The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2023 09:09 pm
In A recent republican leaning poll showed Comrade DeSantis has fallen in the polls and is now in third place behind Viveck Ramasawamy. I don’t think I would want to finish behind that guy. Comrade DeSantis has only 10% while Ramaswamy has 11%. Never before has a politician fallen so far in the polls so fast. Comrade DeSantis was wearing a regular work shirt the other day instead of his suit trying to pretend he is a working man, just a regular Joe.

Why is Comrade DeSantis falling in the polls so fast? Programs like the one put in force for the FL school system. Comrade DeSantis has a propaganda program put into the FL school system. This program is in cartoon form using cartoon children to claim that global warming is not real, and it is only a normal cycle. The program is paid for by the gas and oil companies. It is said it would make Joseph Gobles blush. This program is designed to go after grade school children. FL has the most to lose from global warming and the ocean is now rolling down some FL streets at high tide and with the 101-degree ocean water the hurricanes will be far worse this year. Comrade DeSantis will just say it is a normal cycle when disaster hits this year. When corporate propaganda becomes the standard taught in schools there will be a problem. If Comrade DeSantis keeps it up maybe, he will fall below 1% in the polls.

Today we have 107,708,996 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,583,087 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 125,909 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,171,692 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,170,864. That means that another 828 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2023 09:17 pm
Comrade DeSantis fired the trustees and president of New College of FL in an effort to make it a school of bigotry, no doubt PHDs in bigotry will be offered. This is an effort to copy Hillsdale University which is a private University in Michigan which the main goal is to spread bigotry throughout America. The big difference is using a state funded university to spread hate and 2,000-year-old ignorance. Hillsdale is a Christian based college teaching religious based ignorance and that is fine it is a private college, but New College of FL is a state supported school and that would violate one of the key provisions of our government the separation of church and state. You can’t believe the world is flat, and that was stipulated in the bible and had to be edited out along with other divine knowledge and move into the 21st Century.

It is amazing how much damage the Comrade DeSantis and his republican legislature have been able to do in such a short period of time. The radical right conservatives were losing elections in the 60s and they decided that the problem was that universities did not like their politics, so they decided to go after the universities. They sat up young republican organizations on campuses across America but now they want to take over the faculty and the curriculum of state funded universities. They want to teach that facts are fantasy and ignorance is truth. Imagine how much damage Comrade DeSantis and the republicans will do if they get elected and get control of the government.

Today we have 107,715,650 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,708,996 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 6,654 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,171,803 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,171,692. That means that another 111 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sat 12 Aug, 2023 09:53 pm
Why is Comrade DeSantis trying to convert FL state colleges into colleges that are pushing Christian values? The Christian movement in America has aligned itself with the republican party they have become allies. This started with Moral Majority and Jerry Falwell who wanted to make sure Playboy magazines were not on display at local magazine stands. The birth of TV and the mega preachers made this possible. Up until that time a preacher could only reach members of their own flock. The TV evangelists could reach millions every week and it was only a matter of time before they realized that gave them an enormous potential for political power. Their followers would do whatever the TV preacher told them to do and that includes voting for who they were told.

This is by far the most dependable voting block for the republican party today with Trump getting 80% of their vote. Throughout history the Christian movement has aligned itself with government. In Nazi Germany the Catholic church aligned with the Nazis. There is a reason for that they both are in the same business they want to control people. When the churches availed themselves of the power of government, they burned between 40,000 -60,000 people at the stake. Government gave them the power of life and death. They imagined witches just like they imagine their god and murdered people 60,000 people. Christianity is like any other virus it is spread from person to person through indoctrination before the victim reaches the age of reason. Comrade DeSantis understands that and wants to spread conservatism the same way through indoctrination.

Today we have 107,718,064 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,715,650 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 2,414 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,171,805 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,171,803. That means that another 2 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sun 13 Aug, 2023 09:53 pm
The alliance between the Christian right and the republican party has been beneficial to both parties. There are two types of people in this world, leaders and followers. When it comes to politics the more followers you can find the better off you are. The religious right can provide all kinds of followers. These people go to church on Sundays and pay to become followers. When the preacher stands up and tells them that whatever democrat is running for president is the Antichrist, they believe every word of it even though this same preacher told them the democrat running for president four years ago was the Antichrist.

Most people are lazy by nature and forming you own opinions is hard. It is so much easier to sit and church and let the preacher tell you not only how to vote but how to think. The religious right has made big inroads into our politic system over the last 20 years. Their religion is slowly dying so they have expanded out into the political arena, and they are organized, and their followers are like cult members. They don’t question whether it is right or wrong, they are followers who only do as they are told. There have never been so many unquestioning followers in a country since Nazi Germany.

Today we have 107,729,987 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,718,064 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 11,923 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,172,094 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,171,805. That means that another 289 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Aug, 2023 08:57 pm
It looks like the Grand Jury in Georgia indicted another ham sandwich named Trump. This is the fourth Grand Jury that believes there is enough evidence to bring him to trial. Everybody has heard Trump perfect call where he asked the Georgia Secretary of State to just “find” enough votes to throw the election to Trump. I would have to agree with Trump it is a perfect call if you intended to commit election fraud. It was clear that Trump was trying to pressure the secretary of state to join his fraudsters in fixing the election.

Trump’s defense is that there were lawyers in on that call and they did not tell him it was illegal. That is like saying I was standing on the street corner with my attorney, and I decided to shoot the guy standing next to me. When I went to court, I could use the Trump defense. My lawyer never said it was illegal to shoot someone. I don’t think anybody has every used my lawyer didn’t tell me defense in court, ever. There is reason for that only Trump could come up with such an asinine defense. It would be nice if Trump would own up to what he did just one time. Trump could say I did it and I was wrong.

Today we have 107,736,014 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,729,987 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 6,027 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 1,172,112 today, yesterday the death toll stands at 1,172,094. That means that another 18 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2023 09:41 pm
Now that Trump has been indicted by the fourth different Grand Jury, he wants us to believe that the Justice Department along with the Justice Department from two different states is also corrupt. This coming from a man who told 30,000 verifiable lies in his four-year term in office. Trump has spent a lifetime swindling people from stockholders to vendors to people trying to buy real-estate. Then there was those that were swindled by Trump University which was never ever a real University.

Trump lawyers are complaining that they were never able to give counter argument to the grand juries. Grand Juries were designed to answer one question is there enough evidence to bring the defendant to trial. Trump will be given four trials where his lawyers will be able to present their arguments, this is what trials are for. America has always had an honest justice system then along comes this career criminal and say it is not him that is corrupt it is America that is corrupt and nearly half of America believes it. I have been reading a book on Russia and their government is that corrupt. The way to take over a business is to put the owner in jail on trumped up charges and take over the business. This is what Trump would bring to America, a conman’s paradise.

Today we have 107,740,749 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,736,014 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 4,735 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,172,148 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,172,112. That means that another36 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2023 09:12 pm
The book on Russia I am reading is titled “Nothing is True and Everything is Possible.” It details the corruption in Russia. In Russia you are entitled to what you can steal. If you are part of the government, you can use the power of government to steal. If you are part of the government, you can declare any substance to be illegal, any food additive any cleaning fluid. Then they simply arrest the owner of the business for selling an illegal substance.

One woman was selling cleaning fluids to the government but was arrested after it was declared an illegal substance. Bail is seldom granted, and the business disappears while they are in jail. The question is could this happen in America? According to Trump our government is already that corrupt. The fact is Trump is that corrupt now and if he gets elected again the corruption will roll downhill. Many will be inspired by Trump’s example and the corruption, and it will get much worse in America. Corruption in government has to be taken very seriously to preserve our democracy.

Today we have 107,787,609 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,740,749 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 46,860 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,172,270 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,172,148. That means that another 122 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2023 09:02 pm
The republicans have a problem named Trump. They know that Trump will win the republican primary easily. They also know he will lose the general election just as easily. If Trump loses the general election, it won’t just be him that loses the election. This would cost them the senate and house elections also along with many state and local offices. Trump is not someone that believes in the general good, the only good Trump believes is the good for him. It is a republican party problem. How can they take Trump out without alienating Trump’s base?

Today the republican party showed its cards. The Federalist Society is one of the most powerful republican organizations that was responsible for Trump’s judicial nominees. Now two members of that organization have published papers that Trump is banned from running for president because of his participation in the Jan 6th insurrection. There are already lawsuits to keep Trump’s name of the ballot in some states. Some politician’s names were already removed from the ballot because they took part in the insurrection. The beauty of this plan is the Federalist Society won’t face much blow back. This may be the end of Trump when your own party shows you the door, he should get the message. So much for Trump pardoning Trump.

Today we have 107,797,340 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,787,609 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 9.731 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,172,433 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,172,270. That means that another 163 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2023 09:07 pm
Marjorie Taylor Greene is complaining about left wing violence but there is a difference between left wing violence and right-wing violence. There is a difference between right-wing violence which was for an insurrection to take over the government and the left-wing protests because a policeman killed a black man by kneeling on his neck or raiding the wrong house and killing an innocent woman.

The Intended purpose of the Black Lives Matter protests was to protect their lives and the lives of their children by bringing attention to the problem. The intent of the right-wing protest was to kill the vice president of the United States and take over the government. The mob chanted “Hang Pence” and set up a gallows. One protest was to save lives the other to take lives, but the republicans want you to believe there is no difference between the two. That there is no difference between a protest and the insurrection. MTG’s time would be better spent looking for those lasers from outer space.

Today we have 107,801,013 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,797,340 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,673 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,172,445 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,172,433. That means that another 12 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Aug, 2023 09:03 pm
Trump has decided not to participate in next Wednesday republican debate. This is probably a good decision as he would likely be a target of it least a few other participants. Rep Will Hurd was not booed in Iowa as he pointed out to the crowd Trump can’t win the general election. Hurd had previously pointed out to a crowd that Trump was only running for one reason, “to stay out of jail.” Those remarks got booed. It is showing that more candidates are going to criticize Trump.

Trump called a press conference to show all of the election fraud during the 2020 election but soon canceled the press conference. I suspect Trump was going to present all of the evidence that 60 courts of law decided was not evidence. They could use the drunk they got out of one of the bars to testify that she saw election fraud and that pink elephants are real. Giuliani could get a better hair dye that doesn’t run when he hears the testimony from his drunken witness. Trump would have to admit that even his chief of staff voted twice for him and the other that he told to vote twice.

Today we have 107,803,222 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,801,013 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 2,209 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 1,172,453 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,172,445. That means that another 8 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Aug, 2023 09:07 pm
We all know known illegal immigration has picked up radically in the last decade. To be sure we have always had some illegal immigration. Without illegal immigration we could not get our crops picked or many other low-level jobs done. One of the things that the republicans have tried to deny is that climate change is taking place. They want to see as much coal and gas burnt as possible.

One thing the scientists that know that global warming is an undeniable fact have warned about is climate refugees as global warning makes their environment unlivable, they will become illegal immigrants and the United States will become one of the places they go. One of the wives of a banana company executives became an illegal immigrant after a devastating flood that destroyed her home in the country where she lived. Her husband could not believe his wife was now a wetback. If republicans want to do something about illegal immigration, they have to deal with its causes. The republicans can see the symptoms but not the cause. One of the biggest reinsurance companies in the world began to lose money because of the vast number of climate related disaster. Reinsurance companies are the one that insurance use to cover their risks. Climate refugees will become a much bigger problem as global warming gets worse. That is not only world problem it is going to be a problem that countries will have to deal with. As places become unlivable, they will have to find other places to live.

Today we have 107,805,877 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,803,222 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 2,655 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,172,458 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,172,453. That means that another 5 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Aug, 2023 09:09 pm
It looks like the idea that Trump is ineligible to run for president or hold office is gaining support. The paper was written by two conservative law professors from the University of Chicago, William Maude and Micheal Stokes Paulson. Trump should never be able to hold office after trying to defraud the American people and when that didn’t work, he staged the insurrection as hail Mary.

It is ironic that Trump who spent so much time in court suing people is now spending even more time in court defending himself. If the move is successful and Trump is prevented from running the democrats will be the biggest losers as it stands now Trump is a sure loser. They say the wisdom of crowds will prevail, and in this case, I believe it will. Most people will not vote for a jail bird and a conman. To be sure there will be some who will vote for him. Trump handed out billions to the farmers during his trade war with China and in effect raised taxes on every other American by placing tariffs on goods China. The American people paid the tariffs through higher prices on goods from China. The money was then doled out to farmers as farmer subsidies. Watching farmers interviewed on the evening news they can’t wait to elect Trump. It does not matter what he has done as long as he keeps the money coming. Never ever underestimate self-interest as a motive. It is no wonder those states vote for Trump.

Today we have 107,846,211 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,805,877 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 40,334 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,172,801 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,172,458. That means that another 343 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2023 09:41 pm
There is a new organization called “Republicans against Trump.” This organization is long overdue Trump has done untold damage to fellow republican politicians and to the republican party as a whole, but you have not seen anything yet if Trump loses another election his head will explode, and it is hard to tell how much damage he will cause.

Trump has hinted on his social media network that he will flee to Russia to beat the charges against him. His best friend Putin will take care of him. I guess Russia does not send American criminals back. If Trump knew he was going to get jail time I would not be surprised if he indeed did go to Russia. Trump is 77 and with his health a jail sentence of 10 years would in effect be a death sentence. It would be choice between spending what little life he had left as a free man or in a jail cell.

They believe that Mark Meadows is singing like canary. Medows was Trump’s Chief of Staff over his last year in office. Meadows knows where all the bodies are buried. Meadows has also been indicted and does not want to spend the rest of his life in jail either. He will be looking to play let’s make a deal. He was the ultimate insider during Trump election fraud. Would you make a deal or go to jail to cover Trump’s ass?

Today we have 107,866,906 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,846,211 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 20,695 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,172,960 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,172,801. That means that another 159 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2023 09:14 pm
One of Trump’s quotes from his 2016 campaign was “Don’t believe anything you see only what I say” and that is exactly what they did and are still doing. That is so similar to the old joke where the woman walks in on her husband is in bed with two women and he says who are you going to believe me or your lying eyes? It does not make common sense to not believe what you are seeing and then believe a known conman and liar but nearly half of America has decided to do exactly that.

It does not speak well for America’s future if people decide not to believe their own eyes. America will become a conman’s paradise. In Russia the government is so corrupt that they have situation comedy on TV where the lead character is the only honest cop in Russia. His wife is unhappy because he won’t take bribes like the rest of the policemen. She bemoans the fact that they are poor because he won’t take bribes. This program is a reflection of reality in Russia. The author of the book I am reading kept a 50-ruble bribe in his passport so when his papers was checked it would take care of the policeman. It could happen here if we have a few more politician like Trump. Corruption starts from the top and Trump is about as corrupt as they come.

Today we have 107,924,241 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,866,906 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 57,335 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,173,081 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,172,960. That means that another 121 Americans died today from the Trump virus
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2023 09:12 pm
In the late 60s Americans were shocked after it was discovered that Charles Mansion and his followers were responsible for the killings of several people in their homes. The surprising part was that three women had participated in the brutal killings. How could a man get such control over these women that they would kill for him? The killing demonstrated just how dangerous cults can be.

This type of cult control was seen again in the Jan 6 insurrection the Trump mob was far bigger but just as dangerous. They may not have directly killed people but that does not mean they were not trying. To be sure people died as a result of the insurrection. When you hit someone over the head with a 25lb fire extinguisher there was a clear intent to kill.

At the republican debate no one went after Trump even Chris Christie refrained from attacking Trump. Christie has been publicly attacking Trump all along but surprisingly didn’t attack him in the debate. Anyone that criticizes Trump in front of a live audience is met with chorus of boos. No doubt Christie did want to be associated with those boos.

Today we have 107,943,701 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,924,241 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 19,460 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,173,137 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,173,081. That means that another 56 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2023 09:11 pm
A man has been sentenced to three months in jail for threatening Marjorie Taylor Greene. MTG is a hate monger and sure to draw others as hateful as she is. Threats have become all too common in politics and the laws for threatening should be strictly enforced. It is easy to buy a throwaway phone and start threatening people. Recently one man who had threatened Biden was killed when they went to arrest him before Biden visited that area.

The two poll workers in Georgia that Trump falsely accused of voter fraud because they were counting legitimate votes, they received many death threats and had to move out of their homes. Nobody was arrested in their case. If you have a law on the books and you don’t bother to enforce that law, then you don’t have a law. People will act as there is no law against threatening people. Threats in politics are all too common in America. If you sign up to run for office, you can count on receiving death threats and being told they know where your children go to school. I can remember coming to work one day to find the bomb squad going over the mayor’s car with a fine-tooth comb. These types of threats would keep many good people out of politics, the risk would not be worth it.

Today we have 107,947,073 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,943,701 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,372 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,173,141 today yesterday the death toll stood at 1,173,137. That means that another 4 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2023 09:19 pm
There was an interesting article on MSN today about fundamentalist religion. Basically, these people’s brains have been infected by a parasite. The parasites are called memes, and they can replicate and be spread to others. Most of us are familiar with the term memes (they are the mental analog of genes). They are defined as self-replicating units that spread through a culture. To view memes as parasites is an evolving concept but we are all familiar with computer viruses which are harmful code that can destroy a computer even though they are disguised as useful programs.

We have all witnessed cult members who had to be deprogramed and then many returns to cult. If we look at them as someone who’s brain is infected with parasites it gives a different viewpoint. Of course, there are memes that are not harmful, but it is the ones that are harmful that threatens the rest of us. The 911 terrorist were driven my memes, David Koresh cult was driven by memes. Many cult members committed suicide. We inoculate people against viruses, and it may be possible soon to inoculate people against harmful memes one day. Memes like all forms of life want to reproduce. Our view of a viruses changed when computer viruses came along understanding that memes are not only able to take over a brain and restructure it but to spread itself is not so far-fetched.

Today we have 107,971,575 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 107,947,073 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 24,502 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,173,270 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,173,141. That means that another 129 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2023 07:37 pm
A recent article detailed how some of Comrade DeSantis most wealth donors were upset by all the money Comrade DeSantis was spending trying to develop memes. Many had decided to stop donating to his campaign. When you think of successful memes used in a presidential campaign think “Make America Great Again” that is a meme. Of course, half of the country was inoculated against it the democrats were unlikely to accept and meme coming a republican candidate. There has been much discussion about how Trump’s followers are similar to a cult. If memes are what cult leaders use to build cults, then using memes to get people to follow a politician would be as effective on those who are not inoculated against it.

Trump’s name and “Make America Great Again became interlocking pieces in the minds of his followers. We use to call memes ear worms when I was kid. The words of songs when I was a kid are still with me today. “Thunder, thunder, over thunder road” still runs through my mind 60 years after I saw the movie. The songs were harmless memes but the political memes being used today are like guided missiles, that restructure people’s minds you only need look at those that participate in the insurrection. Ordinary people before they were exposed to political memes and monsters after.

Today we have 108,000,397 cases of the Trump virus, three days ago we had 107,971,575 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 28,822 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,173,448 today, three days ago the death toll stood at 1,173,270. That means that another 178 Americans died in the last three days from the Trump virus.

A virus blocked me from getting to this site for the last three days and only this site.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Aug, 2023 09:15 pm
When you kill a snake be sure to cut the head off because it can still bite you. That same wisdom also applies to revolutions and insurrections. If you don’t get the head of the insurrection, it will come back to bite you. One of the memes Trump used during the 2016 election was “lock her up” now the new meme at Trump rallies is, “Let’s Kill them all.” There is film of a right-wing news caster covering the rally agreeing that they should kill all RINHOs, the democrats, and the Globalists.

The rightwing broadcaster, Matthew Alvarez, for the Right Side Broadcasting Network said he did not understand what was being said even though it is extremely easy to hear on the tape. But Alvarez was heard saying, “I agree with you on that.” Trump was responsible for at least five deaths at the insurrection. How many more people are they going to stand by and watched be killed because of Trump? Many of the people who follow Trump are well armed and will think nothing of killing people for Trump. Trump has already said that he would ignore the constitution and replace ballots with bullets. All that is necessary is for good people to sit by and watch it happen. Over 200 years of a constitutional government and along comes one would be dictator of German extraction to end it all.

Today we have 108,070,849 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,000,397 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 70,452 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,173,593 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,173,448. That means that another 145 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Aug, 2023 08:54 pm
Can you believe that Trump is still calling for a new election to replace the 2020 election? We are only a little over a year from the 2024 election. Trump could simply wait for the next election and lose it by more votes than he did the last election. Trump of course will claim that the new election was also fixed unless he wins. Trump lost the popular vote in both elections and is likely to lose by much bigger margin this time. Trump makes no bones about it all rules should be dropped to make Trump president even the constitution.

It is like Trump is talking to the Georgia Secretary of State again except he is talking to the American people he just wants another 20 million votes which is just one more vote than he already has and to be declared the winner of the 2020 election. What is wrong with this picture? Trump is the one that is indicted for voter fraud not Biden but even after being indicted for voter fraud he still insists it was the other side that cheated him out of the election. Trump had sixty times in court to show voter fraud and not one judge found that he had any proof of voter fraud.

It was good to see that the two women in Georgia that Trump accused of voter fraud won their civil lawsuit against Giuliana and Trump should be sued next.

Today we have 108,087,321 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 108,070,849 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 16,472 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,173,655 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,173,593. That means that another 62 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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