Quote:Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5249490)
More of your dishonesty. Off topic is a given because that's precisely where you lead things when you are terrified that you will have to face reality, Frank.
Because of your obsession with me, you have restated a thread dead for nine years…which I laughed at.
Yes, my laughing at you was off topic.
You then replied to my laughing in an off topic post…which pretty much reduced to the name-calling you indulge in regularly.
And I egged you on in my reply…and in each reply afterward.
None of your other comments were on topic.
I still am delighted in having a dedicated fan like you, JTT...even if I have to acknowledge it is the product of a weird obsession.
But the charges you make of my dishonesty still provoke laughter in me. Thanks for that.
(Notice how often I began sentences with conjunctions here! This is a thing up with which some people would not put.)