The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2023 10:08 pm
One of the stories on MSN today is that Trump lied to a judge handling a lawsuit. Is that news to anyone? Well, there is at least one true believer that actually believes that Trump never told a lie while he was in office. Every so often I buy a book written by someone on the right just to check their arguments out and develop counter arguments. I usually by books four or five at a time so it may be a year or so before I get around to a reading it. When I picked up the book, I could not remember why I bought. The book was titled “The Death of Free and the cost of a Free Lunch” by David Mamet. He held the classic extreme right views but couldn’t be racist since he was Jewish.

Of all the books I have read this was the absolute worst. The author is a playwright famous for the film “Glengarry Glen Ross” he has actually won Pulitzer Prize. Less than one percent of book had anything to do with Free Speech and a good portion is devoted to 1930 movie plots. I think they intentional tilted this book to do with free speech to sell it. A s convoluted as the book is I had to wonder if the author was senile. It is like carrying out a conversation with someone who is senile. The author also has other movie credits. But when he said Trump never told a lie while he was in office, it was hard to believe that anyone on the right or left would say that. That was a wasted $28.95. Everybody that helped put that book together.
should be fired. Why he was fascinated by 1930 move plots I don’t know, they are fiction, and anybody can make up anything.

Today we have 104,196,861 cases of the Trump virus, four days ago we had 104,106,912 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 89,949 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in the last four days.

The death toll stands at 1,132,935 today, four days ago the death toll stood at 1,132,236. That means that another 699 Americans died in the last four days from the Trump virus.

My internet has been down at the end of the month for the last three months, plus I had to take my wife to hospital. I am beginning to believe the phone company is deliberately killing it at the end of the month.
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Reply Fri 3 Feb, 2023 10:07 am
(This was written yesterday but the internet died before I could post it.)

I got the title of the book I disused in my last post, I listed the subtitle, the title is “Recessional” which made no sense either. The subtitle “The Death of Free Speech and the Cost of a Free Lunch” is what sucked me in. If free speech is dead, I am sure this author is responsible somehow. I have a few pages left to finish it. If anybody is interested why in the 1930s Robert Benchley stayed home with a cold from a trip to East Hampton, this is your book. I hate not to finish a book that I made the investment of the purchase price. I have thousands of titles in my library, but I have always finished them, but I should have made an exception for this one. The only ones I don’t finish are books bought at Library sales, my investment is small in comparison.

My internet seems to be working this morning for I don’t know how long so I will try writing in the morning.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is at it again, she is finally on a congressional committee, and she is bound and determined to make a complete fool of herself. That does not require much effort on her part. She asked why “Drag Queen Hour” according to her, a program paid for by COVID relief funds where men dress up as women as women and read confusing books to children. This was MTG big story. As always MTG can get anything and everything wrong. When it was tracked down the tiny spark that MTG turned into an explosion saying that $16,000 had been routed to the Bradbury-Sullivan LBGT community Center for “drag queen story hour.”

“In March 2021, President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan into law. Among many allocations was $135 million to the National Endowments for the Humanities. Of that, the NEH gave $51.6 million to the “humanities councils across the countries to assist in efforts to reopen.”

“Ultimately, the Pennsylvania Humanities Council received $1.4 million, $16,000 of which went to the Mattress Factory Contemporary Art Museum in Pittsburg. The institution initiated a program to commemorate deceased genderqueer artist and celebrate with a birthday party open to all.”

MTG is a bigot, bigots she should realize first that LBGT community pays taxes also and tax money being spent on them should not offend any fair-minded person.

Today we have 104,289,430 cases of Trump virus, yesterday we had 104,196,861 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 92,569 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in the last two days.

The death toll stands at 1,134,259 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,134. That means that another 125 Americans died in the last two days from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2023 09:58 pm
My internet connection is finally fixed for the time being. The technician was from another area and found the rain hat was installed upside down, which caused it to catch water instead of protecting it from water. The connection corroded and eventually broke. Time will tell. Fiber optics is only a couple of miles away.

The Republicans are on the warpath about the Chinese balloon. Marco Rubio was being interviewed on a Sunday show and was carrying on that Biden did not shoot the balloon down sooner, after giving Biden hell, the host told Rubio that Chinese balloons went over US territory on three separate occasions during Trump’s term in office. All of the wind went out of Rubio’s sails.

Marjorie Taylor Greene said that it was just a conspiracy theory that never happened, that no Chinese balloons flew over the US during Trump’s term but after Fox news confirmed that it indeed happened, MTG changed her story and claimed Trump was never informed and called for an investigation.

The three Chinese balloons were no doubt trial balloons to see if the US would react. When Trump did nothing that invited the current foray with another balloon. The republicans thought they had a major brickbat to beat the democrats with but only found a double-edged sword that cuts both ways.

Today we have 104,509,261 cases of the Trump virus, three days ago we had 104,289,430 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 219,831 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in the last three days.

The death toll stands at 1,136,438 today, three days ago the toll stood at 1,134,259. That means that another 2,179 Americans died in the last three day from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Feb, 2023 10:08 pm
Marjorie Taylor Greene was setting in the Speaker chair today, the new republican party is looking for nuts cases to fill vacancies. MTG actually believed that the Jews were using lasers from outer space to start the forest fires in California so new they could build new highways. Now she is filling in for the Speaker of the House. MTG excuse was that she was easily led, and the republicans put her in the third most powerful seat in our government even temporally.

MTG wants an investigation to why Trump was not told about Chinese balloons that flew into American air space during Trump’s turn in office. Everyone knew that Trump refused to read the President’s Daily Briefing. How could Trump possibly know that Chinese balloons were over the United States when he refused to read the briefing. The intelligence Community kept trying to dummy the report down to fit Trump’s attention span. They had to reduce a 40-page report to a single paragraph to get Trump to read it. Trump has the attention span of a gnat. When you have to cut the Daily Briefing down that far lots of things will be left out.

Today we have 104,537,372 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 104,509,261 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 28,111 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,136,960 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,136,438. That means that another 522 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2023 10:06 pm
There was a time that Trump raged against his enemies but now he is ragging against some of his best friends. Trump is like the skunk that is not invited to the party because he will stink things up. The Club for Growth event for candidates and organizers did not invite Trump for the conservative event though they did invite other presidential hopefuls, such as Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pompeo, Glen Youngkin, and Tim Scott. It is important to note none of these people have declared they are even running for president.

The Club for Growth was one of Trump’s biggest supporters while he was in office. The Club for Growth is Grover Norquist’s group organized to keep the ungodly greedy from paying a dime in taxes like Elon Musk. It is evident that Trump’s friends have reached the same conclusion as his enemies, anybody but Trump. Can you lose a primary a year before it takes place? Trump is going to show the way. Trump has the Midas touch everything he touches turns to crap. Trump would have tried to make the meeting about him, he would have spent his time attacking everyone else. Who needs that?

Today we have 104,620,361 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 104,537,372 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 82,989 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,137,929 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,136,960. That means that another 969 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2023 10:20 pm
When Biden pointed out that the republicans wanted to do away with social security and Medicare the republicans all acted like it was a lie but now Biden has the actual proposals from the Republicans to do away with Social Security and Medicare. The republicans are demanding cuts in order to raise the debt ceiling. Most of the budget is spent on defense, do you think for a minute that they would cut a dime from the over bloated defense budget? Well, what does that leave those massive republicans cuts have left to cut?

History tells us if the republicans got their way there would be no social security or Medicare today. The republicans fought social security much harder during the last century then they did Obamacare in this century. The only reason that social security was enacted was that there was a large democrat majority in congress after the republican caused Great Depression. It was 20 years after the Great Depression before the public trusted republicans again.

When the republicans say oh no I would never “cut” social security what they mean is that they would stop the cost of living increases. See they are not cutting social security. After 9 or 10 years of 10% inflation your social security check would be next to worthless. Republicans are not your friends. They would do the same to Medicare. Many people think Medicare pays for hospital stays and doctor’s bills, but it only pays a portion, I have to have another insurance policy to pay the other 20%. It costs me $504 a month for me and the wife plus we both pay $180 a month for Medicare out of our social security checks. Making over $860 a month for medical insurance. My wife has been hospitalized 4 times in the last six months and my share of the bills would be in excess of a $100,000 after Medicare paid without another insurance policy. If republicans get their way your share would be a couple hundred thousand all the while Elon Musk does not pay a dime in income tax but what he does pay is $100s of millions to Republicans in political contributions.

Today we have 104,731,504 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 104,620,361 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 111,143 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stans at 1,139,675, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,137,929. That means that another 1,746 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2023 10:01 pm
Marjorie Taylor Greene thought the State od of the Union speech was a costume ball, so she came as the Chinese Spy Balloon. She complained that the State Union Speech was hard to understand because of the republican hecklers and she was one of the loudest hecklers. Bad news for MTG who believed she was going to be selected as Trump’s vice president in the 2024 campaign but a source close to Trump says Trump is going to select a female bombshell type, like failed Arizona governor candidate Keri Lake. MTG was considered just to ugly by Trump. This is what Fox News does is to pick blonde bombshells for news anchors.

Trump sued the Pulitzers Prize Committee for awarding the Pulitzer Prize to the New York Times and the Washington Post for their reporting on the Russian election interference. Trump wants the Pulitzer Prize Committee to rescind the awards. To start with it was proved beyond any doubt that Russians did interfere with the 2016 election for Trump, what they were unable to prove that it was coordinated with the Trump campaign that does not mean it did not happen just that the proof was not found. Trump is suing for defamation just another frivolous lawsuit. Trump and his lawyer were fined a million dollars for the frivolous lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and the FBI over the Russian affair. Trump is filling the lawsuits in Florida with Judges he appointed, and he is still losing.

Today we have 104,760,445 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 104,731,504 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 31,504 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,139,979 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,139,675. That means that another 304 American died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Feb, 2023 09:40 pm
Marjorie Taylor Greene laid out her plans to cut the budget including cutting out the funds for Ukraine and any foreign aid to any communist country. What she didn’t say was to make the richest man in the world pay his share of the taxes. MTG believes that the political donor class should not have to pay taxes so that money can be sent to her in campaign contributions.

MTG blames the democrats for the $34 trillion in debt, but she is ignorant of history. The National debt was well on the way to be paid off in the 1990s and every president since WWII had paid his share of the debt off until the conservatives took over with Reagan who made huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy and tripled the national debt during his term in office. Did Reagan triple the National Debt to build roads and replace failing infrastructure? No, he tripled the National debt to fund a 75% tax cut for the ungodly greedy. Since than other Republican did the same with more and bigger tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Trump cut the taxes of the ungodly greedy by $10 trillion over ten years. Now that some of the ungodly greedy taxes have reached zero, (Elon Musk) I don’t know how they can cut them any further, but I am sure the republicans will find a way.

Had Reagan held the taxes at the same rate there would be no National Debt today.

Today we have 104,764,296 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 104,760,445 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,851 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,140,015 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,139,979. That means that another 36 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Feb, 2023 09:57 pm
Our government is reflected in the citizens debt problems. The WWII generation generally paid cash for their purchases, if you didn’t have the cash, you could not afford it. By the time the baby boomer generation came of age easy credit was the rule. Stores would simply mail you a credit card without even an application. I remember that Sears mailed me my first credit card. I wanted to buy a console TV, but they limited the card to $300 and I bought the TV at another department store.

I never got in trouble with credit, but I used my fair share, and I didn’t realize how much it affected the budget until the cards were all paid off, it was like getting another paycheck once you stopped paying interest. You saw the WWII generation’s values reflected in our government struggle to pay off the WWII debt. Of course, large purchases like homes and cars were made on credit even by the WWII generation but you paid your bills. Our country should be able to set tax rates to pay the bills, but WWII was a huge debt that had to be paid over time.

When Reagan came along, he campaigned on promise that he would pay off the national debt, increase defense spending, and cut taxes. Everyone knew you can’t cut income, increase spending, and pay off your debt. Reagan adopted idea that you could simply live on credit and just take bankruptcy when your debt became unmanageable. It reflected the way the American voters were living. The republicans have adopted the only way to kill popular entitlement programs, like social security is to bankrupt America’ that why $10 trillion Trump tax cut was designed to do.

Today we have 104,766,853 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 104,764,296 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 2,557 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,140,017 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,140,015. That means that another 2 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2023 09:57 pm
The “five families” are gathering in Washington DC to decide what programs will be cut in the budget. They are not Mafia families but evidently want to describe themselves that way. The republicans are even admitting that the five families are a reference to the crime families. Raising the debt ceiling is not being done to fund any future spending but pay the huge debts run up by the Trump administration, Trump ran up over $7 trillion in debt while he was in office. The republicans don’t want to pay for Trump’s debt. About half of that debt was caused by the $10 trillion tax cut for the ungodly greedy at a trillion a year it has continued to run up the debt during the first two years of the Biden administration by a couple of trillion.

At one time when the America people found that the ungodly greedy were paying no taxes the American taxpayers demanded something had to be done so the ungodly greedy paid some income tax it was easy for the ungodly greedy to come up with enough tax deductions so they paid no tax, they would take their private jet to Paris for lunch and write it off their taxes. The answer was the alternate (ATM) minimum tax that no matter how many deductions they came up with, they were required to pay 20% tax. The ungodly greedy paid off the politicians and had the tax repealed with the excuse that it was beginning to be paid by the middle class. It could have been adjusted for inflation but that would not have taken the tax off the ungodly greedy.

It is time to tell the republicans that there will be no cuts until AMT is put back on.

Today we have 104,787,053 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 104,766,853 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 20,200 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,140,209 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,140,017. That means that another 192 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Feb, 2023 10:14 pm
It is immoral to let the rich bribe the politicians to cut their actual taxes to less than zero. When the richest man in the world pays no income tax there is something wrong. When Trump, who claims to be billionaire, pays no income tax for ten years there is something wrong. The arguments used to cut the taxes on the ungodly by the republicans are lies and they know it. To get a fair tax for America you have to start with the truth. Garbage in is always going to get you garbage out. The percentage listed in the tax tables is just a starting point. If you make over $539,900 the tax rate is listed as 37%. That means that you would pay $199,763 in taxes so how does the richest man in the world not pay a penny? Tax deductions where almost any expense can be deducted, three martini lunches, jet airplanes.

It is going to take a grass roots movement to put a stop to it. The Alternative Minimum Tax needs to be put back in place. The ungodly greedy use a much larger fraction of public services. Elon Musk’s trucks do much more damage to roads than a passenger car. It takes more policemen to protect his plants. He should pay more for the military because he has billions to protect but he pays nothing, Musk the biggest freeloader in the world. He gets more government than anyone. These reforms will never be done from the top down, too many politicians have their pockets lined with money to keep the status quo. The public will have to demand that the ungodly greedy can no longer get by with paying nothing. When arguments for a fair tax system the actual amount of taxes must be listed along with their income. Correct information should be requirement. The IRS can supply the actual data instead of basing their arguments on the tax tables, it does not have to include names, just income and actual taxes paid.

Today we have 104,803,151 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 104,787,053 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 16,098 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,140,401 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,140,209. That means that another 192 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Feb, 2023 09:53 pm
The republicans had a plan when they passed the Trump tax cuts, while the republicans never saw a tax deduction for the ungodly greedy, they didn’t love, they were willing to make an exception for eliminating the tax deductions for state and local taxes. The republicans were unable to completely eliminate the deduction and had to settle for a $10,000 cap on the deduction. There are only a few democratic states with property tax that exceed that limit for the middle class, some people saw their income tax double. The republican theory was that the people in those states would rise up and demand lower taxes and the republicans could turn the states red. It did not work but now the republicans want to kill those deductions permanently.

By eliminating this tax deduction, it provided another $200 billion to fund tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Now a group of republicans have said they will not vote to make the Trump tax cuts permanent if the deduction on State and local tax is not fully restored. The ungodly greedy get 90% of state and local taxes but it also cost a number of middle-class taxpayers in high property tax states. I don’t know how you can make a tax cut permanent; each congress can set the tax rate that is paid while they are in office. The House believes that they alone can make the Trump tax cuts permanent, but the senate can kill it and the president can veto it. Speaker McCarthy is worried about the National debt but does not want the political donor class to pay taxes, go figure.

Today we have 104,872,877 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 104,803,151 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 69,726 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands 1,141,220 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,140,401. That means that another 819 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2023 10:08 pm
Trump may be slow but he is not stupid, well he probably is stupid. Trump’s donors have finally convinced him that he cost himself the election by discouraging republicans from voting absentee ballots. The democrats had a 2 to 1 advantage in absentee ballots and this not only made a difference in the general election but it also made a difference in Georgia senate race. Trump’s strategy was that it would create a red mirage as Trump would appear to win the election and would claim victory and then claim the absentee were illegitimate. Trump did claim victory on election night and wanted the vote counting stopped.

Now Trump is calling for republican vote harvesting. There is no reason that we can’t have mail in voting in the 21st century we need not be locked into the 18th century. Trump is going to need those votes in the republican primary.

Of course, it looks like Trump will not be able to run in the primary as several prosecutors are hot on his heels. Georgia is closing in and is about to charge several of Trump’s associates with lying. Nobody can read the transcript of the recording of Trump trying to fix the Georgia election and not realize it is first degree voter fraud. When the president of the United States tells a Georgia state official to just find 11,700 votes for Trump. As commander and chief that should be construed as an order to commit voter fraud. The law they swore they get him but it is likely the devil will get him first.

Today we have 104,918,830 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 104,872,877 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 45,953 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,141,862 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,141,220. That means that another 642 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2023 09:53 pm
The deposition in the multi-billion-dollar lawsuit against Fox News is proving what we knew all along. Fox News not only lies but knew all along that they were lying to public. In this case the Fox News audience could not accept the fact that Trump lost the election, so they did not want to lose their audience, so they decided to do what they do best, lie their asses off but in private conversations and emails between Fox anchors they called Crazy Sidney nuts and knew full well it was all BS. But when they went on air, they treated it like the God’s truth.

Now the time is coming for Rupert Murdock to dig deep in his pockets and pay up. Maybe Murdock can sell Fox News to CNN to pay for the lawsuit. Heroes in movies are always looking to find the truth but in reality, most people can’t handle the truth and are looking for fictious answers to life’s problems. Most people on the face of this earth can’t accept the truth about the simple facts of life, how can we expect them to accept other truths they don’t want to accept? We have a multi trillion-dollar industry designed to keep people from the truth. The simple fact is we all die and there is no such thing as an afterlife, the only thing after life is the grave. Mankind is not looking for the truth, mankind has spent most of history avoiding the truth and erecting huge monuments to fiction. Truth? Most people spend their lives hiding from the truth.

Today we have 104,958,987 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 104,918,830 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 40,157 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,142,370 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,141,862. That means that another 508 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Feb, 2023 10:23 pm
During Biden’s state of the Union speech, when he made note that the republicans were trying to cut social security and Medicare, the republicans cried out liar. Biden already had a proposal from the republican committee to raise the age of eligibility for Medicare from current 65 years of age. If they could raise the age of Medicare eligibility to 68, they could cheat millions out of Medicare. Many would die before they got Medicare. This would free up hundreds of millions to pay for the Trump tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. It doesn’t matter that the workingman had paid into Medicare for 40 years. The republicans are not your friends. They are against all of the programs for the workingman.

So who were actual liars at the State of the Union? It wasn’t Biden he had the actual documents in hand. The republicans don’t mind cutting social security and Medicare, they just don’t want the public to know about it. Reagan raised social security 6 times during his term in office to create a trust fund for social security but as quick as it came in the door it went out to fund his huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. If the republicans raise the age for eligibility for Medicare, there would be more money in the Medicare trust fund for more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

Today we have 104,964,592 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 104,958,987 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 5,605 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,142,384 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,142,370. That means that another 14 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Sat 18 Feb, 2023 10:43 pm
It will be pretty funny when Social Security goes bankrupt because the Democrats demonized every attempt to save it from bankruptcy.
Reply Sun 19 Feb, 2023 05:10 pm
The only industry likely to go bankrupt is the meat industry, now that its biggest consumer of waste lard and meat byproducts has gone the way of lettuce leaf and tofu, its future is uncertain.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Feb, 2023 09:28 pm
Social security was never designed to have a trust fund, the system was designed as pay as you go system where those working paid the social security of those retired. It worked that way for 50 years until Reagan decided to create a slush fund for tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. The republicans have been running around like chicken little saying social security is going broke for the last 40 years, but the social security trust fund still going up. It is easy to make prediction of what is going to happen 40 years from now, but no one is a fortune teller, and the predictions are seldom true. That why our political system deals with today not 40 years from now. How do you tell a fools lie? Social security can never go broke because it has a continuous income stream and would function as it did during its first 50 years.

It would take one simple fix and that is to make everyone pay 6.2% on their entire income. The ungodly greedy pay social security on tiny fraction of their income.
Reply Sun 19 Feb, 2023 10:12 pm
The republicans must be advertising in mental institutions for its next generation of leaders. The woman elected to lead the republican party in Michigan says that demonic possession can be passed on by intimate contact. It is bad enough to have to worry about venereal diseases and cray women now you have to worry about contact with Satan. It is like the republican are going down the road of life, and they pass a sign that says reality straight ahead, but they take a detour down crazy street.

I think we all understand that you are going to encounter some nuts, you simply ignore them and go on but the republican party is drafting them and putting in leadership position. I can understand the nut cases can’t help themselves but what is a matter with supposedly sound republicans that electing them to leadership positions? This woman in Michigan may actually make Marjorie Taylor Greene look sane in comparison.

The woman’s name Kristina Karamo, her claim to fame was going to the secretary of state in Michigan to try and overturn the 2020 election for Trump. Trump lost by 14% and she still believed the election should be awarded to Trump. This woman would take Michigan back 200 years where mentally ill people were believed to be possessed by the devil. She believes that evolution is “one of the biggest frauds ever perpetuated on society.” I think she got that backwards. Crazy or not she is going to be the chair of the republican party in Michigan for the next two years.

Today we have 104,986,098 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 104,964,592 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 21,506 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,142,595 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,142,384. That means that another 211 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Feb, 2023 10:51 pm
Doomsday for Social Security is a lot closer than you realize.

I will never eat tofu.

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