oristarA wrote:
Quote:There is a very good American Museum at Bath, England which benefitted from a bequest by her
Thank you for the information.
But I wonder what does "by her" mean? By her introduction, the bequest donated much money to the Bath American Museum?
A bequest [made] by her. She bequeathed (left) something to the museum in her will. A bequest is something which is left in a will, it could be an outright gift e.g. of money, real estate, stocks and shares, a business, etc, or it could be all or part of the "benefit" from those things (interest, share dividends, rent, etc), for ever ("in perpetuity") or a fixed period of time. People often make bequests to musems, schools, hospitals, orphanages, charities etc where the beneficiary does not get the cash or buildings but instead gets some or all of the income generated.