Letty, Trusting? OK.
Too trusting? I assume that this is connected to unpleasantness for you. Have your experiences made you more cautious?
George, I looked up bemused. Thought I knew what it means, but I wanted to be sure. The definition I was thinking of is viewing things with wry tolerant amusement. Another definition suggests confusion. And still another suggests distractedness. Which bemused are you?
dys, I expected nothing less than poopity-headedness from you. Not entirely sure whether that's a good thing or not. I expect not, but in a good way (?).
kuvasz, Relentless is a strong word and a strong quality. I suspect that it can lead to great satisfaction or frustration. An animal I think of as relentless is the wolverine--one of my favorites.
wandel, To my surprise, your saying
awkward has made me feel awkward about what to say to you. Have you been able to overcome this feeling as you've matured?
Fascinating responses, you guys. Thanks.