The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 9 May, 2011 05:09 am
Has anybody been on the “Atlas Shrugged” movie site? It seems the maker of Atlas Shrugged” is taking Zinov’yevna advice and going on “strike.” No one knows whether he is going to that great hidden valley in the Colorado. It seems after the dismal showing at the box office and some of the worst reviews in history he has decided not to make “Atlas Shrugged” parts II and III. He said he guessed” his children will just have to go on strike” and leave our “miserable children to starve.”

The “Atlas Shrugged” movie site has its very own bulletin board for cult members to praise what has been labeled by critics as the “worst movie of the century.” How did the “worst movie of the century” ever find its way into theaters? John Aglaloro, the businessman that financed “Atlas Shrugged,” had to rent the 299 theaters where it was shown. In other words he spent $10 million to rent the theaters and got only a small fraction of his investment back.

The “Atlas Shrugged” web site bulletin has picked up one of the commie style talk radio techniques and has been screening what posters write before they will post it on the board. I was one out of two yesterday evening. I answered a post crying that the reason “Atlas Shrugged” was such a miserable failure was that they didn’t purchase many commercial advertisements. When I pointed the movie was promoted non- stop on commie/conservative radio for months during the talk portion of the shows, like Rush Slimbaugh, who has millions of automatrons listeners who purchase every product he plugs, not on the commercials that most people tune out, and received at least $20 million in free advertising they decided to screen that post. The task, is the task of a conman and talk radio, to manipulate reality.

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Reply Tue 10 May, 2011 05:02 am
“Fortunate indeed, is the man who takes exactly the right measure of himself, and holds a just balance what he can acquire and what he can use. “

Peter Lathan 1789-1875

The ungodly greedy have a black hole inside them that can never be filled even if they acquired all the wealth of the world, they would still want more. The ungodly greedy have an inadequate personality, some try to fill their inadequate personality with women, some with fame, some food, some with alcohol, some with drugs, some with gold and some with a combination of the above. But the black hole in a psychotic personality can never be filled, it is indeed bottomless. Like King Midas they can possess all the gold in the world but they can never escape the gnawing hunger for more, whether it is drugs money, or children to abuse. Society has no problem realizing the drug addict, the alcoholic, the glutton, or the child molester has a problem but gluttony of money is not shunned but admired. All these people are simply a different expression of the same psychotic personality traits. Left to their own devices, the drunk will effortlessly kill a school bus full of kids and blame somebody else. The drug addict will kill for his fix. But the ungodly greedy will destroy a nation and think nothing of it until they find themselves roasting on a barbeque spit.
Greed is like radioactivity it can be harnessed but it is extremely dangerous when not tightly controlled. The ungodly greedy will work if every bit as hard to get seven dollars out of a hundred as they do to get eighty-five dollars today out of a hundred. It is the nature of their mental illness that drives them more than how much they get. The biggest expansion of the American economy takes place during the 30 years following WWII when taxes on the ungodly greedy ranged between 91% to 93%. The ungodly greedy in fact work harder in the 50s for less reward. After 30 years of lowering the taxes on the ungodly greedy the American standard of living plunged. Most couples now working full time and have a lower standard of living than their fathers did as single breadwinner but the ungodly greedy income has skyrocketed. On average the ungodly greedy’s income has increased over $20 million a year in the same time period. Can anyone see the monopoly game winding toward conclusion?
All wealth is derived by labor and the ungodly have no more than 24 hours a day, so he ungodly greedy’ got their wealth the same way the mob got theirs, taking a cut of others labor. Absolute wealth is simply absolute power, the Mafia’s guns are no match for the ungodly’ greedy money. They have purchased our government and you need to look no further than the five hedge fund managers that yearly income is between one and five billion a year, that pay only 15% income tax on their billion dollar incomes. Income tax was luxury tax placed levied only on “excess wealth” when it was written in 1913. The first $80,000 was exempt from income tax, no working man paid income tax only the ungodly greedy paid the tax, now as the ungodly greedy rule Washington by bribes, they are more commonly known as campaign contributions.
Now that “Atlas Shrugged” has bottomed out there is a good movie to rent on DVD it is called “Casino Joe” the Joe Abramoff story.
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2011 05:04 am
The last generation was known as “The Greatest Generation,” the Greatest Generation fought and won a world war, made America a hyper power. They secured defined benefit pensions for 60% of the private sector workforce, lifetime health insurance for many, Medicare for the elderly and the longest economic expansion in American history. More Americans joined the middle class than ever before and the American standard of living got progressively better.

When history has spoken, what title will the Baby Boomer Generation earn? How will our children and grandchildren refer to this generation? The most likely title will be “The Dumbest Generation,” the generation that let it be swindled out of all the gains made by the “Greatest Generation by a few communist and Russian intellectuals. The generation that singlehandedly took America back to before the industrial revolution. We have less manufacturing than at any point since the Industrial Revolution.

The commie/conservatives are now intent on swindling Americans out of their Medicare and Social Security, those all-important “entitlements.” I always wonder why life insurance is not referred as entitlement? After all you pay into it all your life and you expect for your wife to be “entitled” to it. When you pay for a television set at Sears you are entitled to get that television even if it is delivered next week. No one ever refer to be entitled to something they bought and paid for. Often you pay less into life insurance than the payout because they use your money for a lifetime and must pay for the use of the money. The commie/conservative are simply waging a psychological war of language on the Dumbest Generation and winning.
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Reply Thu 12 May, 2011 05:04 am
Not only will this generation be known as the world’s dumbest generation but in retirement it will likely be the poorest generation. In retirement the world’s dumbest who bad mouthed welfare will likely find themselves in subsidized government housing eating only with help of food stamps. Most of the Baby Boomer’s fathers retired with a good pension. In the 60s at least 60% of the private sector had a defined benefit pension now they have been replaced by the defined contribution pension. Social security was only meant to replace 40% of a retiree’s preretirement income. Defined Benefits pensions provided a decent standard of living but the average defined contribution plan has only $50,000 at retirement age enough to buy annuity that will provide $300 a month income for life. The $300 in retirement will be worth only $175 after 20 years of inflation. Do you have a taste for cat food? You might want to find a brand you like now. My mom was a private duty nurse for many years, some of the older private duty nurses never paid into social security as they were self-employed when they retired they had no social security and they subsisted eating cat food in their golden years. The sale of cat food is likely to increase as the Baby Boomers look for ways to stretch their defined contribution pension. Remember the $300 a month is an average many Baby Boomers will have far less than the $300 a month, I know some that spent their entire defined contribution pension in less than a year, and they worked at a major oil company.
Alan Greenspan was one of Zinov’yevna disciples of greed and gutted our social security system. It is always the ungodly greedy that believe that everyone needs to tighten their belt and get by with less. Alan Greenspan was a close friend and admirer of Zinov’yevna and he bought Zinov’yevna philosophy to the highest level of our government.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2011 06:20 am
How can you tell the Baby Boomers are the world dumbest generation? After the Baby Boomers begin to retire something else happened, hunger among the elderly soared. AARP is sponsoring a NASCAR Race car to bring attention to how quickly hunger among America’s elderly is growing. Greedism leads to a moral climate where the ungodly greedy were encouraged and cheered on as they swindled the Baby Boomers out of their retirement. Zinov’yevna’ Greedism endorses Lottery Winner Economics, in Lottery Winner Economics life is like is the lottery, all will enter but only small fraction will win. Lottery Winner Economics is acceptable to many people for the same reasoning that fire insurance is, people pool their money in case their house burns down everyone pays a premium but only those who house burns collect. No one knows who house will burn so they are willing to pay the premium. If everyone knew whose house would burn and who’s would not those whose house wasn’t going to burn would not pay the premium. The same reasoning underpins Lottery Winner Economics; at least that is how it is sold to the public. The idea that each individual has equal chance to win the economy lottery as his house is to burn, but that is the illusion. Each human being has a unique skill set, some may be talented teachers (rare), some may be skilled mechanics, some skilled builders, some skilled managers, some skill may be in making money, some skilled conmen, and others skilled in swindling others.

With different ill sets some are at distinct advantage to win the economic lottery, those that have a skill set for making money, those that have skill set for swindling others, and those that have a skill set for outright theft. The justification for the existence of the ungodly greedy was that someone with a skill set to make money would provide coat tails to pull others along, for instance that an Andrew Carnegie would use the money to build another steel plant. That argument is for the most part is dead, large privately owned companies are now the exception and not the rule. Most companies are publicly owned by stockholders, but CEOs who are nothing more than employees of a company that are frequently replaced, are treated as past moguls. America industry is vanishing and replaced by the finical sector, a good portion of which is little more than legalized gambling, where you can place a bet on whether a stock or commodity will go up or down. Gambling is a parasitic industry it creates nothing but worthless paper in the end, the recent depression was caused by the gambling.

The financial sector is now 20% of our GNP while the industrial sector is only 13% of the GNP. Before Greedism the industrial sector was responsible for over 50% of our GNP. America’s GNP is now like the finical industry, much of it is made up of worthless paper. Hedge funds specialize in gambling they highly leveraged; when gamblers gamble they use their own money, but most of the money hedge funds gamble with is borrowed money in some cases up to 97% is borrowed. The down fall of the stock market crash of the late 20s was caused by stocks being bought on margin, being bought with borrowed money. When the stock went down the loans couldn’t be repaid. Hedge funds may funded to $3 billion but borrow another $97 billion from various banks to gamble with. If they wager $100 billion on say oil going to a $120 a barrel and oil goes down to $80 a barrel they have lost all the hedge funds principal and much of the banks money. The failure of one hedge fund by placing bad bets can collapse the entire US banking system and the failure of Long Term Capital Management nearly did so in 1998.

The huge amount of leverage in hedge funds gives them the ability to manipulate markets and gain control of the supply and demand curve and control prices. In effect the hedge funds can easily swindle the pension funds and other American investors. Lottery Winner Economics is like going to a Casino where all the games are fixed.

Zinov’yevna’ dream of a greed based paradise is fast becoming a nightmare for America.

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Reply Sat 14 May, 2011 07:35 pm
The critics have pegged the movie “Atlas Shrugged” the worst movie of the century, a seven on a scale of 100 rotten tomatoes. Some of those on the political right say the movie is faithful to the book. It is a shame the book wasn’t labeled the worst book of the century. Zinov’yevna’ book the “The Fountainhead” was rejected by twelve publishers and the editor of the Bobbs-Merill Company had to threaten to quit if his company didn’t publish the book. “The Fountainhead” was a best seller; it appealed to those who see themselves as victims. The ungodly greedy always see themselves as the ultimate victims. Even the character name in “Atlas Shrugged” Wesley Mooch implies that he is victimizing the ungodly greedy. Once an author has a bestseller he or she develops a following of fans, short for fanatics. I believe people have a genetic predisposition for becoming fans and fanatics. Finding a leader and following him was an important survival technique for our ancestor in tribal societies. Finding the wrong leader might lead to disaster but those with no leader didn’t survive, there was strength in numbers. So natural selection left us with a tendency to become fanatics.

Cults are built on charismatic leaders, “Atlas Shrugged” built on a cult following. Many people in our society see themselves as victims and it is always easier to play the victim than take responsibility for our own actions. But there is another side to the coin people generally don’t like to own the things that go bad in their lives but are quick to take credit for the good things that happen even if other people are majorly responsible for their good fortune. In “Atlas Shrugged” the ungodly greedy characters like Henry Rearden and Dagny Taggart take credit for the work of thousands. Zinov’yevna view of a company is that the CEO is responsible for everything that the company produces; the employees are just slaves that the owner is “taking care of.”

The output of any company is a cooperative effort of all the employees, not the effort of just one. Slave mentality permeates “Atlas Shrugged” a world where only the slave owner reaps the benefits and “trickledown economics” rules. It would be easy to dismiss “Atlas Shrugged” as just a bad a book as the movie reveals, if it wasn’t for the immense damage done to America. We create models to help us understand reality; if the model is defective our perception of reality is distorted. That is what a conman does, is try to alter our perception of reality. Zinov’yevna distorted Americans perception of reality affected every man woman and child in America, after Zinov’yevna philosophy became integrated part of American politics every working couple in America worked 32 more hours a week and had less to show for it then there fathers did as single wage earners. Since the Russian philosophy has become popular in America all the increase of the GNP for the last 30 years has went into the pockets of the ungodly greedy, the middle has not shared in their increased production.

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Reply Sun 15 May, 2011 08:25 am
I will grant you there is an economic pie to split; even our most primitive ancestors had an economic pie to split. Money is nothing more than economic shorthand. When ancient tribes banded together to hunt the hunt was divided among all the tribe. The chief may have got the biggest piece but he certainly didn’t get 99% of the hunt while the other 99% of the tribe divided 1% of the hunt among themselves. Why because the meat would have rotted. But money is just a short hand symbol and the ungodly greedy can indeed take 99% of a country wealth. There is no case in history where the ungodly managed to meet their goal of 100% of the wealth because when they get 99% percent of a country wealth, at this point the other 99% of the people are starving to death, then the ungodly greedy are slaughtered like the psychotic pigs they are. There are even documented cases in history where the psychotic pigs were killed put on spits and roasted over an open fire and fed to their wives. The ungodly greedy can never understand why they are not entitled to all the wealth after all according to Zinov’yevna, the other 99% of people are just “helpless and at the mercy of the wind.”

Greedism is nothing new, it is as old as money, we know from history Greedism ultimately concludes in a bloody revolution. The psychotics are killed and the system starts over. The mathematical equation is that 5% of the people have 99% of the wealth, and that the other 95% of the people divide the remaining 5% of the wealth but the psychotic ungodly greedy are never satisfied with 95% of wealth they want it all. If the other 95% of the people try to take even 1% of the ungodly greedy 95% of the wealth, the ungodly greedy will fight to the death. But the ungodly greedy can take up to another 4% of the other 95% of the people wealth and they will not fight until the ungodly greedy try to take that last 1% when their families are starving to death. That is the vanishing point for the ungodly greedy psychotics and their families. Greed is a cancer on the body of man and sooner or later the sickness has to be cut out.

Neuroscientists now have a test to measure the psychotic personality. We all know Ted Bundy was a psychopath, who killed women, beheaded them, and raped them in that order. But that is only one expression of a psychopathic personality. Psychopaths can express their personalities in different ways, we would all not chose the same form of recreation, and psychopaths do not express their psychotic tendencies the same way. Ann Rule worked with Ted Bundy at a Contact phone service; she thought he was normal in every way. From interviews with Bill Gates neuroscientists have speculated he would score high on the psychopath’s test, instead of killing women, he kills other companies. We all know deep down that greed is a sign of a sick mind but like Ann Rule, most of us have no idea how sick these people really are.
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Reply Mon 16 May, 2011 05:03 am
I have also been posting on the “Atlas Shrugged” movie site. One of the posters said, “We get it you don’t like the book, you don’t like the movie and you don’t like the author. Do you think you are going to change anyone minds? ” Gee, I wonder how he could tell I didn’t like the Russian Atheist’s work? The post:

Face it the best director in the world could not have improved that drug addicted atheist’s garbage. Only someone spaced out on drugs could have written it in the first place. Maybe if they found a director addicted to Benzedrine we could have offsetting drug addictions, no since Zinov’yevna was addicted to uppers the director would need to be addicted to downers to equalize this mess out. Drug addicts addicted to uppers remind me of the pictures of different types of Labrador Dogs, one picture was labeled meth lab. Amphetamine addicts are the ones that are always bouncing off the walls. The perspective of a drug addict is chemically altered.

They always tell an author to aim his book toward a particular audience. It is obvious “Atlas Shrugged” was written for a childlike intellect. Only a child could really appreciate a modern day pirate, who steals from the poor to given even more to the ungodly greedy. Ragnnar is a real swashbuckling pirate, a refugee fresh from children story, who dedicated his life to annihilate all memory of Robin Hood. Coming from a drug addict this would be considered good writing.
Now really does that sound like I don’t like the movie?

I fully realize that there is no way to change an “Atlas Shrugged” cult member mind; the Disciples of Greed are indeed a lost cause. Incestuous amplification has overwhelmed them. But there are those on the site that the incestuous amplification of Zinov’yevna garbage has not reached critical mass in their mind yet.

Can you say delete? Atlas Shrugged cult members can still delete anything that doesn’t rise to incestuous amplification.

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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 05:03 am
The World’s Dumbest Generation not only sat by while they were bilked out of their pensions but is on the verge of losing their Medicare and Social Security. Why because a shift in our philosophy. There are two worlds a physical world and non- physical world of ideas. We think of the physical world as “the real world” but fail to take into account that almost everything in the physical world came forth from the non-physical world. Which ideas we chose to accept and which ideas we chose to reject determine the physical world. As we found throughout history the ideas we accept are not always correct, as a one of the most sophisticated nation on earth accepted Nazism as the philosophy of a nation. Racism was the accepted norm in 1950s America. Correct ideas are often rejected, economic self-interest over road right during slavery.

Our world Philosophy defines us our physical world depends on our philosophy. When Nazism was accepted as a philosophy of Germany 6 million people died many who lived thousands of miles away. Philosophy has a profound effect on all of us, it is responsible for the way we see our world and it shapes our actions. The ideas of Russian philosopher Zinov’yevna (Rand) polluted and fermented in the non-physical world for a quarter of a century before leaching into the American philosophy, now 30 years after Zinov’yevna’ ideas became popular in America, those ideas are slowly eating away at the very soul of America.
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Reply Wed 18 May, 2011 05:02 am
If you are going to fix a problem first you must be able to separate the symptoms from the problem that causes the symptoms. Symptoms are obvious; the underlying cause is often not obvious. Just treating the symptoms without remedying the cause is wasted effort. If you have a front tire on your car that is worn out and you replace it only to find it worn out again in a few thousand miles, the worn tire is the symptom and the car alignment is the actual cause. No matter how many tires you replace the car must be aligned to fix the problem.

The problems with America today are much like the problem with the car, the symptoms are obvious to everyone, unemployment, declining standard of living, skyrocketing medical costs, vanishing retirement plans, and social security and Medicare in trouble. The underlying problem though is a shift in the philosophy of America to a lottery winner economic system, a philosophy that greed is good. We are familiar with the economics of the lottery where some individuals get rich beyond their wildest dreams while others simply lose. Zinov’yevna’(Rand) philosophy was more effective at destroying America than a 100 communists atomic bombs because it destroyed the moral infrastructure of America. Can it be fixed? Most people will only be aware of the symptoms and cannot even imagine the long term damage.
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Reply Thu 19 May, 2011 05:07 am
Wii the world dumbest generation ever wake up? Or just go quietly into retirement living on cat food and working at Wall Mart? Will they ever realize that the only thing that trickles down “Trickle Down Economics” is what the ungodly greedy decide to let “trickle down” and the ungodly greedy want it all. Like the scorpion and the frog, the scorpion said to the frog one day that he wanted a ride to the other side of the lake. The frog said no, you will sting and I will die. The scorpion said if I sting you we will both drown. That made sense to the frog and he gave the scorpion a ride, half way across the lake the scorpion stung the frog. The frog asked scorpion why? The scorpion said it is my nature, just as it is the nature of the ungodly greedy throughout history.

Currently 10,000 baby boomers are retiring a day, or are they? We have a 55 and over program here where they held the elderly find jobs. It is giving us a glimpse of what nonretirement is like. Once “retired” economic reality sets in quickly on the world dumbest generation, social security replaces only 40% of your income; the trouble is retirement doesn’t reduce your expenses by 60%. Most of the world’s dumbest generation have become accustom to luxuries such as eating and a place to stay, luxuries they can no longer afford. Faced with starvation and evection they sadly realize that retirement is a luxury they can’t afford.

One lady recently hired by the 55 and over program in our office is 64, retired from Sears trying to live on $800 a month realized she simply can’t afford to retire. On food stamps to eat, she is trying to get in subsidized housing, when I told her she would have to pay a $100 a month for Medicare when she became eligible. The reality that retirement is another luxury she can’t afford set in. She will be both a ward of the welfare state and have to continue working. Lottery winner economics manufactures a few winners and 100s of millions of losers.
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Reply Fri 20 May, 2011 06:06 am
The choice America now faces is between the current Lottery Winner Economics system and economic system that more equitably reflects the contributions of Americans. American Law requires a minimum wage but it does require a fair wage. It is nice to look at life like a roulette wheel, where you bet your life on 4 red and hope to win. Every gambler believes in his heart that he is going to win, that is the con in this con game, no gambler walks into a casino thinking he is going to lose $10,000 of his hard earned money. The hard reality is that most people lose their money but the hard reality also is most gamblers don’t believe they will be one of the losers.

Free Market thinking depends on supply and demand curve to set prices and some market such as television sets and computers, this may be the best solution but in others markets it simply doesn’t produce equitable results. For instance in our society entertainment is highly valued, there are millions of teachers, but few football coaches. As a result of the supply and demand curve football college coaches make millions even at relatively small Universities while engineering professors make a tiny fraction of the football coach’s salary. The University I attended eliminated its engineering program and later built a huge Football Stadium, Hollywood later made a movie about the football program. Now America has an oversupply of middle aged men who can throw an oblong ball but must import a large number of engineers from third world countries who use their limited means to actually educate their children.

A dollar can only be spent once, that applies to education dollars also. Entertainment, like gambling, offers an escape from reality and is highly valued in our society. Given the choice as to whether to fund a new football stadium or a school of engineering there is no contest. The community as a whole has found a way to make the poor children pay for their entertainment. Colleges force students to pay an activity fee to fund the football program. Nationwide students are being forced to borrow billions to fund football stadiums and multi-million dollars salaries for coaching staffs. It will take 20 years or more for most of these students to pay back that money for the community’s entertainment while in India they are educating engineers who will come over here. They work here for here for years and then take our companies and our jobs back home to India with them. I wonder if there is a market in India for teaching people how to throw an oblong ball?

There is not a one solution fits all problems solution, different problems require different solutions, greed does not always produce the best outcome. Americans are not cult members that must use the same solution for all problems and America better learn that quickly.

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Reply Sun 22 May, 2011 06:25 am
During Joe McCarthy’s communist witch hunt, attending even a single communist’s cell meeting was enough to ruin your life. A teacher could lose their job and actor or writer could be blacklisted for most of their lives, careers and lives ruined. But yet the hard core communist intellectuals not only continued to work but worked in very prominent positions responsible for molding public opinion. These people were hard core communist party member like Whitaker Chambers who is a role model for the right to this day. How can a self-admitted communist spy become the hero of the Republican Party? How can a Frank Meyer, a long time communist, found the Modern Conservative Movement, without the American public knowing that he took his orders directly from Moscow at one time? Why were the hard core communists not blacklisted and forbidden to work in their profession, shaping other people’s minds and opinions?

A Hollywood actor, which had attended a communist cell meeting, was considered so dangerous that he was blacklisted, yet the communist intellectuals and party leaders were allowed to work in their perspective positions. Who could do the most damage, the actor or the journalists? The answer is somewhere buried back in history. It is the key question that must be answered. We knew communism was a threat so why did the most dangerous of communist intellectuals retain their jobs and standing in the community? When a major criminal turns state evidence against his co-conspirators he is often allowed to go free. We know that was the case with Whitaker Chambers, who not only named names but provided hard evidence against his fellow communists. Chambers then was then granted hero status later affirmed by Ronald Reagan awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Was this in best interests of America? No this allowed the communists intellectuals to do far more damage to America.

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Reply Mon 23 May, 2011 05:04 am
Those, like Whitaker Chambers, who turned state’s evidence against their former communist friends, became heroes to the radical right in America. Usually traitors are held in low esteem by both sides but in this case Whitaker Chamber’s testimony against Alger Hiss in the Hiss trial bought him celebrity status. The Hiss trial was considered the trial of the century at the time and likely history will make it the trial of the century, it will be remembered long after everyone has forgot who O J Simpson was. It was a David slew Goliath moment Whitaker Chambers from the wrong side of the tracks versus Hiss a genuine blue blood from all the right schools. Even after Hiss was found guilty of lying, that statute espionage had lapsed before the investigation began. The statue of limitation for spying was an unbelievable 2 years at the time. The statue of limitations was also the reason Whitaker Chambers was not executed as a spy. This statue of limitation was raised after the Hiss trial.

Nothing affords privilege like celebrity and Chambers’ took advantage of his celebrity by writing his autobiography “Witness.” Chambers went from being a fugitive running from his comrades to an editor at “Time” magazine. Many people associate the communist witch hunt with Joe McCarty but not with Richard Nixon, who played a key part in the communist witch hunt. Chamber and Nixon became fast friends during Chambers testimony before McCarthy House Committee on Un-American Activities.

The question is that should someone who turns states evidence against his comrades become a role model for America?
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Reply Tue 24 May, 2011 05:02 am
How did the communist intellectuals reform their public image? After decades as loyal communist party members they suddenly became the anti-communist communists. This would be like serial killers becoming the anti-serial killer serial killer overnight. Can you imagine a Ted Bundy suddenly writing articles against the evils of serial killing? If he did would he be forgiven for killing, beheading and raping those women’s dead bodies? Would suddenly taking a position against those evils be penance for his crimes? Would Reagan then have awarded Ted Bundy the Presidential Medal of Freedom for serial killing? Would the republican elite hold a party in the Whitehouse to commemorate Ted Bundy 100th birthday party?

But that is exactly what happened in Whitaker Chambers’ case. To be sure Chambers didn’t behead or rape his victims but they were every bit as dead and far more numerous. They didn’t die by his hand but by his actions. They weren’t beheaded but blown to bits by Nazi bombs, made more accurate by the top secret bomb site. Just another American military secret stolen by Whitaker Chambers and turned over to the Nazi and communists before WWII. To be sure the top secret plans for our battleship handed over to the Nazis helped the Germany U-Boats captains target their torpedoes to the most vulnerable area of the American battleships dramatically upping their kill ratio.

Make no doubt about it Whitaker Chambers was no hero, even if Reagan tried to make one. Chambers didn’t leave the communist party for heroic reasons. Chambers flight from communism was not born of philosophical differences, but mortal fear. Run coward run and Whitaker Chambers ran where even the hounds couldn’t catch him. Chambers’ flight was the flight of a miserable coward running for his miserable life, his communists comrades had decide to kill him. He ran and hid like the true rat he was. Later he decided to turn evidence over to the Whitehouse in hopes once the information was turned over the communists would no longer have a reason to kill him.

Frank Meyer, the Father of Modern Conservative Movement, a high placed communist slept days and stayed up nights looking for his communist comrades to kill him in the night. It was a pattern he followed for the rest of his life. It seems in Communism when you fall out of the click, you often disappear from the earth.
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Reply Wed 25 May, 2011 08:04 am
How do people become celebrities? To become a celebrity one needs a national stage. The Hiss trial provided Chambers that national stage. While sex appeal and good looks are often ingredients in making actors and singers celebrities it played no part in making Chambers a celebrity. Chambers was a short and fat and on the downhill side of middle age when he took the national stage. His gay exploits in public bathrooms were detailed in the trial by the prosecution so the defense could not use them to discredit him.

There is another pathway to celebrity status other than good looks and sex appeal. Joseph Campbell called it the hero’s journey. According to Campbell the hero’s journey is the bases for most of our mythology. In the hero’s saga the hero over comes a series of difficult obstacles to accomplish his mission. Whitaker Chambers was the classic outsider who was pitted against Hiss an established Washington insider who had help to negotiate the peace treaty that ended WWII.

The trouble with heroes is that it is often the actions and circumstances of the moment that combined to make them heroes, people do stop to consider who these people actually are. Becoming a hero is very much a function of the moment and often a unique set of circumstances. Heroes most often just heroes of that moment and quickly fade from public memory. But Whitaker Chambers was deified and became a symbolic hero for the Modern Conservative Movement. Chambers became the classic symbol of those brave heroes on the right marching off, more likely sitting in their easy chair, to fight communism with every breath. Mortal men die but heroes live on in the minds of others, their deeds becoming grander with every telling. Killing a ghost is harder then killing a mortal.
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Reply Thu 26 May, 2011 08:08 am
If you ask most people today about Joe McCarthy and his counterpart committee in the House, The House on Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), most people will remember it like a witch hunt, many sacrificed but very few guilty. One of the original witch hunters said he would be satisfied to burn a 100 innocent people at the stake if only one witch was among them. I am sure his victims would not agree with him. Joe McCarthy and HUAC shared the same sentiment. Now in America a web is entitled “Joe McCarthy Got it Right” the owner of the web site is currently on the lecture circuit. Many people confuse Joe McCarthy and the HUAC. Whitaker Chambers’ testimony in front of the HUCA led to Hiss being questioned. When Hiss denied under oath Chamber’s allegations it led to the government bring charges of perjury against Hiss. McCarthy’s committee, according to the website’s author only investigated 40 people, all who had been previously investigated.

The Hiss trial had its roots in HUAC and the Hiss trial ends up conferring hero status on Whitaker Chambers. When hero status is conferred on a person to certain extent role model status is also conferred. The problem is people often don’t realize heroes are just people, a combination of both good and bad qualities. For instance we know Whitaker Chambers cruised the public bathrooms of New York looking for sex, but few people emulated that repulsive aspect of his personality. But other less repulsive habits, like his political philosophy, were mainlined into America. Somehow his hero status let people overlook his judgment that led him to communism in the first place. He believed that communism was the answer to America problems, and then he believed Greedism was the answer to America problems. Had he lived longer he might have believed that a monarchy was the best solution for America problems.

Heroes, likes martyrs are often manufactured. All causes need heroes and martyrs as role models. Whitaker Chambers was enshrined as official hero of the Modern Conservative Movement. He as been an enduring symbol of conservatism but his hero status borrows only portions of the man personality and blanks out the rest. I doubt that his bathroom sex habits were any better for America then his political philosophy was for America. While his personality wasn’t accepted whole cloth, his political philosophy was, his political philosophy achieved hero status also.
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Reply Fri 27 May, 2011 05:59 am
In politics there are always divisions based on interpretations of political doctrine. In Communist Russia you had the Stalinists and the Trotskyists. The Stalinist eventually purged the Trotskists, even having Trotsky killed in Mexico where he sought safety after the purge. American communism was no different there were both Stalinists and Trotskyists. The communist editors of William Buckley’s “National Review” Whitaker Chambers, Frank Meyer, Wildmoore Kendal, and James Burnham were Stalinists while the neoconservatives like Irving Kristol and Neal Podhoretz were Trotskyists. When the purge occurred in Russia a similar purge occurred in America with some American Trotskyists were killed.

Political ideology is so imprinted on the brain that some people believe the only solution available is the killing of those with opposing political ideologies in a political purge. Any idea that the American communists simply changed their minds overnight and rejected their lifetime political ideology is laughable. While many may have come across the communists purge of the Trotskyists far fewer are familiar with the Modern Conservative Movement purge of the John Birchers. The American communists versed in purges decided to purge the radical right from the radical right own political movement. The John Birchers were busy communist hunting and decided the government and military were full of communists. The communists realized it was only a matter of time before the Birchers discovered they were the real communists. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then. So the communists purged the John Birchers from the Modern Conservative Movement. The cuckoos had shoved the other baby birds from the nest.
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Reply Sun 29 May, 2011 07:16 am
We never think of our brain as a filter but in fact that is an important function of everyone’s mind. We are surrounded by an ocean of information we have to decide which information is important and which is not. Movement quickly captures our attention, when something moves even in our peripheral vision we will quickly focus on that. This is an important survival skill, movement for our ancestors could be an animal or another human being on the attack, the best chance to fend off the attack was to see it coming. A skill as simple as crossing the road requires you to pick the moving objects from those that are not moving. Children need to learn to focus on cars when playing ball as they have been taught to focus on the ball in sports.

This skill of directed attention serves us well when an animal attacks or crossing the street, but that is not the only area of life we use that skill, for instance the followers of Jim Jones and other cult leaders focus on the good points of the cult leader but chose to filter out his failings and bad points. Reality in the ended is created by the user, because he decides what information to use to construct that reality and what information to filter out. We refer to the concept of reality as reality is shared but actually in the end there is only personal reality as each human being has chosen to accept and filter out different concepts. Of course there are some shared concepts in most people’s personal reality but we are more apt to see the shared concepts and filter out those that are not shared.

One of the areas it is easy to see the sharp differences in personal reality is in the area of philosophy. The religious philosophy of people are divergent with each religious sect accepting their particular religion as being the absolute truth and everyone’s else’s as being lies. Political Philosophy is pretty much the same one mind set holds that their side holds the complete truth and the other side holds the position that they have the complete truth. But in the act of doing so they have created an incestuous amplification filter. The filter, filters out any opposing information, valid are not, it also serves to amplify existing opinions without having to deal with the counter weight of opposing information.

Until people realize that reality, their reality, is a construct and that they in fact are responsible for creating that reality. They must realize that they chose to filter out much of reality in favor of incestuous amplification. Incestuous amplification is easy and gratifies the ego; dealing honestly with information that doesn’t reinforce existing thought patterns is difficult. Most people given the choice freely chose the PLR, the Path of Least Resistance.
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Reply Mon 30 May, 2011 01:51 pm
Once cult leader status is conferred on someone they become like a site that is certified by Microsoft. People will turn their anti-virus off if they trust that site; likewise people will turn their B S filter off if they trust a cult leader. What information would have been taken with a grain salt from another source is accepted without question from a cult leader. Information from someone who has been granted cult leader status is not questioned. Cult followers have already decided that the cult leader is much smarter than they are, even if the cult leader tells them that god has decreed that they can no longer sleep with their own wives and it is now the cult leaders duty to sleep with all their wives, the cult followers will not question the order because they want to believe that the cult leader has assumed a deified status.

At some point the cult follower simply substitutes the cult leader judgment for his own judgment and common sense. This has led to some of the biggest manmade tragedies in history, such as the People’s Temple mass suicide, and Heaven’s Gate’s suicides. Even Hitler was well aware that the path to leadership was paved with the emotional control of his followers.

There is no doubt that Zinov’yevna (Ayn Rand) achieved cult leader status which allowed her to impregnate the minds of Americans with ideas that they were unlikely to accept from others. Jim Jones and Hitler were able to do the same. Hundred of people paid for it in Jim Jones’ case; in Hitler case more than 6 million paid the price.
“The Machine, the frozen form of living intelligence, is the power that expands the potential of your life by raising your productivity of your time. If you worked as a blacksmith in the mystic Middle Ages, the whole of your earnings capacity would consist of an iron bar produced by days and days of effort. How many tons of rail do you produce if you work for Hank Rearden? Would you dare to claim that the size of your paycheck was created solely by your physical labor and that those rails were the product of your muscle? The standard of living of that blacksmith is all that your muscles are worth; the rest is a gift from Hank Rearden.”

John Galt from “Atlas Shrugged”

You are worth no more than the blacksmith from the Middle Ages, the actual work that goes into creating anything is worth far less than the original idea. The inventor to be sure deserve a cut of the production but the inventor of anything stands on a mountain of other inventions by other inventors, his is only the last step in a thousand mile journey, his invention will be made on the combined inventions of previous inventors. The only thing Zinov’yevna invents is overblown egos in those who already had an overblown ego.

Zinov’yevna ideas germinated in 1950s America, began to take root in 1960s with Goldwater but not until the 1980s with Ronald Reagan were they main streamed and each and every year the American Middle Class has went spinning back toward that Middle Age blacksmith earnings. An idea can be one of the most dangerous things on earth, but yet we pay them little attention, they surrounds us from birth and linger on after we are gone. They create our reality, for good or bad, but we seldom acknowledge their existence or their effect on our lives.

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