I find it incredible, over and above the other incredulities, that a cleaning woman of mysterious antecedents should be able to enter the room of the chief of the IMF and pass it off with "I thought the room had been vacated". Which it would be if he popped out for some refreshments and his return to the hotel foyer could be signalled faster than he could get upstairs.
The vast incompetence of allowing opportunities for planting a listening device or photographing any papers or notes can only be explained away by saying it was an assignation.
And it is difficult to imagine making the phone call to the boyfriend in the prison without the knowledge that it would be being listened to and thus a potential vehicle for misleading those who bug phone calls whilst imagining nobody is aware they are doing it and on which imaginings the credibility of what is said is posited.
There is little point in discussing conpiracies if underestimating the conspirators is necessary to save the face of the ones conspired against. We might as well go the Mata Hari route.