The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 4 Dec, 2013 06:33 am
Imagine it is a warm sunny day in Washington State in the 1980s. You are at busy lake front beach on a when you see a man with a crutch and cast on his foot struggling to hold on to his books. He asks you to help him take his books to his nearby car. When you get to his car to put the books in he shoves you into the car and abducts you. The impossible has just been done you were abducted by serial killer from a crowed beach in the middle of the day. Ted Bundy did that not once but twice that day with the police looking for him. Bundy got away with it because he did not fit the stereotype of a violent serial killer.

On a sunny day in November 1980 America got into the car with a serial killer that was out to destroy the middle class. Like Bundy he did not look like dangerous revolutionary. He didn’t talk like a dangerous revolutionary so America got in the car with him to be sure he did not kill the middle class all at one time but tortured it. Yesterday we watched as a bankruptcy judge allowed the small pensions of Detroit workers to be cut so the loan shark interest rates of the banks were charging can be paid. Reagan decided pensions in America funded and this led to the under funding of pensions across America.

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Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 06:33 am
Reagan began the movement to cheat the middleclass out of their pensions by saying pension systems were over funded and changing the law to allow private sectors pensions funds to be reduced after they were reduced the inevitable happened they declared the reduced pension funds insolvent and turned the private sector funds over to the government as the private companies stuffed billion of pension dollars into the pockets. The retirees were given pennies on the dollar and the corporate raiders could bill the pension funds for any amount in so called management fees charged by the raiding company. This is a good example of how the cost of running a business is socialized while the increasing profits are privatized.

What happened in Detroit was that a federal judge in the bankruptcy trial declared a law that protected the Detroit pension system from being raided by the predator banks that had loaned Detroit money at loan shark rates. The federal judge, who no doubt, is a commie conservative appointee, declared that cited a federal law that says all creditors must be treated alike in a bankruptcy. In the first place that is a lie as there are both secured and unsecured creditors in any bankruptcy who are not treated alike. The banks knew that Detroit was in fact bankrupt when they loaned the money, so they jack the interest rate way up to cover their high risk. In a bankruptcy it is not only the principal that is owed but the outrageous interest also. So the bank ends up with all their principal back plus a portion of the interest paid back during the bankruptcy the retirees will see their $880 a month pension severely cut and will be lucky to get pennies on dollars.

Should someone who in effect paid for his pension 20 years ago by working a lifetime for the city of Detroit be cheated out of his pensions so that the bankers who loaned Detroit money at loan shark rates a few weeks before bankruptcy get rich. The banks knew that Detroit was bankrupt in fact even the general public knew that for the last few years. But the retiree who retired twenty years ago from a thriving city had no way of knowing the future in 20 years. The banks are full of financial experts paid for the expertise but the retirees didn’t have that advantage. Who would take the few dollars a month the retirees are trying to get by on and give it to the bankers? A psychopath of course under the current psychopathic political philosophy this becomes the acceptable way to run the country. The bankers will continue to make millions in salary whether they lose the money loaned to Detroit or not. If the bank gets in bad shape the taxpayers will bail them out but no so the retirees they will live on the street and do without medicine and food and when they die on a cold winter’s night no one will notice. The bankers will get richer and move on to raid the next pension system. The pension systems now hold much of the wealth of this generation and it will be the biggest target of the psychopaths. .
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Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 06:31 am
Rush Slimbaugh has been upset for the last couple days because the Obama quoted the Pope Wednesday in his speech on inequality in America.
Obama than quoted Francis: "How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?"

Severe income inequality is the legacy that commie/conservatism bequeath to America. But what really bothers Slimbaugh is that Obama and the Pope could form a united front against income inequality in America. Slimbaugh knows that the Pope could motivate 10s of millions of people in America to vote against commie/conservative candidates who believe that extreme income equality is not only acceptable but desirable. Up until now the abortion issue has keep the middle class from forming a united front against income inequality and the result has been that 100% of the increase of GNP over the last 30 years has went into the pockets of the richest 1%. Nobody expects that income will be completely equal on a dollar per dollar bases but when you have an extreme of 100% of the increased productivity for 30 years going into the pockets of the ungodly greedy. The greedy would gladly destroy America for a few dollars more.

Slimbaugh says it is all about production for instance he sits on his rear for three hours a day and produces BS and lies and makes a $100,000 an hour for doing that. What Slimbaugh is actually doing is producing wealth for the ungodly greedy by selling propaganda on the public airwaves. Each voter he brainwashes votes for even more extreme income inequality in America. But Rush sees the writing on the wall the armies on the left are beginning to join forces to put a stop to extreme income equality in America.

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Reply Sat 7 Dec, 2013 06:33 am
Rush Slimbaugh faced with trying to explain why the middle class income has continued to decline all of the years since the commie/conservatives changed the political philosophy of America in 1981 when Reagan came to power found a red neck right economist with an explanation. According to Slimbaugh and his red neck right economists it is not that the middle class lost income it is a culture shifty that took place starting under Carter administration. Slimbaugh could blame the democrats for the culture shift. According to the red neck right economists it is that middle class income declined over those years but that a culture shift led to more divorces resulting in more families with single head of household which lower the average household income of the middle class. Sounds reasonable on the surface but Slimbaugh made no attempt to explain why the income of the top 1/100 of 1% went up by 560% after their income was adjusted for inflation. Surely the divorce rate applied to rich also in fact the divorce rate of the rich is far higher than the general population as many of the rich are functional psychopaths and unable to sustain a committed relationship. But Slimbaugh was quick to grasp at any straw to explain why commie/conservatism put a stop to rising middle class incomes that had been the rule since the middle 40s. But propaganda has to be one dimensional and employee the art of misdirection.

Very few in Rush’s audience would even think about how irrational the red neck rights economist’s arguments was because they are not conditioned to think they are conditioned to believe unquestioning. America has become a nation of believers not a nation of thinkers. It starts with religious cults where children are taught to accept the most outrageous lies as fact. The child is taught from the time he can walk that the authority figure in a religious cult is never to be questioned what he says is absolute fact. Then after the religious cult gets started on the child the school system does the same thing, to be sure the school system does push the outrageous lies but the authority figure has absolute authority and any attempt by the child to use his intellect is treated as irritation. The school system teaches the children to recite like a parrot and discourages and punishes any attempt of the child to use his intellect outside of very narrow boundaries. By the time these automatons come of age and become part of Slimbaugh audience they are thoroughly conditioned to the principal What You See Is All There IS. Rush shows his audience only what he wants them to see and to his audience that is all there is.

America’s religious cults and school system are designed to produce those who susceptible to propaganda. We condition children that what they think is of no importance, just another irritation to the teachers. Instead of trying to show the child and the class why a child’s reasoning might be off track we teach them that their effort to think is of no value and they should just learn to blindly parrot what ever the days lesson is. Propagandists like Slimbaugh take over when the school system leaves off, his audience has the drill down and if Slimbaugh says it is so they believe it.
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Reply Sun 8 Dec, 2013 09:39 am
Fox News this morning spent more time on their favorite target, the Affordable Health care act. The guest was a doctor who was one of architect of the Affordable Health Acts. Chris Wallace continued to pound the doctor on the point that not enough young people have signed up. Then the doctor pointed out that many young people, up to the age of 26 are now covered under their parents policies so they will not be signing up on their own. This points to a major flaw with the red neck rights propaganda. If the red neck rights propaganda is to be believed it would be necessary for those below the age 26 to sign up for health insurance even though they are already covered under their parents policy. Chris Wallace can continue to act like the numbers don't work but he knows a large portion of the young are already covered under the parents policy.

Then Wallace started harping on the fact that you may not be able to keep your doctor. Where have the commie/conservatives been for the last 10 years. We had one of the most expensive insurance policies at work that was available, it was considered a Cadillac plan and even in that plan you were limited to doctors in "network" if your doctor was not in the "network" the Cadillac plan paid only 60% of the charge and the deductible was raised 400% to $6000. Many plans in use in America today are Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) these limit the patient to doctors employed by the HMO. So keeping your doctor in America went out with bell bottom pants. But the brave republicans are going to save us from something that already happened. It makes for nice propaganda for the ignorant.
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Reply Mon 9 Dec, 2013 06:29 am
A point that was raised on Fox News yesterday was that the cost of medical care went up 80% over inflation during baby Bush's term in office. Other than gasoline nothing else went up as much as medical care. If it was just this period in time that medical care severely exceed the rate of inflation it would be bad but this increase comes on top of similar increase over the preceding quarter of century. This has literally priced over thirty million Americans out of the health care market as healthcare costs continue to rise unchecked more and more people will no longer be able to afford healthcare.

Rush Slimbaugh answer is to do nothing at all and let the market take it's course. Of course if the market is to take it's course the obvious move is to simply refuse medical treatment to the 30 million Americans without healthcare. At some point the healthcare system will be overburdened by those who do not have health insurance and will refuse to treat anyone who can not pay. Already many doctor's offices want cash up front even if the patient has health insurance when the health insurance pays the doctor they keep the insurance payment on top of the cash and may return at the end of the year.

If you told the electronic industry that they would have to provide 30 million people who could not afford them with televisions, computers and cell phones they would collapse overnight or run the cost up many times to survive. The healthcare system we have is broken beyond repair and it will just get worse in the future staying the course is not an option.
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Reply Tue 10 Dec, 2013 05:53 am
Rand Paul was on Fox News Sunday and he had an answer for how to solve Detroit problems after the bankers cheat the retirees out of their pensions cut the taxes on the rich of course. Rand proposing cutting the taxes on the banker windfall to near nothing. After all they will take the pension funds billions why should the bankers have to pay tax on their profits. While the total tax load on the middle class Rand Paul proposes that the tax be cut to 5% on businesses and banks in Detroit. This would make Detroit more attractive for businesses and take businesses from other areas who would than want the taxes cut in their area. This would snowball and before long businesses would be paying a tiny fraction of what working Americans pay. This would help achieve a long time goal of the commie/conservatives cutting taxes to nothing on the ungodly greedy. The ungodly greedy are the ones paying the campaign contributions that make it possible for Rand Paul to run for office. This would achieve another long time commie/conservative political goal of creating massive economic inequality in America. Massive economic inequality helps put extremist political faction in power because massive wealth buys the public airwaves and puts political extremists like Rand Paul in power.
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Reply Wed 11 Dec, 2013 06:30 am
Rush Slimbaugh yesterday was as usual trashing the middle class and telling his audience how great the rich were. As usual whenever Rush's mouth is moving he is lying. Rush main lie yesterday was only the top 40% pay income tax when fact we know the rich pay a lower percentage of income tax than the middle class. I end up even paying income tax on the pitiful $10,000 in social security my wife gets. This is money that was already taxed once when she earned it so it double taxed. I have paid income tax each and every year I worked even when I worked part time going to college. Yet Rush can repeat this lie time and time again and people will believe it even as they do their taxes and pay their income tax. They will believe that they pay income tax but others in similar situations don't. How does Slimbaugh rationalize his lie? That the middle class receives more in benefits from the government than they pay in income taxes so therefore they pay no taxes. Of course when Boeing gets $500,000 in government money this doesn't benefit the rich who own the Boeing stock. Rush lie was suppose to be about who paid income taxes not who got the most benefit. As long as the public unquestionably accepts the lies of the right the country will go in the wrong direction.
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Reply Thu 12 Dec, 2013 06:31 am
Rush Slimbaugh would have the public believe that only the rich pay income tax. But when we look at the poorest households in America the facts show that the poorest 20% pay 4% of their income in income tax. Not quite what Slimbaugh would want you to know. The fact is some of poorest people in America with yearly income average income of $18,400 are paying income tax at about half of the rate Romney was paying on his vast fortune. Romney was another who insinuated that those who owe no income tax are deadbeats and useless eaters. Those who made between $20,500 and $34,300 average paying 10.6% of their income in taxes in 2007 the last year those figures are available for. This is a higher percentage rate in taxes than Romney would have paid if he claimed his exemptions. But the worthless Romney was telling his rich friends and campaign contributors these people were worthless and only the rich paid income tax. Rush is still repeating this lie.

So who doesn't pay income tax? Those on social security who are below the poverty level after the rich cheated them out of their pensions and students who are in school and those on social security paid income tax all their working lives only commie/conservative low lifes like Slimbaugh and Romney would use this type of propaganda and expect his followers to believe it.

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Reply Fri 13 Dec, 2013 06:32 am
What has commie/conservatism done for America? The biggest redistribution of wealth in history took place because of policies put in place during the baby Bush administration. Government is always responsible for the distribution of wealth in a country. This morning on MSN Money reported that since 2007 that the average net worth of American billionaires increased by over 50%. The billionaires average wealth already stood at $3.5 billion at the same time the net worth of the average Americans declined. The period between 2007 and 2013 saw the biggest economic disaster since the Great Depression were hundreds of banks failed and even the mega banks failed. Only $100,000 in banks deposits are insured. How did the billionaires keep from losing their money in bank failures? Evidently all the billionaires deposits were shifted into the mega banks that were bailed out by the government. But in a time where most Americans lost money, the average Americans net worth declined by 5% and even this figure is distorted by the tremendous surge in wealth of the billionaires as their wealth is averaged in to this figure. If the billionaires over 50% surge in wealth of the billionaires was taken out of the average the average Americans wealth would decline 15%. The average net worth in America is $652,449 but 50% of Americans wealth is under $83,000, by averaging in the billionaires net worth the figure is wildly distorted. Can the ungodly greedy get it all? Yes, if more commie/conservatives are elected the economic free for all will continue it will end only when there is no more wealth to take.
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Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 10:30 am
"We must make our choice. We may have a democracy, or we have wealth concentrated in the hands of the few, but we can't have both."

Louis D. Brandeis
(Advisor to Woodrow Wilson)

These words are if anything more true today than they were spoken a century ago not only that they exactly define our political choices of party. The commie/conservatives are the political movement that wants to see that all the wealth in America is concentrated in the hands of the few. The democratic party on other hand has tried to protect our democracy by trying to stop large accumulations of wealth in the hands of the few.

The commie/conservatives rode into town on a white horse proclaiming that if we made the rich even richer that the some of the wealth would "trickle down" to the rest of us. So the old B movie actor made the rich richer but a strange thing happened the wealth did not trickle it went up with a giant sucking sound and the rich became richer and the middle class lost ground. The rich didn't get rich by letting their money trickle down they pinched every penny until it cried out in agony. After 30 years most of us know "trickle down economics was a complete and total failure, it didn't work 30 years ago and it won't work now simply money is more than money it is political power and when the few have not only most of the wealth but most of the political power no democracy can exist. We must indeed make our choice.
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Reply Sun 15 Dec, 2013 08:37 am
During most journeys ones comes to a fork in the road and one can chose the right fork or the left fork it was no different in America. America clearly chose the right fork in 1980 and the result was disastrous for the middle class. The damage didn't come in like a tornado causing the damage all at once it was more like termites eating slowly away at a house they stay out of sight most of the time and only when the house begins to collapse are they discovered. America's ideals, began to collapse in the 80's, we no longer shared the common political ideals of our ancestors who came to America in many cases because of the inequality of wealth in the country they came from.

The right wanted to recreate the oligarchy of wealth found in the old world in America and they have done that, and oligarchy is defined as a form of government where all power is vested in a few people of a dominant
ruling class or clique. Cutting the income tax on the wealthy by 70% in the last half of the 20th century created the perfect conditions for the oligarchy to fester and grow. The rich simply buy the politicians and by buying politicians they buy the government. When laws were put in place to limit the amount of money the rich could legally spend the supreme court ruled that money was speech and to limit the amount of money the rich could spend to buy the political process was speech and no one can legislate "free speech" when it is cubic dollars.

But other countries choose the left fork in the road instead of trying to create an oligarchy based on wealth and wait on "trickle down economics" to rain wealth down on the middle class like mana from heaven. We are still waiting for mana to start falling 30 years later but Rush says not to worry it will start any day now. Germany was one such countries they chose to stay the course and not veer radically right like America did. The first difference was in the middle class the standard of living of middle class America plunged as we veered to the right while the standard of living of the German middle class skyrocketed past the American middle class supplanting the American middle class at the top of the heap. American middle class is no longer the envy of the world the Germany middle class is now number one. A country that had been just rubble a half century earlier had now surpassed all of America's progress over 200 years. The damage done to America by the right is like the damage done by termites only a tiny fraction is obvious now and the real damage will not show for years.
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Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2013 06:30 am
The bankruptcy laws have been rewritten twice in the last 40 years By the businessmen. The bankruptcy laws were written by the bankers and CEOs to favor themselves. In Washington there are a 130 business lobbyists for each of the 535 members of congress. At one time when a business went bankrupt the CEO and bad management were removed and replaced by a bankruptcy trustee the new bankruptcy law allowed the old CEO and bad management to stay in place and cheat the employees out of their pensions and healthcare while making off with millions for themselves. Detroit's retirees will now watch as the bankers use the bankruptcy laws to rob them blind. Of course the Detroit retirees will be given a small fraction of their pensions. Five cents on a dollar is not an unusual settlement from a bankruptcy in the private sector. The banks wrote the bankruptcy laws to favor themselves. The Detroit retirees did not have one lobbyist to represent them when the bankruptcy laws were written let alone the 69,550 lobbyists there to represent the banks and CEOs. One wonders how a congressman can find the time to take all the money the business lobbyists are offering. A congressman would have to meet with a 197 business lobbyists a day just to take the checks. In a system based on greed the majority of people will lose.
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Reply Tue 17 Dec, 2013 06:29 am
When I was a child bigotry was in style, blacks were not allowed to eat at many places. They were simply told to go elsewhere. Bigots were proud of their opinions and their opinions were accepted as mainstream opinions. In the 60s things began to change. A local eatery was called the White Pantry. The owner refused to serve blacks and it became the site of many local protests. The bigots argument at the time was that he had the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason including race. It was simply a shopper owner right to refuse service anyone. Things have changed in the last half century and now if you go into business to serve the public you can not discriminated based on race.

After all these years it was not surprising that Rush Slimbaugh quickly came to the defense of a bigot for refusing service. It seems in a small town a gay couple came in to buy a wedding cake. The shop owners doesn't like gays and like other bigots believes they are going to hell for their lifestyle. He refused to sell wedding cakes to gay couple. It is the White Pantry all over again just another group that is being discriminated against. Slimbaugh was quick to defend the bigot. Slimbaugh asked "Why didn't the gays simply go to another bakery?" It is the shop owners god given right to refuse service Rush says. Rush is regressing to his childhood and still believes in his heart of hearts that a shop owner should be able to refuse service to blacks. This case may be about gays but make no mistake about it this is about a shop owner's right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. Rush might go to football game to watch blacks bash their brains out for his entertainment but Rush would see nothing wrong with the restaurant he ate at after the game refused service to the black football players.

The Bakery owner has been threatened with large fines for discrimination and refusing service to the public and Rush and other bigots are coming to his aide with a large defense fund. It is 1950 and Rush is reliving his bigoted childhood and trying to rewrite history.

Bigotry in some may remain hidden from the public for decades but Rush is out of closet now. Bigotry is alive and well in Rush Slimbaugh and hidden no more.
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Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 07:40 pm
Rush Slimbaugh is trying to stage a bigot revival in America. Rush can't wait to bring bigotry back to the level it was in the 50's. The only thing Rush would change is the targeted group. If the baker selling the a wedding cakes can refuse service than any restaurant could refuse service to gay couples, next the shopping malls, and even the amusement parks would all be able to refuse service to gays because they don't agree with their life style and in fact their life style offends them. Than the vicious circle of bigotry kicks in where the closet bigots tell the store owners they will not frequent their store if they continue to serve gays. The circle of bigotry feeds on itself like a dog eating its tail.

The Sweet Cakes by Melissa Bakery that refused to serve the same sex couples has closed its doors. Same sex couples 1 bigots 0. The bakery was in Gresham, Ore. Bigotry starts small but it soon festers and grows. The bigots are moving their bakery to their home. LGBT staged protests at Sweet Cakes and other businesses that did business with them they even claim to have had death threats.

How does a bigot justify his bigotry? The bible of course they posted this quote "Better is a poor man who walks in integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways." Where is the well spring of bigotry? The bible. The bible has stored and preserved every perverted and bigoted idea since the beginning of time. The ignorance in the bible would have long ago vanished from the face of the earth if the religious didn't breath life into the walking dead ideas each Sunday. Man can never advance till he can move beyond ignorance. Ignorance grows in the darkness of small minds and spreads like a disease.

I do not agree with many peoples life choices and I am sure there are those who don't agree with mine but I do not believe that I am here to dictate to them. A bakery is just that a bakery it is not a church it is not here to dictate morality nor should it. If you are in business to serve the public you must serve the public America is well aware what happens when businesses are allowed to discriminate against one group or another. Repeating the mistakes of the past serves no purpose.
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Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 06:30 am
The book of ignorance strikes again, a Duck Dynasty star was suspended from the show for sharing his ignorance with the world. Being ignorant is one thing, but when one is a role model publicly displaying your ignorance and showing how proud you are of it is done at your own risk. When a preponderance of evidence changes the opinions of the majority they become less tolerant of those pushing ignorance. A few decades ago homosexuality was considered a curable disease by the American Psychiatric Association. They actually gave people shock treatments to try and cure homosexuality. This had the affect of damaging the brains some had their jobs skills erased by strong jolts of electricity directly to the brain but what they didn't do was cure homosexuality. Now studies of genetic show that in fact it may have a genetic bases. When Lady Ga Ga sings she was born that way she is correct she was born that way. Just as you and I had no say over whether you were born a boy or girl they have no choice over their sexual orientation. They now believe that sexual orientation is determined during pregnancy when the mother's hormone wash determines sexual orientation and that takes place after the physical sex has been determined.

The bible reflects the state of knowledge as it existed 2000 years ago at that point they believed demons and witches were responsible for disease> They also believed the world was flat and you could walk off the edge. The first man to declare the world was round was lucky he wasn't executed by the bible thumpers. When Copernicus showed the earth was not the center of the universe it was considered blasphemy. The book of ignorance has been edited not often but it has been edited to cut some of the most outrageous ignorance. In fact when the bible was assembled some entire books were left out. Much as the Koran was assembled each tribe bought their book and than they decide which books were to be included.

And yes Phil Robinson, the father on Duck Dynasty, did use the C word proudly claiming to be Christian ignorant.
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Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2013 10:00 pm
The hate speech by the Duck Commander dominated the talk shows today. Many callers and right wing talk show hosts claimed that the A&E had violated Phil Robertson's 1st amendments rights. On one station an expert had to explain to the red neck right audience that there was no such thing as first amendments rights in the private sector. The first amendment rights exist only between the government and an individual. If you say something I don't like I don't have to associate with you or employ you any longer. Morals clauses are standard in contracts for entertainers and company spokesmen if they make morally offensive or outrageous remarks there contract can be terminated. The smaller government caller reaction was immediate and swift they called for bigger government and first amendments rights in the private sector to be enforced by none other than the government.

The N word in and of itself is considered hate speech and public use of even that one word would be grounds for dismissal under most morals clauses. Of course what Phil Robertson said was far worse then just using the N word.
"Everything is blurred on what is right and wrong... Sin becomes fine, he said. "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality sleeping around with this woman and that woman and those men."

Phi Robertson
The world according to Forest Gump you start with guys upgrade to Jersey Cows and then start with this woman and that and end up with guys again. Look Gladys the gay guy's boy friend has moved out but what I can't understand is why that Jersey cow is doing in his front yard? Yeah like that happens.

Phil Robertson says in other parts of his interview that "I was a product of the 60s and centered my life around sex drugs and rock and roll." I think this speaks volumes and when Robertson was on drugs that Jersey cow could have successfully sued him for sexual harassment. But first he was lost and then he was saved and became an authority to tell others how to live.

It would be funny if it wasn't for the fact this guy is a role model and opinion setter for an army of ignorant people.

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Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 06:32 am
If Paul Robertson, the Duck Dynasty star, that told his fans in an interview that homosexuality leads to bestiality had instead said that being black led to bestiality, would the same people be defending his right to say it? The "N" word has all but disappeared from public discourse and just its use screams bigot let alone claiming that it leads to bestiality.

Robertson claims to have centered his life on sex, drugs and rock and roll so where did he get his degree in bigotry? Robertson got his degree in bigotry from the good book of bigotry, the bible. Churches are filled with the former dregs of society who have come to see the light, not the light at the end of the tunnel, but the guiding light of bigotry. It is extremely hard to stamp out bigotry especially when bigotry is considered super natural knowledge handed down to us from a god.

I suspect Paul Robertson might knows a bit more about bestiality and homosexuality than he let on in the interview. When you are on a LSD trip your judgment might be impaired and that Jersey cow might look awfully attractive.

We cannot deal with bigotry without dealing with its source at sometime in the future organized religion must be exposed for what it actually is. Only when public opinion reaches a tipping point will there be change. When the church down on the corner is seen as the local residence of the KKK the public attention will realize it is the source of bigotry.
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Reply Sun 22 Dec, 2013 09:09 am
Who Stole the American Dream" is a new book by Hedrick Smith although I think he hasn't found all the pieces yet but he does have enough pieces to show the driving forces that led to the destruction of the middle class standard of living over the last 30 years. While I would trace the beginning of the decline and fall of the American Empire to the beginning of the modern conservative movement an the election of Ronald Reagan, Hedrick Smith would trace it to the late 70s when troops of greed began amassing in Washington DC. There is always a siege before the fall of a country or a city and in every revolution there is manifesto, a set of basic core ideas and in this case Smith attributes it to the Powell Memorandum by Louis Powell. The 1971 Powell Memorandum was a call to arms for America corporations and it drew a powerful response the results was that trillions of dollars of middle class wealth was appropriated by the super rich.

Not all revolutions are waged with guns and bombs some are silent without a shot being fired. Had middle class America seen that Washington was under siege by armed revolutionaries there would have be volunteers from all over the nation to fight them off. But these revolutionaries were armed with billion of dollars instead billions of guns. These billions of dollars were not only used to shift the basic structure of our laws but to tilt the table till all of the financial rewards ran toward the super rich's corner of the table.

A huge army of over quarter million corporate lobbyists descend on Washington in response to the Powell Memorandum. They were armed with cubic dollars instead of guns. In most revolutions it is roughly one to one but in this case there were over 500 business lobbyists to every congressman. No army in history overcame a 500 to 1 disadvantage and this case was not an exception.

Sa for me I believe the change started when communists like Whitaker Chambers, Frank Meyer and James Burnham founded the modern conservative movement. We live in duality in this universe there is physical world and mental world. The physical world is where the mental world is manifested. Changes in the physical world originate in the world of ideas. A car was just and idea in Henry Ford's head just as the airplane was an idea in the Wright Brother's head. Politics is no different America was just an idea in the founding father head. Frank Meyer, the communist, who is considered the Father of the modern conservative movement began the shift of political ideas.
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Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2013 06:29 am
Paul Robertson, the Duck Dynasty star is speaking out after being lambasted over his hate speech about gays. Robertson was asked if this was the first time he bought up "sin?" He said, Are you kidding? I have been traveling to and fro spreading this message. Why is it that the most ignorant among us strive so hard to share their ignorance? It looks like they would try to gather as much knowledge about the subject from as many different sources as possible. But no all they ever need to know is from the "book of ignorance." Supernatural knowledge trumps everything else after all isn't an all knowing super being sharing his knowledge.

On Fox News yesterday one of the panelists just about lost it when she was criticizing Paul Robertson she literally could not say enough bad things about him. It was very obvious that she was more than a little emotionally invested in her rant. Is it possible that Fox News has employed a lesbian news caster? My how the times are a changing. It is a good thing Robertson was not in the room because I believe she would have changed his belief system.

The rest of Robertson family has told A&E they don't see how the show can continue without Robertson. One wonders whether all that Duck Dynasty merchandize will disappear from stores as fast as it showed up. If so there will be millions lost.
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Snowdon is a dummy - Discussion by cicerone imposter
TEA PARTY TO AMERICA: NOW WHAT?! - Discussion by farmerman
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