The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2022 09:59 pm
My internet has been coming and going, it was out over Thanksgiving week. We had a two week wait before they could get a repair man. The technician never showed up but did call to say he had changed a card. I had cleaned a connection the day before he fixed it. It lasted about 3 days before it started acting up. When I called the company, they said my internet had been out 300 times in the last two hours. How they stay in business I will never know.

There were a lot of similar complaints in a neighboring county. The company said they thought they could have the problems fixed by 2027 if they get a couple billion in federal funds. There is some government to extend broadband to places that have no internet. This company has done nothing to maintain their equipment and has just been riding the company to the ground. They have nearly doubled bills since they took over. Whenever someone complains about some welfare mother getting a few dollars to feed her kids I point out that corporate welfare is hundreds of times worse. Sometimes it is handed out in half a trillion-dollar chunks. This is the real socialism in America. They socialize the cost but privatize the profit. We had one big company that wanted to make a deal where the other electric customers in WV would pay their electric bill unless aluminum was selling for a high price. The elderly who could not hardly afford to pay their electric bill would be forced by law to pay this multi-national corporation’s electric bill.
Today we have 101,825,079 cases of the Trump virus, two days ago we had 101,752,474 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 72,605 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in the last two days.

The death toll stands at 1,113,307 today, two days ago the death toll stood at 1,112,965. That means that another 342 Americans died in the last two days from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2022 10:55 pm
During the pandemic regulations were lightened to allow more people on Medicaid and they forbid the states from removing people from Medicaid. The republicans want the regulation repealed because the pandemic is over. But same republicans have exactly the opposite position when it comes to the pandemic regulation on the border. It is counter-productive to cancel anyone’s insurance because they are still going to get sick and go to the hospital and their bills will go unpaid. That cost will be passed to those who have insurance, and the result will be higher insurance cost for everyone. The people on the edge will no longer be able to afford insurance. It like a snake eating its own tail.

Health insurance used to cover the hospital expenses, now the typical health insurance only covers 80% of the bill. Medicare only cover 80%, if you have open heart surgery you can look forward to a cost of up $200,000 bill, meaning that you are looking at $40,000 out of pocket. Few seniors can afford that, hospitals are beginning to foreclose on people’s houses to settle the bill. I pay another $504 a month to purchase a second insurance policy to pay the other 20%. You still have to pay deductibles and copays. My wife was recently hospitalized and had a heart cauterization and yes, we still got a bill for the procedure. Our, health insurance system is a complete and total failure. You should not have to buy two insurance policies, you do not have to buy two homeowner’s policies, or two car insurance to cover the risk.

Today we have 101,865,927 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 101,825,079 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 40,878 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,113,808 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,113,307. That means that another 501 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Dec, 2022 07:07 am
Elon Musk had to sell billions more of his stock in Tesla. That caused the Tesla stock to plunge. Musk is no longer the richest man in the world. Musk is taking a bath with Twitter. When Musk ran a poll to see if Twitter users want him to step down from CEO the poll showed that is exactly what they wanted. Tesla board members are asking Musk to step down from the CEO of Tesla. The old saying is, “It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt.” In Musk’s case when he opened his mouth, he showed himself to be a right wing hate monger. When you are in business you can’t afford to offend anyone and when it comes to politics you need to keep your political views to yourself lest you offend some of your customers.

Look at Pillow Head he has lost billions in business. There have always been a lot of businessmen who were flying high one day but crash tomorrow. America does not need any more hate; when you set one group against another there may be some short-term gains but in the end everyone loses. Trump made hating your fellow Americans stylish again and Musk followed Trump down that bunny trail. People have a tendency to surround themselves with people who think like they do and soon they believe everybody thinks as they do. There is military term for those generals who surround themselves with yes men and it usually leads to defeat.

Today we have 102,048,475 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 101,865,927 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 182,548 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,114,931 today, yesterday the death toll stood 1,113,808. That means that another 1,123 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Dec, 2022 09:04 am
Trump, as always is looking, for someone else to blame for his actions. The rope that Trump used to hang himself is getting tighter. Trump now wants to put the blame on Nancy Pelosi for not authorizing state troopers to protect the capital from the Trump manufactured insurrection. It is not that Trump planned to use a mob of thugs to stop the certification of Biden’s election it is that there was not enough law enforcement to stop a crowd of 10,000 enraged Trump thugs. You give somebody enough rope and they will hang themselves, in Trump’s case he had his choice of several different ropes. Trump could have quietly accepted his 2020 lose and run again in 2024 and still had the goodwill of many but his poor loser act and attempted overthrow of the government began to turn the tide on his popularity.

Trump will never accept that it was his own actions that has led to the majority of republicans now hoping he doesn’t run. When it is always the actions of others that determine your fate, you are no more than a leaf in the wind blown about by the whims of others. When you abdicate your responsibility in where you are in life, you also abdicate the ability to change it. The word fate in itself carries the connotation that your fate was predetermined, and you are only along for the ride. There are two world views, one that you have a predetermined destiny, the other is that you are the master of your ship. The world view you chose to accept will determine who you are.
One lesson I learned early in life, is the lies we chose to tell ourselves shape our world. One is that so and so made me angry. Anger is an emotion that we chose to indulge in. When someone says something, we don’t like we have to process that information and make the decision to get angry. If we view the other person in the transaction as the powerful one, it limits our options but if we view ourselves as the powerful one the outcome will be different. It does not mean we can’t choose to be angry, but it gives us a choice. You take back your power. In the end anger is luxury most of us can’t afford.

Today we have 102,173,897 cases of the Trump virus, two days ago we had 102,048,475 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 125,472 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in the last two days.

The death toll stands at 101,115,748 today, two days ago the death toll stood at 1,114,931. That means that another 817 Americans died in the last two days from the Trump virus.

My internet no longer works during the evening hours coming back on at about 3AM. The old copper lines are overloaded.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Dec, 2022 10:09 pm
Larry Summers, a former Treasury Secretary told CNN that Trump set the stage for inflation. There was absolutely no chance that Trump’s $10 trillion tax for the ungodly greedy would not cause inflation. It was spread out over ten years with a trillion dollars plowed in to the economy each year. The cause of inflation is to many dollars chasing too few goods. During Trump term in office only a few trillion had been handed out so the effect wasn’t as bad, but as the years past and more of the trillions were thrown on the fire.

That ten trillion-dollar tax cut was like pouring gasoline on fire. It resulted in many fortune 500 companies no longer paid any tax. Trump, and the former world’s richest man did not pay a cent in taxes. There is something wrong when an employee at McDonalds pays more tax than the world’s richest man. That is the republican way for forty years all they have done is cut the taxes on the richest people in America. There is a difference between the book rate of taxes for the ungodly and what they actually pay after deductions. I can remember when the country was outraged when they found out that old lady Dodge paid no tax on a million-dollar income. She simply bought tax free bonds and that income could not be taxed. Now when the country found Elon Musk paid no tax it did not even cause a stir.

Today we have 102,211,153 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 102,173,897 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 37,256 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,115,933 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,115,748. That means that another 185 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Dec, 2022 07:31 am
Elon Musk is finding out the trouble with unlimited free speech. Musk has now officially stepped down as the CEO of Twitter. This must be the shortest term for a CEO in history. Musk paid $44 billion for Twitter and said it was on the fast track for bankruptcy. Who would pay $44 billion for a company that was going bankrupt? After all the cuts Musk made, he is still not sure Twitter will not bankrupt. Tesla is also in trouble now.

Musk believed that he could let anyone say anything on Twitter and he could get rid of the employees who monitored Twitter and that would be a huge saving for Musk. Things look totally different from the outside looking in than they are from the inside looking out. The first lesson Musk got was that Twitter users could put his and his family life at risk simply by posting his real time location. Musk immediately suspended those users who posted his real time location. Musk main object in buying Twitter was to allow all those hate groups to use Twitter has a megaphone to spread their hate across America. Twitter would make their message 10,000 of thousands more powerful putting many other people’s lives at risk. After stepping down from CEO the next move should be for him to divest himself of Twitter.

Today we have 102,236,095cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 102,211,153 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 24,792 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,116,084 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,115,933. That means that another 151 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2022 07:58 am
The book, “This Will Not Pass” gave details of a meeting held between three senate republicans and Dirty Joe Manchin. The purpose of the meeting was to talk Dirty Joe into changing his registration from Democrat to Republican. Dirty Joe said that he would change his registration to republican except for one thing, he did not like Mitch McConnel. Susan Collins than offered Dirty Joe another option, she said he should change his registration to independent and caucus with the republicans, that would give the control of the senate back to republicans.

It seems the republicans had been romancing Dirty Joe for some time. Dirty Joe had even killed one of Biden’s cabinet nominees because she had said bad things about the republicans online. That really shows you where Dirty Joe’s heart lies. In the end Dirty Joe decided he could do far more damage to the democratic party by staying right where he was, a double agent of sorts.

Today we have 102,247,575 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 102,236,095 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 11,840 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,116,095 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,116,084. That means that another 11 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2022 08:11 am
The book “This Will Not Pass” provided key information about the reason Dirty Joe killed millions of dollars in aid to WV. Biden had been a senator for many years before he ran for president, and he knew how the senate use to work but he was not prepared for the new self-centered type of 21st century senators. In the past if you wanted to persuade a senator that was on the fence about a bill you sweetened the deal by offering even more money for projects in his state if he would vote for the bill.

Robert Byrd was a good example; he had been the senate majority leader and stepped down to chair the appropriation committee. Byrd even managed to bring the FBI fingerprint center to WV. His name is all over buildings and bridges. Even his wife’s name is on a medical building in town. Most of the children in WV live below the poverty level and Biden’s bill would have corrected that. Dirty Joe not only stopped hundreds of millions coming to WV, but Dirty Joe explained why, he said, “That they would just spend it on drugs anyway.”
That is the single most insulting thing ever said by a senator about their state residents especially those who don’t use drugs. To be sure there are some that abuse drugs but the vast majority work and are drug tested. Dirty Joe was only interested in one thing making sure his dirty coal business was not outlawed.

At every campaign stop in 2024, Dirty Joe should be reminded what he said. Hey, Dirty Joe, you still think WV should not get any more federal money because “we would just spend it on drugs?”

Today we have 102,307,321 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 102,247,575 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 59,746 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands a t 1,116,365 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,116,095. That means that another270 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2022 09:27 am
Few people actually know how their senators vote on different bills, unless it is reported somewhere. As a bill makes its way through congress the opposing side will try and make amendments, that make changes to the bill that make it less effective. Dirty Joe voted for almost every republican amendment to Biden’s American Rescue Bill. Dirty Joe was not successful in killing all the most important provisions of the American Rescue Bill, but he did significant damage to it working alongside the republicans, but Dirty Joe was able to protect his dirty coal business from environmental regulations because most republicans owe him favors.

I have been around politicians all my life, and I have heard them say some stupid things, but when Dirty Joe slurred every man, woman and child in WV, after killing a provision of the bill that would help children saying, “they would just spend the money on drugs anyway.” Dirty Joe’s implication was that all of WV’s residents are drug addicts, that is extremely offensive to the vast majority of law-abiding WVs and those that voted for Dirty Joe in the past. This tops what Hillary Clinton said in the WV coal fields in 2016 when she told the coal miners that she was going to close down the coal mines. That made WV, a state that had been a solid democrat state for a hundred years, republican for a generation. The power of words is significant, they can move mountains or end a political career.

Today we have 102,407,740 cases of the Trump virus, two days ago we had 102,307,321 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 100,419 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus in the last two day.

The death toll stands at 1,117,194 today, two days ago the death toll stood at 1,116,365. That means that another 829 Americans died in the last two days from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2022 09:37 am
I could not help but feel sorry for one of Trump’s biggest contributors because he had only made $5 billion dollars off of the hard work and sweat of American workers. You see he was just a small billionaire; many other billionaires had made much more. My mom actually had a millionaire as a patient years ago, he owned a NASCAR team at the time, but he said he was just a small millionaire. In the end most fortunes are made from the labor of others. Bernie Marcus’s fortune was made at Home Depot from the hard work and sweat of others without the labor of others, Home Depot would not exist.

Bernie Marcus founded Home Depot but has not been an active part of Home Depot management since 2002, and current management was quick to point that out. Marcus claims that nobody will work anymore because of “socialism.” This is the typical billionaire worried about someone getting pennies while he lives like a king. America changed radically, starting about 60 years ago, when we began to worship money above all else. It became the measure of a man. The ungodly greedy went from being the villains of the 1920s to becoming today’s superheroes, one need only look at the Trump trading cards. In the 60s a CEO made only about 40 times his average employee now it is in the 1,000s.

Marcus says, ‘nobody wants to work’ anymore because of ‘socialism.’ Home Depot has 490,000 employees and they are not paid by the government, so much for socialism but in a strange way it acknowledges without the employees there is no Marcus. Marcus is upset because Home Depot could only open 15 to 16 stores last year compared to the 2,300 current stores. That will just not supply enough money to fund Trump’s campaign. Who is really riding the system a mother getting a few dollars to raise her children or the billionaire who pays no taxes on a vast fortune and then uses the money to buy the politicians to make sure they pay no taxes?

Today we have 102,477,929 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 102,407,740 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 70,189 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,117,751 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,117,194. That means that another 557 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2022 10:07 pm
How different is the way we view ourselves and how other people view us? Dirty Joe was not the only one trying to stop Biden’s agenda, Kyrsten Sinema also worked against the democrat’s agenda. A first term senator from Arizona sees herself as a sex siren, Sinema claimed “How easy it was for her to charm Republican men: Sinema, a fitness enthusiast who was thirty-six when she entered congress, boasted knowingly to colleagues and aides that her cleavage had an extraordinary persuasive effect on upright men of the GOP.” I have seen some women try to work them but it seldom changed any minds. In our old court room, the judge was not elevated and was sitting at a table, some women would approach the bench and bend over with a lowcut blouse to speak to the judge. I won’t it never worked but it didn’t for the most part. The new judge is female and is unlikely to be impressed.

It was Sinema who ended up voting for the republican agenda. She was responsible for making sure the carried interest loophole for billionaires continued. She made sure the filibuster would continue to let minority block the majority from doing anything. Now Sinema has dropped out of the democratic party and became an independent. After the election Sinema called the White House to tell Biden not to come to Arizona to take a victory lap with her after the election, even though Biden won Arizona. Sinema was asked out to dinner by a group of republicans but told them the only way she would go is if she could sneak in the back door to hide from the press. It looks like someone got screwed here and it wasn’t the republicans.

They finally repaired my internet it was just working in the morning. They replaced the router that was still a 3G model.

Today we have 102,513,690 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 1,102,477,929 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 35,761 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,117,983 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,117,751. That means that another 232 Americans died today from the Trump virus. `
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Jan, 2023 09:47 pm
Elon Musk was the world’s richest man, but he has lost $200 billion last year after acquiring Twitter. He has lost more than most billionaire have. Musk is a man who believes that you define yourself by the enemies you make. Musk sold large blocks of Tesla stock to make the Twitter purchase. When the CEO of a company sells large blocks of stock, shareholders begin to wonder if there is something wrong and whether they should sell their stock. Then Musk sold even more Tesla stock to keep Twitter from bankruptcy. Tela stock fell by 71% and that is how Musk lost $200 billion on his remaining stock.

Musk made a fortune and is now in the process of losing it. Look for Musk to sell Twitter at a huge loss before it does more damage to his reputation. Musk wanted to enter the political arena with Twitter. Musk did want freedom of speech, he just wanted to control it. Anytime you enter the political arena you are going to polarize the public; some will agree with your political views, but some will disagree. If you are in business, you will likely lose business over your politics. Musk is learning an extremely expensive lesson.

Today we have 102,668,952 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 102,513,690 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 155,662 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,118,376 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,117,983. That means that another 393 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2023 09:51 pm
Tomorrow the House elects the Speaker of the House, and it looks as ten republican far right members are going to try and block McCarthy from being Speaker of the House. The republicans hold only a small majority in the House and the vote usually falls along party lines. The Republicans are now going to face their own Dirty Joe problems. The tail is attempting to wag the dog. McCarthy is not radical enough for the far-right coalition. If the ten radical right members don’t vote the McCarthy’s vote would fail and a democrat could be elected Speaker of House even though they are the minority party.

More moderate republicans are threatening to vote for the democratic candidate to block the radical right republicans from electing a more radical right candidate. I doubt that a democrat will win the house election, but it should prove interesting. It looks like the republicans are going to experience several Dirty Joe’s with their own agendas. It is not the democrats who are trying to influence the republicans it is just that they are so radical right.

Today we have 102,686,752 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 102,668,952 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 17,800 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,118,478 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,118,376. That means that another 102 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2023 10:00 pm
Twenty republicans did not vote for McCarthy for Speaker of the House during the republican caucus today. The general election comes tomorrow, and those twenty republican votes is enough to cost McCarthy the Speakers position. There are three other republicans that have been mentioned as possible Speakers, Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise, and Patrick McHenry. The vote for Speaker is like a vote at a political nominating convention, if no one wins on the first ballot they try to make political deals and vote again. McCarthy says he will hold enough votes until he wins.

This does not speak well for the republicans, if they cannot accomplish this simple procedure without a major political brawl, how will they accomplish anything else. They should have run Marjorie Taylor Greene for Speaker she can’t keep her mouth shut anyway. She has cozied up to McCarthy who has promised to give her back a committee assignment if he is elected Speaker. Greene has said her first task will be to impeachment Biden, she has no grounds but wants to make a political statement. Being a republican Speaker, no matter who gets it, is going to be a lot like herding cats.

Today we have 102,747,552 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 102,686,752 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 60,800 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,118,757 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,118,478. That means that another 279 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2023 10:22 pm
The republican free for all is on in Washington, it’s republican against republican. Three ballots have been cast and McCarthy lost all of them. Republican Representative, Laruen Boebert, called on Trump to tell McCarthy to step down after he lost three ballots. The twenty republicans have said that there is no way in hell they will ever vote for McCarthy. If they don’t vote for him there is no way, he will ever be the Speaker of the House. It seems that the immovable object has met the irresistible force. The obvious solution is to settle on a compromise candidate that both sides could agree on, but that is not going to happen.

McCarthy went to Mar-a-Lago shortly after the insurrection to kiss Trump’s ring and make up. No doubt McCarthy carefully planned this realizing that he would need Trump’s endorsement for speaker. Trump got a bunch of nuts elected in the House and it is coming back to bite them. Being reasonable is counter intuitive to the radical right. The way they accomplish their goals is to be disruptive. The cats Trump got elected are refusing to be herded.

Today we have 102,963,370 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 102,747,552 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 215,815 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,120,040 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,118,757. That means that another 1,283 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2023 09:32 pm
Well, I guess things are not as bad as they could be, it seems members of the far-right coalition have been pushing Trump to be Speaker of the House. Though traditionally the Speaker of the House has been a member of congress, the majority party can choose anyone they want whether they are a member of congress or not. Matt Gaetz, a Florida representative, has been floating the idea for months. Gaetz is a Trump ally and a member of the far-right group that is holding out. Just imagine how much more damage Trump could do as Speaker. The first order of business would be wide ranging investigation into the 2020 election.

The news media says that a deal has been struck to make McCarthy Speaker. The trouble is that it is not only one deal, but McCarthy also gave away so much of the power in the House that it will make it impossible to govern effectively. We won’t know who got what for a while. One thing we do know is that McCarthy agreed to a rule that anyone member of the House could call for a vote to remove the Speaker. How soon do you think that a vote will be called for to remove McCarthy?

Today we have 103,048,885 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 102,963,370 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 85,515 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,120,804 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,120,040. That means that another 764 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2023 09:56 pm
Trump is ranting about absentee voting again. He is calling on all republican governors to end the practice in all caps. This is a man who votes absentee himself, but he does not want anyone else to except military stationed far away and those with severe disabilities. Trump’s opposition to absentee voting in 2020 election may have cost him the election as more republicans vote absentee than democrats. When Trump discouraged republicans not to vote absentee it cost him votes. The military votes republican in most elections so Trump is willing to let them vote absentee.

The trend in republican states has been toward more absentee voting not less. In some states most of the voting is done by mail in ballot. When one looks at lines of people standing out in the weather for 6 or 8 hours to vote it is ridiculous. There is no reason for this when simple mail in ballots would take care of the problem. The polling places are often designed to discourage people from voting. You don’t see the polling places in rich neighborhoods with lines that are hours long, in fact you seldom even see a line at all, you just walk in and vote. This is not equal treatment when voting.

Today we have 103,073,819 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 103,048,885 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 24,934 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,121,059 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,120,804. That means that another 255 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Jan, 2023 10:04 pm
In countries across the globe what happens to rioters who try stage coup? They are executed without a trial. Trump did his best to stage a coup but remains free after two years, there have been no charges filed against him. Now Tucker Carlson is claiming that Ashli Babbitt was murdered and now her mother has been arrested for holding a memorial service on the second anniversary of her daughter death. Tucker says she was holding a memorial service but fails to tell his audience that the memorial service was in the middle of a busy street.

Tucker claims that it was murder but there is film of the event so no investigation was ever needed. Babbitt was clearly attempting to come through a window after the mob had smashed it. All these republican gun nuts think the stand your ground laws are great, there is not one of them who would not shoot anyone coming into their home through a broken window in their home and nothing would be done to them. There were 10,000 angry rioters at the capitol and a few hundred policemen. They can’t believe that they are entitled to stand their ground and capitol police can’t. The door swings both ways and the republicans want a world where anybody can kill anybody for any reason. Stop crying murder when it happens, it is now the law the republicans wanted. Be careful what you want you might just get it.

Today we have 103,081,401 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 103,073,819 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 7,582 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,121,089 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,121,059. That means that another 30 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2023 10:28 pm
Trump’s Jan 6th insurrection was the template for the same type of thing that the right did in Brazil today. The right in America and the right in Brazil have a common enemy democracy, they long for the day when a dictator can be put in place for life, like Putin. The right in Brazil was led down the garden path with the same lies Trump used to incite the insurrection in America. All you need to say is the election was corrupt, you don’t need any proof, the weak minded will never even ask for proof. They just want their way nothing else matters.

When Trump went unpunished for the insurrection, the right-wing politicians around the world saw it as a road map to power. Those who try to stage a revolution are hung that day, it is the only way to truly kill the revolution is to cut the head off the snake. This was not the end of the insurrections in America this was just the beginning. The entire republican party with few exceptions did not repudiate the insurrection they told their voters that the rioters were in fact patriots, like those at the Boston Tea Party. The republicans could not condemn the insurrection without also condemning Trump, when they kissed his ring, they gave tacit approval to the next insurrection and the next group of “patriots” trying to overthrow our government. The republicans instead targeted Liz Cheney for telling the truth about Trump. The next insurrection is in the planning stages now and they will not make the same mistakes, after all they are being told they are patriots, and as Trump said, if you don’t fight like hell, you are not going to have a country.” Just because you don’t think the insurrectionists are “patriots” doesn’t mean they don’t believe it. When both parties did not condemn the insurrection and Trump it opened the door to a different reality for many.

Today we have 103,086,927 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 103,081,401 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 5,526 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,121,097 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,121,089. That means that another 8 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2023 05:32 am
And don't forget that Bolsonaro made guns and ammunition more accessible as well.

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