of a gutter mind than I thought.)

Somewhere in between:
- He was expecting someone else and thought he was engaging in consensual sex play with the guest he was expecting instead of attacking the staff.

Conspiracy theory:
- Doesn't make a lot of sense. There are an insane number of pieces that would have to come together. If he claimed it just didn't happen, maybe you could get something to thinly hang together, but since his lawyers are claiming consensual sex, the conspiracy theory gets thinner than Hydrogen in space. The woman would have to be in place ahead of time, she would have to have co-conspirators in the hotel staff, the scheduling would have to be perfect in terms of work schedules and timing, she would have to seduce the victim despite his lack of time then make a credible complaint before he could leave the country. About the only thing you have going for you is that apparently she speaks French.

As for police treatment, he is getting the standard treatment, right or wrong. I really don't understand the bail situation though. With no passport and an ankle braclet, where can he go? He does have a presumption of innocence even though he's mostly convicted in the press. I just don't see a credible reason to refuse bail.
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 11:24 am
I can't argue with any of that. What do you think of Gordon Brown's chances now?
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 12:11 pm
Mame wrote:

What he did was horrible - attacking an unknown, innocent woman so he could satisfy his urges. He's a pig, plain and simple. It doesn't matter who he is, or thinks he is, or what he could or couldn't do for the IMF or any other organization - he's not immune to the justice system. If he'd robbed a bank or killed someone, would he still be too valuable to arrest? That's stupid thinking. Why is rape not as important an issue? What if he'd raped the President's underage daughter or his wife? Or YOUR child or wife? How about then? Would his detention then be justifiable to you?

You guys have such twisted thinking, you should move to France where you'd both be lauded for indulging in whatever sexual exploits you want. Just because his behaviour is acceptable there does not make it acceptable in North America. We also don't behead people, or cane people, or detain people for years without charges, or imprison people for peaceful protesting.

And who on earth gives a **** what the hell China thinks?

The simple fact is, he lives in a country where this is acceptable, where his behaviour is legion (or legend), and he tried it on in a country where it is NOT acceptable. Ergo, he is STUPID and caused this **** himself - not one other person is to blame. She didn't attack him. He attacked her.

So shut the hell up.

Edit: And as far as the conspiracy theory goes - it wouldn't have worked if he'd left the woman alone, so he's responsible for the mess he's in in that case, as well.

Mame, you do have a way with words !
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 12:12 pm
I think his lawyers have gone from "He wasn't anywhere near there" to "It was consensual"...maybe after hearing of a potential DNA match.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 12:19 pm
I was driving BillRM home from the bar when a cop pulled me over.
He asked me if I was drunk and I said :"No, why?"

He said: "Your buddy fell out of the car a mile back"

I said: "Thank God! I thought I'd gone deaf!"
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 12:34 pm
Personally, I think it's on par with a snowball surviving in Hell. Too much anti-European sentiment right now.
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 12:37 pm
I think, even in France, that forcible sexual assaults, and attempted rapes, of strangers would be regarded as crimes. But, in France, the privacy laws help to protect rich and powerful men, like Strauss-Kahn, from even having such behavior revealed to the public, particularly when the women involved may be too frightened or intimidated to lodge a formal complaint. And there is no woman more vulnerable to pressure to keep her mouth shut about a sexual assault than an immigrant woman working as a hotel maid--she could fear loss of her job, and consequent inability to support her family, possible deportation, and destruction of her own reputation and character by the man's lawyers, in addition to no one believing her because it is the word of a low level hotel worker against that of a man with international power and prestige.

A French journalist has been saying for years that Strauss-Kahn sexually assaulted her in 2002, but even she has been reluctant to lodge a formal complaint, although she may do so now in light of recent events. So, how many more women might be out there, including other hotel maids, who may have been sexually assaulted by this man, but who were too frightened to go to authorities?

While the French might celebrate a man known as "the great seducer", a world-class womanizer, would even they tolerate it if he was known as "the great rapist"? I think not. Seduction has overtones of romance and virility, rape is a sexual assault of an unwilling victim--there is nothing admirable about it.

What may have happened last week was that Strauss-Kahn simply attacked the wrong woman--a woman who didn't know who he was, and wasn't intimated by his power and influence. And, consequently, she reacted just the way most women would when sexually attacked by a stranger--she reported the incident immediately. And her account was credible enough that police went to the airport and pulled Strauss-Kahn off a plane so he would have to face her charges.

I feel very sorry for the hotel maid who has found herself in the midst of this media firestorm. Her life has already been substantially disrupted, and the total invasion of her privacy has just begun. And, because there is enough smoke to justify a possible fire, I honestly cannot muster the same degree of sympathy right now for the man who sits on Rikers Island, with an entire wing of a housing unit all to himself.
The New York Times
May 17, 2011
I.M.F. Chief May Claim Consensual Sex as a Defense

As Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, spent his first full day on Rikers Island, the hotel housekeeper who accused him of sexual assault was struggling with what her lawyer said was a life upended by the case.

The woman, 32, a widowed immigrant from Guinea who was granted asylum seven years ago, has not been publicly identified by the authorities in New York and has made no public statements about what prosecutors say was an attack by Mr. Strauss-Kahn, 62, a Frenchman, as she prepared to clean his hotel room on Saturday.

But her lawyer said she had been unable to return to her job at the Sofitel New York or to her home, as both had attracted swarms of international news media. In short, the case has been devastating, the lawyer, Jeffrey J. Shapiro, said in an interview, keeping his client from her life, her routines and even her 15-year-old daughter.

And as she remained in seclusion, there were suggestions that Mr. Strauss-Kahn, a powerful, wealthy politician who was widely regarded as a strong candidate to run against the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, next year, would put forward a defense that any sex would have been consensual.

During a hearing on Monday in Criminal Court in Manhattan, a lawyer for Mr. Strauss-Kahn, Benjamin Brafman, told a judge he believed the “forensic evidence” was “not consistent with forcible encounter.”

Mr. Brafman did not disclose what forensic evidence he was referring to, or even if he had been apprised about what forensic evidence the prosecution had collected. Even so, that statement seemed to suggest the defense may acknowledge that a sexual encounter had occurred.

Indeed, on Tuesday, a person briefed on the case said the defense believed that any sex act may have been consensual.

That elicited an angry response from the woman’s lawyer. He dismissed any suggestion that the housekeeper had agreed to have sex with Mr. Strauss-Kahn.

“There is no question this was not consensual — she was assaulted and she had to escape from him, which is why when she finally got out of the room, she reported it to security immediately,” Mr. Shapiro said. “It doesn’t matter what Mr. Brafman says, and it doesn’t matter what the defendant says. Her story is her story, which she has told to everyone who asked her, and she is telling the truth. She has no agenda.”

Mr. Shapiro said his client “did not even know who this guy was” until she saw news accounts, adding, “She is a simple housekeeper who was going into a room to clean a room.”

The woman, whose name has been reported in the French news media, emigrated from Guinea with her daughter, leaving that country under what Mr. Shapiro said he understood were “difficult circumstances.” The lawyer said she sought and was granted asylum in the United States, although he said he was unsure of her immigration status.

The woman, who speaks French and some English, is a widow, though the lawyer said he was unaware of the timing or the circumstances of her husband’s death.

Mr. Shapiro said his client was very proud of her job, which she had held for three years, and the ability it gave her to support herself and her daughter.

“She would have done nothing to jeopardize this job,” he said. “She needs this job; this job was her lifeline. She is not a woman of resources; she is not a woman of pretense.”

His client, he said, has enormous pride, and is unsure what her life will be like going forward.

“The fact of the matter is this is a situation that she didn’t choose,” the lawyer said. “She’s been victimized not only by what happened in that hotel room but by the fact that her life has been taken away from her for who knows how long.”

No lawsuit, he said, had been considered or discussed.

A law enforcement official said, meanwhile, that “more than one” woman had contacted investigators to suggest they had been sexually assaulted by Mr. Strauss-Kahn, but officials were still determining whether they would go to France to investigate.

If Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s lawyers were to argue at trial that the activity was consensual, such a defense may hinge on the credibility of the accuser. The task of looking into her background, as well as examining weaknesses in her account, would fall to the defense lawyers and investigators they have hired from the firm Guidepost Solutions.

Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s defense team is likely to be back in Criminal Court on Friday, when a grand jury is expected to hand up an indictment against him. If an indictment is not issued this week, he would be eligible for immediate release.

A Criminal Court judge, Melissa C. Jackson, has already refused Mr. Strauss-Kahn bail, although his defense team is free to seek bail from a higher-ranking judge in State Supreme Court. Mr. Strauss-Kahn was placed on suicide watch on Tuesday, according to a law enforcement official. The official said the action, which will put him under closer supervision, was taken as a result of Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s intake evaluation, which was based on the nature of the charges, whether he had ever been in jail before and other factors, rather than on any specific threat or attempt.

Mr. Strauss-Kahn had one visitor on Tuesday, but correction officials would not disclose the person’s identity.

Mr. Strauss-Kahn was being held in protective custody in the West Facility at Rikers because there was room there to give him a wing to himself, an official said.
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 12:47 pm
So, it's not just anti -French, it's anti European? Do you think the fact that David Cameron, the current prime minister really hates him, and desperately wants him NOT to get the job, might actually help him your side of the pond?
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 12:54 pm
Here's something that muddies the waters. In the UK today our justice secretary Ken Clarke has got into all sorts of trouble about reducing sentences for criminals who plead guilty. It's all about rape, and the timing couldn't be better.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 01:38 pm
The New York Times
May 17, 2011
Powerful and Primitive

Oh, she wanted it.

She wanted it bad.

That’s what every hard-working, God-fearing, young widow who breaks her back doing menial labor at a Times Square hotel to support her teenage daughter, justify her immigration status and take advantage of the opportunities in America wants — a crazed, rutting, wrinkly old satyr charging naked out of a bathroom, lunging at her and dragging her around the room, caveman-style.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s reputation as a thrice-married French seducer loses something in the translation.

According to the claims of the 32-year-old West African maid, what took place in the $3,000-a-day Sofitel suite had nothing to do with seduction. If the allegation is true, Strauss-Kahn’s behavior, boorish and primitive, is rape.

Was the chief of the International Monetary Fund telling other countries to tighten their belts while he was dropping his trousers? Lawyers for the 62-year-old Frenchman, who had been a leading Socialist prospect to run against Nicolas Sarkozy next year, seem ready to rebut any DNA evidence by arguing that sex with the maid who came in to clean his room was consensual.

Will they argue that she wilted with desire once she realized Strauss-Kahn had been at Davos?

Jeffrey Shapiro, the maid’s lawyer, angrily rebutted that there was “nothing, nothing” consensual about the droit du monsieur. (It was not a “come in and see my monetary fund” kind of thing.)

“She is a simple housekeeper who was going into a room to clean a room,” Shapiro told The Times. He called the devout Muslim woman from the Bronx “a very proper, dignified young woman” and said “she did not even know who this guy was” until she saw the news accounts.

Strauss-Kahn’s French defenders are throwing around nutty conspiracy theories, sounding like the Pakistanis about Osama. Some have suggested that he was the victim of a honey-pot arranged by the Sarkozy forces.

Bernard-Henri Lévy, a friend of the accused, says he is outraged at the portrayal of Strauss-Kahn as an “insatiable and malevolent beast.” He wrote on The Daily Beast: “It would be nice to know — and without delay — how a chambermaid could have walked in alone, contrary to the habitual practice of most of New York’s grand hotels of sending a ‘cleaning brigade’ of two people, into the room of one of the most closely watched figures on the planet.”

At least he didn’t mention Dreyfus.

For years, I’ve stayed at the Sofitel and other hotels in New York City, and I’ve never seen a “brigade,” simply single maids coming in to clean.

In Washington, they have now nicknamed the street that separates the I.M.F. and the World Bank, where Paul Wolfowitz lost his job over financial hanky-panky with his girlfriend, the Boulevard of Bad Behavior.

These are the two institutions that are globally renowned for lecturing the rest of the world on discipline and freedom, when it’s the West that’s guilty of recklessness and improvident behavior. First in finance, then in sex.

People who can’t keep their flies zipped lecturing other people.

While the French excoriated the American system of justice — discouraging pictures of Strauss-Kahn handcuffed, which are illegal in France — Americans could pride themselves on the sound of the “bum-bum” “Law & Order: SVU” gong sounding, the noise that heralds that justice will be done without regard to wealth, class or privilege.

It’s an inspiring story about America, where even a maid can have dignity and be listened to when she accuses one of the most powerful men in the world of being a predator. (A charge that has been made against him before, with a similar pattern of brutal behavior.)

The young woman escaped horrors in her native Guinea, a patriarchal society where rape is widespread and used as a device of war, a place where she would have been kicked to the curb if she tried to take on a powerful man. When she faced the horror here, she had a recourse.

Another famous European with a disturbing pattern of sexual aggression got in trouble over the help this week: The ex-governor of California, who got elected after his wife, Maria Shriver, defended him so eloquently against groping charges.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was also guilty of the raw assertion of male power. More than mere infidelity, The Sperminator was caught on lying and piggishness, having a son with a staffer around the same time Maria had their youngest son, who is now 13. He kept the staffer on the payroll and even may have brought the son Maria didn’t know about into the house. No wonder Maria fled to a Beverly Hills hotel.

We’re always fascinated with the contradiction that cosmopolitan, high-powered, multilingual people can behave in such primitive ways. But civilization and morality have nothing to do with sophistication and social status.

The lesson of these two fallen grandees, as Bill Maher told Chris Matthews, is: “If you’re going to go after the household help, get a ‘Yes,’ first.”
High Seas
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 02:11 pm
firefly wrote:

The New York Times
May 17, 2011
Powerful and Primitive

Oh, she wanted it. ..................We’re always fascinated with the contradiction that cosmopolitan, high-powered, multilingual people can behave in such primitive ways. But civilization and morality have nothing to do with sophistication and social status.

The lesson of these two fallen grandees, as Bill Maher told Chris Matthews, is: “If you’re going to go after the household help, get a ‘Yes,’ first.”

Ms Dowd - not, habitually, a slave of socialist propaganda - placed hoof in mouth big time with that one - as did you, Firefly, in your nonsense post.

The "maid" (named in the French media) was admitted to the US as a charity case given her rape victim status and may have lied as to her HIV-AIDS status at the time, which, if proven, would make her liable to immediate deportation according to applicable law at the time. No wonder Strauss-Kahn is under suicide watch right now at Rikers, given what his lawyers found out on HIV transmission from the Manhattan DA's office.
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 02:14 pm
That’s what every hard-working, God-fearing, young widow who breaks her back doing menial labor at a Times Square hotel to support her teenage daughter, justify her immigration status and take advantage of the opportunities in America wants — a crazed, rutting, wrinkly old satyr charging naked out of a bathroom, lunging at her and dragging her around the room, caveman-style.

A god fearing woman seem to have a lawyer all ready to turn her claims of an old man chasing her around into $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 02:41 pm
@High Seas,
The "maid" (named in the French media) was admitted to the US as a charity case given her rape victim status
I see, she is an established victim. The plot thickens, as we know both that those who have profited from victimhood are loath to give up the practice, and we know that abusers look for established victims because most of the work to victimize them again is easy. One thing we now know though is that there is practically no chance that this woman is going to come off of her story.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 02:53 pm
A god fearing woman seem to have a lawyer all ready to turn her claims of an old man chasing her around into $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Being a victim got her into america, and now will both make her a citizen and set up her family for life financially ..... And I am told that I need to feel sorry for her too?

I am reminded of the movie "Nuts"
Claudia Draper: I know women who crawl through **** for a fur coat.
where Claudia is explaining that all she does is sleep with guys for donations, so who exactly is the more depraved she wants to know. Here we have a woman who for a few minutes chase around a hotel room and a blow job, where either she is abusing him by lying or he abused her, she and her family are made for life. I think I will hold off on the water works for now tyvm.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 03:00 pm
He's guilty (what I feel is most likely):

I am assuming you are a male so would you force your dick into the mouth of a woman who is very unhappy with you hoping she will not bit it in half?
High Seas
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 03:07 pm
Engineer wrote before the woman's HIV-AIDS status was disclosed publicly: she lives in a building reserved for diagnosed persons as per NY media today.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 03:09 pm
I think, even in France, that forcible sexual assaults, and attempted rapes, of strangers would be regarded as crimes

You only think LOL and double LOL.........
High Seas
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 03:14 pm
I don't know French law, but in the State of New York engaging in sexual activity without disclosing one's HIV-AIDS status is criminal. He can sue her.
Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 03:22 pm
@High Seas,
When do you propose she would have told him?


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