The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2022 09:46 pm
In every generation a megalomaniac comes along who believes he can conquer the world. I believe that Putin believes that he can conquer the world. He knows that there will be a terrible cost in hundreds of millions of lives, but it is a price he is willing to pay to be the first world dictator even if much of his kingdom is nothing but smoking cinders. What is going on Ukraine is not about taking over Ukraine, the targets are not military installations, the targets are children’s hospitals and schools. They have no military value; the object of war is to destroy the opposing army. Putin’s actions are designed to provoke America into a nuclear war.

A balance of power kept Russia from starting a nuclear war before, but Russia and China’s development of hypersonic missiles has changed all that. Putin believes he now has first strike capabilities that will wipe out most of America missiles while they are in the ground. Putin knows he can’t stop all of them that some will get through, but he is willing to pay the price. Trump took the money from military to build the wall that does not even slow illegal immigrants after Trump wasted the military’s money on the wall illegal immigration went up not down.

Putin is trying to provoke America to get involved in the Ukraine war and this will provide Putin with a justification for a first strike against America and America will look far worse than Ukraine.

Today we have 81,064,103 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,012,955 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 51,148 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 989,473 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 987,615. That means that another 1,858 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2022 10:20 pm
We are nearing a million deaths from the Trump virus. The cases of the Trump virus are falling fast and the deaths from the virus are slowing but a new variant has been found tentatively labeled “deltacron” it is a combination of Omicron and the Delta variant. It has been found in Denmark, the Netherlands, Denmark and the United States. If this variant combines the killing power of Delta and the spreading power of Omicron this variant could be far worse than anything we faced so far. There are only a few cases now so it is hard to determine how severe this variant will be.

After two years of the pandemic nearly 35% of Americans remain unvaccinated. That means that there 115 million Americans who will serve as a Petrie dish for the next variant. There are enough unvaccinated Americans to make the Trump virus immortal, go on and never die. It is only a matter of time until the virus mutates into something far worse. Each time one of these unvaccinated people get the virus it is another opportunity for the virus to mutate. We have in the past eradicated viruses from the face of the earth with vaccinations but the republicans decided to make this disease a political football and who won? The virus won and America lost.

Today we have 81,108,786 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,064,103 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 44,683 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 991,260 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 989,473. That means that another 1,787 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2022 09:58 pm
One of the engines on the plane Trump was flying in failed and the plane had to make an emergency landing. The plane was a loaner from a political contributor. Trump plane is setting in an airport with one of the engines removed along with other parts. Now Trump is asking his supporters to buy him a new plane. This supposed billionaire is asking working people to buy him a new plane. You would think if Trump is a billionaire, he should at least be able afford a used Lear Jet. The web sites asks if you would like to see Trump’s new plane? The website then it takes you to the place that you can contribute to Trump whether you checked yes or no.

I would not want to contribute because of trump’s history with websites. During his campaign, his website was designed so that people who thought they were making a onetime contribution found their cards were being charged each week. That scam worked one time it raises money much faster.

Trump is at again he is borrowing hundreds of millions of dollars it seems he has found a few banks who are willing to loan big money to crooks. That begs the question why would a billionaire need to borrow money in the first place? Why not use your own money and save all of that interest? Why is Trump borrowing the $100 million and that was just one loan? He needs it to pay off a previous loan. Sounds like a check kiting scheme.

Today we have 81,154,960 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,108,786 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 46,174 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 993,044 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 991,260. That means that another 1,784 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2022 10:13 pm
Bill Maher asked why did Russia wait to invade Ukraine until after Biden was in office? Trump was cozying up to Putin the entire time Trump was in office. Trump never missed an opportunity to hero worship Putin. Almost a platform of Trump’s campaign was that Putin could be trusted and it was going to be an era of cooperation with Russia. Putin had spent millions to get Trump elected and planned to get Trump reelected. If Putin had invaded Ukraine during Trump term in office, it would have been impossible for Trump to be reelected as he ran on a platform of trusting Russia. The invasion was planned for years and if it had happened during Trump second term, Trump would, just like Putin is saying it was just “fake news.”

Had Trump got elected again, Putin would have invaded Ukraine anyhow as Trump was no longer of any use. Trump is worse than a cat covering up s* when he makes a mistake, he always tries to cover it up. Trump new relationship with Russia got a number of Republicans congressmen to invest their money in Russia, now their investments are worthless. Trump is having a hard time trying to justify getting much more friendly with Russia and how Putin is a genius, not a murderous dictator. Trump just can’t be wrong and is likely to go down with the ship saying what a genius Putin is.

Today we have 81,169,534 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,154,960 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 14,574 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 993,693 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 993,044. That means that another 644 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2022 08:56 pm
Many people think there is a war going on in Ukraine but not according to Trump. Trump says there is a lot of love going on over there, Putin just wants to put his country back together. Instead of candy and flowers Putin is sending bombs and missiles. Quite a love affair, only Trump could come up with calling a war a lot of love. Does anybody believe that Trump would try to stop what he describes as “a lot of love going on?

Tucker Carlson has become a big media star in Russia, the Russian government has sent memos to state run media to feature Carlson as much as possible because of his position on Russia. Russia has threatened to jail any journalist for 15 years that referred to the Ukraine war as a war. In Russia the news media refers to the war with Ukraine as a peace keeping mission. When the Russian news media is told to run as much Tucker Carlson as possible, that should tell you something.

Trump is heading further and further down the rabbit hole and he is not likely to make it out. Now Trump has called for his supporters to lay down their lives over “Critical Race Theory.” Trump just can’t wait to start another riot where more people are killed. The trouble is half of the Republican party is following Trump down the rabbit hole.

Today we have 81,174,677 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,169,534 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 5,134 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 993,811 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 993,693. That means that another 118 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2022 09:20 pm
The Trump virus never dies a new variance is setting record number of cases in Germany. Germany has the same problem we have they cannot get enough people vaccinate to stop the viruses’ onslaught. If we can’t stamp out the ignorance, we can’t stamp out the virus. Will this be the fourth or fifth wave of the virus? this is a new variant of the Omicron version that spread from South Africa to America in a matter of days. How many days do we have before the new version of the virus spreads to America and starts setting record number of cases? A week? Two weeks? The virus spreads around the world in record times.

The COVID regulations are being put back in force in Germany, no gathering of more than ten people, no spectators allowed at soccer games or other sporting events. “The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 50% of Europe would be infected with COVIDS in the next few weeks.” You know that is coming to America and if half of America population gets infected that means, that 165 million America will be infected with COVIDS overwhelming hospitals and funeral homes. This is what ignorance gets you. I fought science and lost.

Today we have 81,216,251 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,174,677 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 41,574 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 991,037 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 993,811. That means that the counter was corrected and shows a negative 2,774. WV’s counter was adjusted downward because one woman who counted as dying from the Trump virus actually died from other causes.

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Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2022 09:00 pm
The US has imposed sanctions on Russia in effort to stop the Ukraine war. Many American based companies like McDonalds have stopped doing business in Russia to protest the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But Koch industries a major contributor to republican party has decided that their business in Russia will continue as usual. There are other American businesses who have also decided to keep doing business in Russia, such as Haliburton and Subway. Haliburton is another large republican political contributor who will keep Russia’s oil flowing.

The sanctions should make it illegal for any American company to do business with Russia. They should not be allowed to continue to do “business as usual” with a madman. The former prime minster of Ukraine has said that WWIII has already began. We are on a slippery slope to there being and all-out war. I noticed the military transport planes practicing today. The president of Ukraine will address congress tomorrow in an effort to override Biden decision on a no-fly zone. A no- fly zone would mean confronting Russian planes directly and bombing antiaircraft sites in Russia. If bombing Russia didn’t start WWIII nothing would. The things happening in Ukraine are horrific but America would be bombed with bombs that are 10,000 more times more powerful than what is currently being used in Ukraine. Nothing would be left standing in a 25-mile radius. We can’t help Ukraine if America is nothing but a burnt cinder.

Today we have 81,244,936 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,216,251 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 28,685 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 992,302 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 991,037. That means that another 1,265 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2022 08:57 pm
How could we start a war with Russia? Flying our fighter jets into Russia and bombing their antiaircraft batteries. Even if Ukraine was not involved this would result in a war with Russia. Why would Ukraine push us into a nuclear war? We are the ones trying supply them with billion in military equipment. If we were wiped-out, we could not assist them. But there is another motive for Ukraine to push us into a war with Russia. If Russia suddenly enters into a war with the America both are likely to be destroyed and the world would be safe for Ukraine again. The cost in American and Russian lives would be catastrophic but Zelensky would much prefer to trade a million American lives for every one Ukrainian life. That is a fair trade in Zelensky’s mind.

You can never underestimate self-interest as a motive. Most of us live our lives with self-interest as a guiding principle, but we must be aware that others too have self-interest. Ukraine does not have realistic chance of stopping the Russian invasion on their own. Ukraine only chance to survive is to draw other countries into their war. We must keep in mind that we also have a self-interest in surviving. We cannot stop all the wrongs in the world, we can’t save all the people.

Today we have 81,289,602 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,244,936 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 44,666 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 994,739 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 992,302. That means that another 2,437 died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Mar, 2022 09:08 pm
Now the Trump movement is known as a neofascist movement. On Jan 6 speakers at the Trump rally called for violence to overturn a legitimate election. They appear to have gotten away with it so far. When it came to other violent riots Trump said, “When the looting starts, the shooting starts,” but when the Jan 6, insurrection started at Trump’s bequest, the republicans called it legitimate political discourse. Now Trump is again trying to rev up his personal army of nuts.

“Getting critical race theory out of our schools is not just a matter of values, It’s also a matter of national survival. We have no choice… The fate of any nation ultimately depends upon the willingness of its citizens to lay down their lives to defend their country… If we allow the Marxists and communists and socialists to teach our children to hate America, there will be no one left to defend our flag or protect our great country or its freedom.”


Trump is telling his followers to fight and die over the curriculum in schools. This is the neofascist philosophy of government, mob rule. They don’t believe in the freedom or the America way of life, Trump would replace more than 200 years of freedom with the gun and the rule of the mob. When Trump found out that 75 million people voted for him, he believed that to be a mob that he could use to impose his neofascism on America.

Today we have 81,350,883 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,289,602 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 61,281 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 996,072 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 994,739. That means that another 1,333 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Mar, 2022 09:01 pm
The United States version of the Truckers protest turns out to be pretty much a dud. The Canadian truckers protest stopped traffic for weeks so far, the American truckers has caused some traffic delays. The drivers in the Washington have just been giving the truckers their finger. It is like they are rebels without a cause, after the virus numbers lowered significantly and most of the COVID regulations were rolled back but that did not stop the truckers, I understand all six trucks made it to Washington.

The protest has been going on for two and a half weeks and this is the first article I have seen reporting about the protest. The Canadians got a lot more press. If Trump was running this protest, he would tell the Truckers they need to be willing to die for their right to ignore health departments regulations, and critical race theory. One of the truckers speaking at a rally says they are going to “tar and feather” Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington. I suspect they best take their tar and feathers elsewhere because they are likely to encounter a much larger counter protest and the Truckers are likely to be the ones tared and feathered.

Today we have 81,388,590 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,350,883 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 37,707 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 997,136 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 996,072. That means that another 1,064 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2022 08:58 pm
The virus is back again. The new Omicron BA.2 variant that is setting records in Germany is in America and spreading like a wildfire. Twenty-three percent of the cases in America are of the new variant and the number of cases are doubling every week. It does not take a rocket scientist to see that is a geometric progression and will spread rapidly across America in the coming weeks putting us right back where we were.

My daughter is a respiratory therapist in the emergency room of a local hospital and she has seen far too many people die from the Trump virus. She recently had a man her own age who died unvaccinated. Now that you are not seeing the people dying on the evening news every evening but the deaths are still continuing. At one point NBC news stated that 99% of the people who are dying in the hospital are unvaccinated. Which side of that equation would you like to be on? It only takes a few people to embrace superstition and conspiracy theories before many people will blindly follow them. Let’s face it no company has developed a vaccine to make your children gay, they really don’t care.

Today we have 81,404,135 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,388,590 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 15,545 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 997,845 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 997,136. That means that another 709 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2022 09:02 pm
The Trump Russian lover association are at it again. Trump can’t hero worship Putin enough but now that convicted Trump associate Roger Stone is taking sides with Putin saying that the only reason Russia is invading Ukraine is that the neo-Nazis are in control of the government and that Ukraine had to be “denazified.” The president of Ukraine is Jewish and had relatives killed in WWII. This may be the first case in history where a Jew decided to become a Nazi.

“Ukraine is not even remotely about what they are telling about,” he said. Ukraine is about the fact that they have dual-launch missile pads-missiles that would be aimed at the Soviet Union.”

Roger Stone from an interview Real American Voice.

Here we go again, who are you going to believe Roger Stone or your lying eyes? The dual-launch pads were put in Ukraine when it was part of the old Soviet Union. Ukraine did not pose a threat to Russia and there were no Neo-Nazis or biolabs producing germ warfare toxins, but Putin will lie, and Roger Stone will swear it is the god’s truth. But many rightwing nut jobs will believe that it is true.

Today we have 81,410,101 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,404,134 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 5,967 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 997,933 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 997,845. That means that another 88 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2022 08:49 pm
Marjorie Taylor Green is given aid and comfort to the enemy by spreading Putin’s propaganda in America. She is one of Trump’s disciples and she will tweet any unverified lie she comes across but when she starts tweeting Putin’s lies, she has crossed a line. She insisted that America military aide is going to the Nazis in Ukraine. The only Nazis that Green knows of for sure are the American Nazis that voted for Green but that does not stop her from believing Putin’s lies.

Part of the post she retweeted was that the Ukraine Army was abusing women and children. Whatever the picture she retweeted was it was not posted in the article about her. Then as an after-thought, Marjorie said she was against the Ukraine war. I seriously doubt that there are any Nazis in Ukraine other than a few strange nutcases like Marjorie. Marjorie as much as claimed that the US is funding Nazis to fight the Russians. Even Putin has not accused the US of funding the Nazis.

You can bet whatever new lies Putin comes up with Marjorie will tweet them like they are the god’s truth.

Today we have 81,448,402 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,410,101 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 38,301 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

That death toll stands at 998,840 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 997,933. That means that another 907 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2022 09:04 pm
Tucker Carlson wants to support Putin so bad he can taste it, but when he openly supported Putin early on his ratings began to fall. What is Tucker to do he can’t openly support Putin? The next best thing is to attack the government of Ukraine. Tucker seems to be an outlet for Russian propaganda in America. Tucker claims that Ukraine is not a democracy, but a dictatorship and we should not be supporting a dictatorship. This has the same effect as helping Russia, if there is no support from America it would make matters much worse for Ukraine.

According to Tucker (Russia) the president of Ukraine has outlawed the opposing political party and he believes this makes Ukraine a dictatorship. Tucker believes this makes Ukraine a dictatorship even though the president of Ukraine was fairly elected. In Tucker’s way of thinking dictatorships should be fair game for Russia and we should just stand back and let Putin’s do as he pleases. This is classic case of the tail wagging the dog, Tucker wants to publicly support Putin, but he knows he will lose his audience.

Today we have 81,476,269 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,448,402 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 27,867 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stood at 999,762 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 998,840. That means that another 922 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2022 09:01 pm
Marjorie Taylor Greene is courting the Russians because she knows the Russians supported Trump during the 2016 election and no doubt put Trump over the top. The Russian operation was sophisticated and used lists that targeted certain voters. Many Russians BOTS helped spread propaganda that helped elect Trump. While other Russian posed as Americans to spread propaganda. Marjorie noted how much help the Russians gave Trump and would like a piece of that action.

Greene called President Zelensky a thug and his government corrupt but it is what she does not say that speaks louder than words. Putin is a war criminal that is targeting women and children, but Greene is not about to criticize Putin. It was not Ukraine that invaded Russia it was Russia that invade Ukraine.

The Republican party was traditional against Russia and looked at them as an enemy to be watched. Trump established a pro-Russian faction of the Republican Party. One of the first things Trump did after he was elected, was to have Michael Flynn call the Russian ambassador and tell him not to retaliate for the recent sanctions put in place by Obama because Trump would remove them as soon as he took office. The call was recorded, and Flynn was arrested.

Today we have 81,527,329 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,476,279 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 51,050 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,001,175 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 999,762. That means that another 1,413 Americans died today from the Trump virus. I live near a town of 50.000 that means that 20 towns that size died from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 24 Mar, 2022 09:00 pm
Trump is suing Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee and 26 other people over the 2016 election. Trump claims that there was a conspiracy to link him to Putin. Since Trump doesn’t pay his lawyers, you have to wonder where he finds one to work for him. I hope he gets crazy Sidney to represent him according to her almost everybody in the world was involved in a conspiracy to cheat Trump out of the 2020 election. Crazy Sidney will have a laundry list of the usual suspects in the 2016 lawsuit. No doubt the Pope was involved according to crazy Sidney.

Of course, the clear implication is that linking Trump to Russia was responsible for his losing the 2020 election. Trump simply cannot take credit where credit is due, Trump and only Trump was responsible for his loss in 2020. Telling people to inject bleach, making sure America had the most cases and the most deaths in the world from the Trump virus, then Trump ran a pro-Russia campaign. I wonder how long it will take for this nonsense to be thrown out of court.

Today we have 81,565,957 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,527,329 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 38,628 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,002,259 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,001,175. That means that another 1,084 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2022 09:39 pm
Supreme court Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife was texting the Whitehouse to encourage Trump to stay in office. Thomas has been in the hospital this week with unspecified breathing problems. They say there is no such thing as disease just dis-ease, in other words stress is the cause of disease. Thomas was the only justice to vote against the release of Whitehouse records while Trump was in office. Now we know why. He did not want all of his wife’s text messages to Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows to become public.

On November 24, 2020, she wrote: “I can’t see America swallowing this obvious fraud. Just going with one more thing with no fricking consequences…the whole coup and now this…we just cave to the people wanting Biden to be anointed? Many of us can’t continue the GOP charade.”

Thomas wrote to meadows on November 19, 2020, “Sounds like Sidney and her team are getting inundated with evidence of fraud. Make a plan. Release The Kraken and save us from the left taking America down.” Attorney Sidney Powel who worked on Trump aligned lawsuits seeking to challenge the results of the 2020 election, was also referred to by herself as “The Kraken” in reference to ancient mythological sea creature.

Anyone that believes Crazy Sidney is sane is crazier than she is. Crazy Sidney is being sued for $1.3 billion for some of her lies.

Today we have 81,600,890 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,565,957 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 34,933 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,003,198 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,002,259. That means that another 939 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2022 09:15 pm
The legislatures in six states are considering passing laws to make “vote counting slower, more expensive, and less accurate.” They want to eliminate the use of voting machines and return to paper ballots. It would set life in America back 30 years. The voting machines generate paper ballot backups. We can thank Crazy Sidney who blamed a long dead South American dictator for fixing the 2020 election. According to crazy Sidney nearly the whole world was involved in her conspiracy theories.

I can understand a crazy middle-aged woman obsessed with Trump, what I can’t understand is why all these state legislatures are taken in so easily by obvious nonsense claims after all, crazy Sidney defense in her $1.3 billion liable trial is that no person in their right mind would believe a word she had to say. This would be like outlawing computers because they can’t be trusted. They just can’t believe that the worst head of government in the entire world didn’t get reelected. America had the most cases of the Trump virus and the most deaths from the Trump virus. The third world countries did far better than America. Nobody could have made a bigger mess than Trump.

Today we have 81,616,936 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,600,890 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 16,046 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,003,425 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,003,198. That means that another 227 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Mar, 2022 09:01 pm
Chris Wallace finally left Fox News saying the conditions had become “increasing unstainable” after the 2020 election. I never understood why Wallace ever went to work for Fox News in the first place, he was a real journalist, not a political operative. Chris Wallace was the only real journalist at Fox News. Wallace became bothered when the stations other hosts began to question the truth about the election and the Jan 6 insurrection. Fox news knows the truth and they want to make damn sure it does not get out.

Wallace is now an anchor on CNN. They are interested in seeing the truth gets out instead of burying it. Chris Stirewalt, the on-air longtime Fox political editor was fired in the ensuing weeks after he projected that Biden would win Arizona long before other networks. I told you what happens to people who tell the truth at Fox News. Trump was absolutely livid when Fox News projected Biden as the winner in Arizona. Trump called Rupert Murdock to complain and his reply, was f Trump.

Wallace had complained about Tucker Carlson Fox News documentary “Patriot Purge” to the management at Fox News Tucker has become extremely popular in Russia as the state-controlled media companies have been instructed to run Tucker propaganda as many times as possible on their news network.

Today we have 81,621,888 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,616,936 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 4,952 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,003,467 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,003,425. That means that another 42 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Mar, 2022 08:50 pm
It is about time that a judge said that Trump and his advisor ‘more likely than not committed a crime on Jan 6 by trying to obstruct Biden’s certification as president. In Barr book he said you always prosecute the small fish first before you prosecute the big fish. It has been a year and over two months since Jan 6, 2021. The ruling was over Trump and Eastman could block release of Whitehouse documents and emails. The judge said that they could not block the release of materials that showed evidence of a crime.

If Trump is not prosecuted for the insurrection, it will be repeated by other who lose the election and seek to use the power of the mob to put them in office. It is important that we make an example of Trump and others who convinced him that he could become a dictator and ignore the fact that he lost the election. Trump believed he was absolutely entitled to be president even though he was by far the worst president history of America. It is high time the Justice Department brings charges against Trump. When even a judge levies the opinion that Trump committed crimes, he should be charged.

Today we have 81,657,854 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 81,621,888 cases of the Trump virus, that means that another 35,966 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,004,243 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,003,467. That means that another 776 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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