Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Thu 9 Jun, 2011 05:26 pm
When DSK's team started by hiring a PR firm, there was no way for me to think positively

That part of the battle just like in the court room that is why the state did a perp walk and had been leaking all kind of imformation a large percent of it false.

If they had not hired a PR firm they would not be doing thier job as this case could be won or lost before the first day of testimony occur.
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 07:07 am
Brafman can be brilliant and an asswipe.

We can take his brilliance for granted from his position and his fees.

What is the evidence for the other gratuitous description?
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 10:04 am
As we burn our way through tens, maybe hundreds, of millions of dollars on this case CBS News announced last evening that there are 900,000 homeless children in the USA. They took their cameras to that jewel in the desert known as Las Vegas and visited a school in which 85% of the 600 odd pupils are homeless. The Principal of the school cried most of the way through the interview. She was heartbreaking. There was one shot of a teacher handing out 5 grapes into the cupped hands of a line of girls from a box full which I presumed had passed the point of being acceptable to offer to the more fortunate. Lawyer's wives for example.

I almost cried myself but I'm a hard bitten bastard and I managed to retain my composure.

900,000 homeless children in the USA and that bloody circus is bothering its collective head about an alleged blow job in a tiny hotel room where nobody seems to have come to any real harm. Ye Gods!!! Surely it isn't true?
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 10:14 am
900,000 homeless children in the USA and that bloody circus is bothering its collective head about an alleged blow job in a tiny hotel room where nobody seems to have come to any real harm. Ye Gods!!! Surely it isn't true?
You left out the best part....how smug and superior we feel ourselves to be in the process. I wonder how many French kids are homeless, not that it matters because we have proven America to be better because we are willing to jail the head of the IMF because a maid claims he pressured her into a blow job.
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 10:17 am
We can take his brilliance for granted from his position and his fees.
Reports have his net worth north of $150 million, accumulated from his fees....the man does alright for himself.
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 10:19 am
an alleged blow job in a tiny hotel room where nobody seems to have come to any real harm

Translation: An alleged criminal sexual assault and forcible attempted rape in a luxury hotel suite which, according to reports, left a woman traumatized.
and that bloody circus is bothering its collective head

Only because of who he is, the media isn't overly concerned about the condition of his alleged victim.

The sensational triumvirate of sex, power, and wealth sells papers and boosts ratings--hungry homeless children don't.

Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 10:33 am
The sensational triumvirate of sex, power, and wealth sells papers and boosts ratings--hungry homeless children don't.
they also are not deemed important enough for America to do anything meaningful about the problem.
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 10:47 am
the media isn't overly concerned about the condition of his alleged victim.
She is getting paid by her employeer for doing no work, she is a ward of the state, she has high powered legal assistance, and she is cruising towards a multi-million dollar payday...why would anyone be concerned about her condition? Even if she is correct the only thing that happened to her physically is that she had a dick in her mouth when she did not want to, it is not like she even got slapped around much less harmed, there is nothing to talk about.
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 11:18 am
She is getting paid by her employeer for doing no work, she is a ward of the state,

If her employer is choosing to pay her, she is not a ward of the state. She is in protective custody as a potential witness, but that's not an enviable position--her life has been completely disrupted, she's isolated, and she has reason to be fearful about the upcoming media and legal ordeal she will be put through.
Even if she is correct the only thing that happened to her physically is that she had a dick in her mouth when she did not want to, it is not like she even got slapped around much less harmed, there is nothing to talk about.

You don't know whether she was physically harmed, and you have no idea how she might be emotionally harmed.

When you you say, "there is nothing to talk about", do you speak from personal experience? Has a strange man ever forced his dick into your mouth?

why would anyone be concerned about her condition?

Why should anyone be concerned about Strauss-Kahn's condition? He's just another one of the thousands of people charged with crimes in NYC every year. He's in a cushy house arrest set-up, and he can afford the best lawyers to help him beat this rap. So, there's really "nothing to talk about" with him either.

Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 11:28 am
If her employer is choosing to pay her, she is not a ward of the state. She is in protective custody as a potential witness,
She is getting a paycheck, she is being kept housed at expense to the state and had state paid minders, and she has various state revenue streams at her disposal, that is pretty darn cushy.
You don't know whether she was physically harmed
Sure we do, with all of the anti DSK leaks if she had been hurt we would have heard about it. It probably would have been on the charge sheet as well.
and you have no idea how she might be emotionally harmed

Maybe, but she might have been an emotional train wreck before this happened as well, but in any case DSK is only responsible for what he did, not for her emotional response to what he did. She can take up her allegation of pain and suffering in the civil suit, it is not a matter for NY v DSK.

Why should anyone be concerned about Strauss-Kahn's condition? He's just another one of the thousands of people charged with crimes in NYC every year. He's in a cushy house arrest set-up, and he can afford the best lawyers to help him beat this rap. So, there's really "nothing to talk about" with him either
Except for the injustice heaped upon him by the state, which very well may harm us all because DSK was prevented from assisting the collective in fixing the the broken economic system and the emergency response to the economic calamity is weaker because of it...

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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 11:44 am
Why should anyone be concerned about Strauss-Kahn's condition? He's just another one of the thousands of people charged with crimes in NYC every year. He's in a cushy house arrest set-up, and he can afford the best lawyers to help him beat this rap. So, there's really "nothing to talk about" with him either.

Most men can not see themselves as rapists but can see themselves being charge with this crime for any number of reasons most having nothing to do with misdeeds on their parts.

Your wish to treat the crime of rape difference from all others crimes giving special protections to the accuser but do not wish to grant any special protection to the accuse is on it face morally questionable to say the least.

Now your openingly not caring about the men who are in fact falsely charges with such crimes and their families including women members of their families is being honest at least.

Still until the women movement demand that women who are proven to had bear false charges against innocent men are treated as serious criminals you are not in a good moral position.

To say nothing of protecting claimed victims of sexual assault names and the same time dragging the men names in public to the point that no matter what the outcome they can never get their good names back.

I agree with you rape is not the same as most crimes but unlike you I wish to apply that fact to both the accuser and the accuse.

Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 12:01 pm
Bill, we have talked about the sex offender registry on several thread and I am posting here because this thread is active. The claim of the feminists and overall savior community is that the public is the right to know where the sex offenders live, unlike other offenders, usually justified by the proclaimed threat to kids. However, I think that the primary reason for these registries is retribution, they are a way to make the retribution life long rather than just though the prison and parole terms. Now I notice this
For obvious reasons, this may be the last thing in the world your neighbor will tell you, but it's important, even for people who don't have children. Thanks to the Sexual Offender Act of 1994, also called "Megan's Law," people convicted of sex crimes must notify local law enforcement of any change of address or employment post-prison. That information is then made public, via the National Sex Offender Registry. And as would-be home buyers use these tools right along with Zillow to evaluate their future neighborhoods, the presence of a convicted sex-offender can hurt property values. A study by the researchers in Longwood College and Longwood University in Virginia said that registered sex offenders living nearby can reduce your home's value by 9% and homes near registered sex offenders can take over 70% longer to sel


Do you really think that those who are hounding sex offenders out of their neighborhoods are doing it to protect kids? The guy across the street goes up and down the street talking to everyone when he finds out about a new one within our subdivision, and he also tracks the next subdivision over, and his youngest kid is 16. But then he is also the same guy who came talking to me about challanging my tax assessment, because he was working on his and thought that if a bunch of his neighbors did it he would get a better roll.

I have no doubt but that this lowering of home values based upon sex offender residence was expected when these laws were passed, and is a big part of the reason these laws appeal to the feminists. Getting sex offenders pushed into homelessness is a win for these radical man hating bitches.
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 12:03 pm
The sensational triumvirate of sex, power, and wealth sells papers and boosts ratings--hungry homeless children don't.

That triumvirate sells and boosts ratings here too. But we haven't got a homeless children problem on such a scale.

I'll quote from the oldest known book. It predates the Bible by a longer period than the Bible predates our own times. It is the Egyptian book called The Precepts of Ptah-Hotep.

There is a man who saith, "Power (is therein); and he saith, "I sieze for myself that which I perceive." Thus a man speaketh, and he is smitten down. It is another that attaineth by giving unto him that hath not.
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 12:18 pm
You don't know whether she was physically harmed, and you have no idea how she might be emotionally harmed.

Come on ff. We all know that claiming to be emotionally harmed can be acted. We are all going to end up claiming that if we are not careful. On a scale of 1 to 10 with both legs and an arm blown off at 9 where do you place this alleged event. And those in the former condition were fighting for our freedom and protecting us from harm.

I'm not concerned with DSK either. It is the applications of the case. The money making, the lurid jamboree, the woodwork giving up its denizens. It's embarrassing. We are morally inferior to old Ptah-Hotep. Wonderful.
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 12:26 pm
And as would-be home buyers use these tools right along with Zillow to evaluate their future neighborhoods, the presence of a convicted sex-offender can hurt property values. A study by the researchers in Longwood College and Longwood University in Virginia said that registered sex offenders living nearby can reduce your home's value by 9% and homes near registered sex offenders can take over 70% longer to sell.

So a property speculator could move a sex offender into a neighborhood and buy up the houses at a low price and then move the sex offender out and sell them. Again and again. Might be a good career being a sex offender.

Hysterical people never make good law.
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 12:37 pm
So a property speculator could move a sex offender into a neighborhood and buy up the houses at a low price and then move the sex offender out and sell them. Again and again. Might be a good career being a sex offender.
American law would make the speculator responsible for any ill deeds that a sex offender did, or was elleged to have done. All the locals need to do is claim that one of the offenders touched their kid, and the state would lock up the speculator and freeze his bank accounts IE put him out of business. Wither the offender actually did anything would be irrelevant, as by the time the jury cleared him the speculator would have a dead business and hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.

Just as in this case all a person who wanted to put DSK out of business needed to do was to get a made to give him a blow job and then claim rape....what actually happened we many never know, and by the time DSK gets cleared he will have already lost the Presidency. He will also be out at least $10 million I'll bet, for his confinement and legal fees.
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 02:11 pm
they also are not deemed important enough for America to do anything meaningful about the problem.

That might be, hawk, because the social problems in the future these kids are likely to cause will provide millions of jobs with titles for all those who have majored in an 'ology and are thus unqualified for useful employment. And these kids will become adults soon and be replaced by another 900,000 and recurring every few years or so. After fifty years you might have 70--100 million adults who experienced homelessness in their childhood.
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 02:16 pm
Most men can not see themselves as rapists...

But Professor Greer and many others have said that all men are rapists. That they force women into a situation where they have little alternative other than to submit to men's bestial embraces. And the Prof, didn't mean simply attempt to.
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 02:20 pm
That might be, hawk, because the social problems in the future these kids are likely to cause will provide millions of jobs with titles for all those who have majored in an 'ology and are thus unqualified for useful employment. And these kids will become adults soon and be replaced by another 900,000 and recurring every few years or so. After fifty years you might have 70--100 million adults who experienced homelessness in their childhood.
You mean kids grow up??!! Damn, I dont thing we ever thought about that.

Last week I was reading an account of how those who run the system are doing a rethink on treating kids like adults in the system, basically locking them up and throwing away the key for a decade or three. THis idea started during the Reagan era but they are now discovering that these humans eventually get released into the wild, and given how we have treated them in their formative youth years they then are spectacularly unable to cope in the wild. THis means that they often find themselves lickity split back into the "justice" system for some new crime. THe pros are now wondering if the long term costs of this program are too high, are thinking that satisfying our desire for vengeance has a deferred price tag that our financially bankrupt society can not afford. OOPS!
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2011 03:19 pm
But you make it sound as if it is something that has crept up on them unawares. I'm speculating that it is deliberate. A derivation of planned obsolescence.

Whatever it is 900,000 kids homeless makes the Sofitel collision look very small indeed.

And no explanation has been offered as to why the cleaning woman didn't immediately back out of the room as soon as she realised it was still occupied as one might expect if it was a mistake.

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