Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 03:40 am
And, it allows Spendius to indulge his raconteur proclivities and assail the deceitfulness of women.

What? Me? Assail the deceitfulness of women?? Good gracious. It is their greatest weapon and most abiding charm. "She fakes just like a woman". If I'm assailing anybody it is men for being such saps.

What's make-up for ff? Deceit. What are corsets for ff? Deceit. What are hairdressing salons for ff? Deceit. What are high heels for ff? Deceit. What are scents for ff? Deceit. What is the fashion industry for ff? Deceit. What is borrowing money for ff? Deceit.

What does Jane Austen recommend in the very first sentence of her most famous novel ff? Deceit.

If women were honest and straightforward life wouldn't be worth living.

I might as well assail the clouds as assail women's deceitfulness such is the inevitability of both. As a friend of mine said as he sobbed on the bar after being cleaned out--"They're as crafty as a cartload of monkeys". And so they are and so they should be.

Perhaps your "teachers" have hidden Shakespeare and the Goddess of Complete Being by Ted Hughes from your view. The Bible is replete with deceitful women. So is the historical record. Do you really think, on your own argument that there is no smoke without fire, that the Patriarchal religions of the world have gone to so much trouble to tame women, or try to, because they are sweet cooing turtle doves which never do anybody any harm.

What was Homer on about then?
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 11:11 am
The various special interest groups, and a greedy media willing to throw them all some meaty bones from whatever leaks and scraps of information emerge in the coming months, may well wind up doing more harm than good when it comes time to select a jury and they may detract from the real legal issues in this case.
Gender wars, race, class, and international relations - the DSK case gets political
Created 2011-06-06
By Angela Diffley
United States - France

The group of chambermaids who jeered at Dominique Strauss-Kahn as he arrived at Manhattan criminal court to enter his plea of not guilty, demonstrates just how political this case is becoming.

The hotel employees who responded to a call from their trade union shouted "Shame on you!" and told journalists that they and their colleagues were frequently subjected to unwanted sexual advances or worse, from rich and powerful guests.

Dressed in maid uniforms with aprons, they are a striking illustration of the class issue which now surrounds this case.

And over the coming weeks and during what is expected to be a ruthlessly-fought trial, both prosecution and defence teams will be championed by different interest groups, in a case which has captured the imagination of the public.

Women's rights groups have already played a role, warning against any attempt to smear the reputation of the alleged victim, the prosecution team also recently hired two female lawyers, one of whom is a specialist in rape cases.

The significant number of journalists from African countries highlights a racial dimension in coverage of the case, as the alleged victim is an immigrant from Guinea in West Africa.

And New York's tabloid newspapers have made much of Dominique Strauss-Kahn's nationality, and actively whipped up the anti-French sentiment which surfaced in the run-up to the Iraq war.

Any trial ahead looks set to be dramatic, his lawyers have already complained of leaks to the press, designed to disadvantage the defence team, and many observers expect more such attempts to gain favourable press coverage, from both sides.

Under the American system, the burden in such a case is on the prosecution to prove guilt "beyond reasonable doubt".

The real issue in this case is whether DSK criminally assaulted the hotel maid, and whether the state can prove the charges against him to a jury's satisfaction.
All the other political and social issues, including most of those being bandied about in this thread, are really an irrelevant sideshow and an attempt to exploit this case for self-serving reasons so the usual suspects posting in this thread can harp on their usual gripes.
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 12:07 pm
The group of chambermaids who jeered at Dominique Strauss-Kahn as he arrived at Manhattan criminal court to enter his plea of not guilty, demonstrates just how political this case is becoming.

If Angela had read my posts on this thread she wouldn't need these uniformed virgins to demonstrate how political all this is. And "just how political this case is becoming" does no sort of justice to the matter. It shows how a-political Angela is though. This is the heart of politics. It also implies that had the chambermaids not demonstrated she would never have known "just how political it is becoming".

We men know why they were demonstrating. Not enough to do basically. Perhaps they will set an example and there will be demonstrations outside every court in the land soon consisting of screeching banshees kicking their legs in the air who identify with whatever occupation some alleged victim was engaged in when allegedly molested at the hands of evil and bestial men.

They were probably hired by the tabloids to provide a cheap and exciting front page story. I wonder how many of them would hand in an item of jewelry they had found when cleaning a vacated room.

The hotel employees who responded to a call from their trade union shouted "Shame on you!" and told journalists that they and their colleagues were frequently subjected to unwanted sexual advances or worse, from rich and powerful guests.

That's just a respectable way of calling attention to their sexual charms which obviously drive hotel guests into uncontrollable frenzies of lust. Most of them likely couldn't even raise an eyebrow.

actively whipped up the anti-French sentiment

Any sign of anti-Jewish sentiment ff?

But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for [then] had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil.

Jeremiah 44 17.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 12:54 pm
What? Me? Assail the deceitfulness of women?? Good gracious. It is their greatest weapon and most abiding charm. "She fakes just like a woman". If I'm assailing anybody it is men for being such saps.

OMG! I cant believe that you said that out loud spendius. Just how old are you anyways.....you must be ancient to be so willing to ignore modern taboos, such as speaking honestly about the superior manipulation skills of the female. I am only 49 but I am enjoying my increasingly not giving a **** what people think so I am going to speak truth outlook, but I bow down to your outrageous willingness to call them like you see them.
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 01:14 pm
I keep telling everybody on the evolution threads that I'm the only scientist on there. But they won't believe me. I maximised in the only 'ology of serious interest at about 36. It started seriously when I read Veblen. I had inklings before that but I was pretty sappy really.

We had a special FREE "Pull-Out" section in our Evening newspaper dedicated to ladies. It was quite funny. One of my mates used to bin it and his wife never even knew it existed. "She has enough ideas in her head as it is." he would say, "without getting any new-fangled ones. Not that the new-fangled ones were original. Just a bit more up front than those the Victorian ladies were working with. Henry Fielding's ladies were a real double handful. DSK would have been lynched by now if they were on the job.

Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 03:00 pm
I keep telling everybody on the evolution threads that I'm the only scientist on there. But they won't believe me
You understand though that science has had a bad run lately, that far too many people who claim to be scientists have over my lifetime been unwilling to incite the wrath of the mob by speaking inconvenient truth, or they have been willing to dress up ideology in the garb of science for the purposes of a political movement. It might not be that you are not believed, it might be mass ignorance of what science is.
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 03:29 pm
You understand though that science has had a bad run lately, that far too many people who claim to be scientists have over my lifetime been unwilling to incite the wrath of the mob by speaking inconvenient truth, or they have been willing to dress up ideology in the garb of science for the purposes of a political movement.

That's an interesting question. What I was hinting at is that my scientific training and my temperment led me to the study of the most interesting celestial body in the universe. The human female of course. What sort of 'ologist my pals call me I am reticent to impart with ladies present.

I'm not persuaded that inconvenient truths should be spoken of except in the company of specialists.

I'll agree that it is a matter of momentary interest that DSK has got himself entangled with a cleaning women hailing from the rural areas of Guinea. But what is fascinating is what is being made of it, by whom, and where, and why. My guess is that the cleaning lady has a high IQ but not in the way our intelligence tests measure such a thing. Sportsmen are a bit similar. Our intelligence tests tend to measure parental income as one might expect because that is what they are designed to do. Mass ignorance of what science is follows as night follows day.
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 03:49 pm
I'll agree that it is a matter of momentary interest that DSK has got himself entangled with a cleaning women hailing from the rural areas of Guinea. But what is fascinating is what is being made of it, by whom, and where, and why. My guess is that the cleaning lady has a high IQ but not in the way our intelligence tests measure such a thing. Sportsmen are a bit similar. Our intelligence tests tend to measure parental income as one might expect because that is what they are designed to do. Mass ignorance of what science is follows as night follows day.

Given the area of the world she come from and that she found a way to get to the US I would say she is one hell of a surviver.

One thing I find "amusing" is that a lot of her "sisters" back in her homeland are one hell of a lot worst off, with likely not even a good clean water supply however Firefly and her type are only interest in this lady at least in my opinion because who her claimed attacker happen to be and for no other reason.

The sad part is that for a few percents of the money already spend to try DSK or to defend him improvements could be made such as deep water wells and or water treatment that would save the lives of many women year after year in the future in her village and surrounding areas.

Of course Americans are into soap operas and millions to entertain us all as we watch the state of New York try to place an evil and horny banker into prison is far better used of our resources as we do not care for women as a class.

Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 04:55 pm
Schopenauer made the point a long while ago that the privileges and luxuries of the well-to-do lady come at the cost of the impoverishment and abuse of the mass of poor women. And the whole media, sweet, compassionate darlings that it contains in the bowels of its carefully guarded inner sanctums, are along for the ride. It's "whited sepulchre" time I'm afraid Bill but when hasn't it been.

But does any man fancy that lot on Fox News? I certainly don't. They remind me too much of that brassy blonde with the voice that sounded like a fork scratching on a tin plate in The Man With Two Brains.

It's going to depend on Mr Brafman's bottle.
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 05:01 pm
The cleaning lady, it seems to me, was not up for taking one for the team if the allegations are true. She could have fixed it that DSK didn't bother any others of the sisterhood. Maybe this solidarity of the feminists is just a big act.

Thousands of men in Afghanistan and Iraq have taken one for the team and their compensation is ridiculous compared to that of the members of the legal profession who probably jump out of their skin if somebody bursts a paper bag for a laugh.
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 05:07 pm
Maybe it is all about excuses for talking dirty in a respectable manner. It is obviously not about protecting women. That's a man's job. Any woman who thinks these people are out to protect women is in cloud cuckoo land.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 05:15 pm
spendius wrote:

. My guess is that the cleaning lady has a high IQ but not in the way our intelligence tests measure such a thing. Sportsmen are a bit similar.
The woman started in a country with a GDP of $1K per person per year, got herself to America into a gig that had a $60K+ per year to the cost to the employer compensation package, and she is now set to clear at least a few million dollars after she pays off her legal team.......I'd like to hope that intelligence has something to do with such success, that it is not dumb luck.

That woman from Libya who cried rape often and loudly for the journalists is the same story, she has been on the front page of CNN.com off and on for weeks at a time, and then she got no less than Hillary Clinton to help her score what is said to be passage to America (last I heard she was still in Europe, but the fix is in even though no one is ready to say so)...She was studying law in Libya we were told, and she is obviously bright. THere are a few million women in Africa who have been raped, many with the babies to prove it, and yet they are still stuck in Africa, they did not score a winning ticket. Why the difference? Where is the equality that the Americans go on and on about??!!
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 05:49 pm
THere are a few million women in Africa who have been raped, many with the babies to prove it, and yet they are still stuck in Africa, they did not score a winning ticket. Why the difference? Where is the equality that the Americans go on and on about??!!

It is my understanding she was bright enough go to and to give the international press a story they could run with.
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 05:55 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

THere are a few million women in Africa who have been raped, many with the babies to prove it, and yet they are still stuck in Africa, they did not score a winning ticket. Why the difference? Where is the equality that the Americans go on and on about??!!

We don't promise equality in anything except our treatment by the law. It does seem that the essence of the notoriety in this case is the fact that, in the eyes of the law and law enforcement, the immigrant hotel maid from Africa is indeed being treated as the equal of the former head of the IMF. That is the promise of our constitution, the essence of our Declaration of independence ..... and that is as it should be.
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 06:01 pm
It is my understanding she was bright enough go to and to give the international press a story they could run with
Whether her story is true or not her presentation to the media in the hotel was a PERFORMANCE, all of the PR gurus must have been applauding the job well done. She not only claims to have been beaten over the two days where she was raped (allegedly) by 15 guys, pissed on and **** on...but then got beaten while under Arrest in Libya and then again in Qatar as she and her parents were evicted. Along the way she managed to piss off the Libyan Government, the rebels, and the Qatar government, which is an amazing accomplishment...nobody has any use for her but for the promoters of victim culture in the West, for them she is a hero.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 06:16 pm
We don't promise equality in anything except our treatment by the law. It does seem that the essence of the notoriety in this case is the fact that, in the eyes of the law and law enforcement, the immigrant hotel maid from Africa is indeed being treated as the equal of the former head of the IMF. That is the promise of our constitution, the essence of our Declaration of independence ..... and that is as it should be.
If we practiced equality under the law there would be a few thousand Wallstreet Bankers and and other few thousand Mortgage writers behind bars for fraud and deception based upon what we have found out about the Great Recession. Instead we have only a dozen or so mostly low ranking sacrificial lambs, so why dont you go try to sell your twaddle to someone who is stupid enough to buy it instead of wasting your time running it on me........
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 07:04 pm
They are not being treated equally as his name is released for all to hear and see and this life is ruin before being found guilt of anything and her name is shielded just to start with that is an outrage to any idea of equal treatment.

Either you treat the accuser/accuse the same as for any other claim crime or you shield both parties names until there is a conviction.

Second it is a damn roman circus for the masses and I love that this is one of the few times that the press in allow to play up anti-wealth feelings.

Oh yes evil horny French rapist is now lock up in a small cell and that is one hell of a change from his 3000 dollars a nice hotel suit stories were broadcast more then once.

Strangely when people point out that the tax code is allowing 2 percent of the population to collect 50 percents of the total wealth the same "news" outlets cry that we can not have class warfare.

This case have nothing to do with equal treatment under the law.
Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 08:42 pm
You are correct about the inequality of hiding the alleged victim's identity (though it has since leaked out). That restriction is a recent addition to our law designed to "protect" women. It doesn't apply to other crimes.

Wealthy politicians of any country are vulnerable to the political reaction to criminal prosecution of all kinds. In that aspect of things DSK is suffering the same loss of political stature as affected John Edwards. The French appear to be a bit more tolerant of crimes on the part of their political leaders - Jaques Chirac has evade prosecution for fraud and misuse of government funds for two decades now. However, this is not France.

BillRM wrote:
Strangely when people point out that the tax code is allowing 2 percent of the population to collect 50 percents of the total wealth the same "news" outlets cry that we can not have class warfare.
I don't understand exactly what you mean here. However our government and tax code don't "allow" anyone to "collect" anything. Instead the government takes money as taxes from people who have earned it in various ways. A very large segment of our population pays no taxes at all. Indeed, through the 'earned income tax credit', many people get cash from the government instead of paying tax. For those who pay taxes, we have a very progressive tax code with marginal rates for high earners more than double that for the average taxpayer.

The loss of high paying jobs for folks with little education is more the result of prolongued slow economic growth in this country - growth that has not kept pace with the growth in our population. People disagree about the causes of this slow growth, but clearly the adverse effect on productivity of labor unions in the textile, steel and manufacturing industries - all of which are now largely gone - was a major factor, as well as the uncertainty associated with (usually inept and reactive) government regulation which has grown significantly in the last decade or so.

Taxing the rich on behalf of a wasteful government won't make anyone's situation better, but it might destroy the business that employs you.

Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2011 11:58 pm
I don't understand exactly what you mean here. However our government and tax code don't "allow" anyone to "collect" anything. Instead the government takes money as taxes from people who have earned it in various ways. A very large segment of our population pays no taxes at all. Indeed, through the 'earned income tax credit', many people get cash from the government instead of paying tax. For those who pay taxes, we have a very progressive tax code with marginal rates for high earners more than double that for the average taxpayer.

Earned do not made me laugh.

The super rich have an army of lobbies working 24/7 to tap into government money at all levels and get all kinds of tax breaks and special protections.

On my local level the owner of the Miami Marlins did not earn 500 millions dollars of taxpayers funding to help build a baseball stadium for his team!!!!!!!!!

The two families who own the sugar growing lands in Florida did not earn protection from foreign sugar and as a result US citizens pay double or more the world price for sugar and every dime go to these two families.

On the Federal level Blackwater did not earn no bid contracts that had results in such things as our soldiers being electrocute in field showers because of poor workmanship.

By changing the tax codes over the years to their benefit and by taping into the flow of cash from governments at all levels they had reach the 50 percent mark of the total wealth in this country and gaining more and more as time go by.

Hell the new GOP plan is to cut the top tax rate by ten percents and do away with Medicare at the same time.

Yes there are billionaires who earn their billions in fact I had known two personally but for ever one such there are many more who did not earn a dime of those fortunes and are sucking on the teats of government every bit as must as any welfare queen just on one hell of a larger scale.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Jun, 2011 12:30 am
Second note after the almost complete destruction of the middle class had been achieve I am sure most of us will be paying no taxes as instead of fifty percents of the total wealth in the hands of the super rich it will be 80 or 90 percents.

That is assuming that at some point in this march toward such an unbalance society we do not self destruct.


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