Sorry doll but when Hef calls, sooner or later they answer.
I don't know...if he actually has to
talk to her, he may toss her out on her deliciously apple shaped fanny very quickly.
Hef is going through his "blonde period".
Ooooh...bad joke struggling not to come out...
Here it is hobitbob. Read it and weep.
Britney Wanted by Hefner
Fresh from her annulled marriage this weekend pop star Britney Spears has a fresh offer of romance - from Playboy magazine publisher Hugh Hefner. Hefner, 77, well known for his love of women, is pursuing the 22-year-old singer in his current quest for beautiful blondes. He says, "Britney would make a great girlfriend. Picasso had his pink period and his blue period - I am in my blonde period right now. I think it's related to those early movies that had such a great influence on me when I was a kid." Hefner would also like his prospective girlfriend to strip for a saucy shoot in his magazine - but if he can't persuade her, then he'd settle for movie star Catherine Zeta-Jones. He explains, "They really epitomize the type of beauty that we like in the magazine."
Brit seems to be doing her best to be everyone's (ahem) "pink period."

(good god, I'm turning into Slappy!)
One Slappy is more than enuf.
Trans Am, fresh mullet, bottle of Jack, cruising Lynn, naked Britney look alike in the back seat. Good times.
I just hope that guy she married had the presence of mind to do her again (and again) while he had the chance.
I was just doing my Slappy impression. He's a hard act to follow.
I don't know that I would wish to follow him...the floor might be sticky!
eoe wrote:Hey Cerealkiller, did you hear that Hef is wooing Britney not only for a photo spread but also his bed???!!! Claims he wants to date her.

Yeah I heard. Heff always gets the best pickins in trailer trash.
I like Britney. Why? Since all her public attention isn't great I admire her. Why? All her bad press and she still goes out of her house. She still moves on. Like Paris Hilton. As much as everyone wants to say that she is a slut that is more of a public image then a reality. What has she done that is sluty?
She wears revealing clothes. Not a bad thing. She kissed Madonna. Not a horrible thing. She married and then divorced. Wow - how many times has that already been done by non famous people? Men claime to have slept with her but as far as reality goes Justin Timberlake would be the only one to have that checked off his to do list.
As for backing the president - who cares. The Dixi Chicks get slamed for slaming the president Britney gets slammed for backing the president. Okay? I am going to laugh if he becomes president again. It sure looks like he is going to be.
Oh and Britney's CD hit number one when it debut with 600,000 sold. More than 2 million sold to date.