The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 4 Oct, 2020 09:48 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

And then he jumped into an SUV and buzzed followers in the parking lot, exposing a car full of secret service agents.

They can quit and it won't happen to them again.
Reply Mon 5 Oct, 2020 08:57 pm
Trump is loose and spreading the Trump virus everywhere he can. Trump may not be able to wipe out the entire republican party singlehandedly but he has sure put a dent in it. When the real billionaires who were at Trump fund raiser find out Trump deliberately exposed them to the Trump virus there will be consequences. If three or four of the billionaires die because Trump could not afford to miss the fund raiser there are going to be a lot more never Trumpers. Trump no doubt had already tested positive for the Trump virus before he made the trip but Trump does not care how many he kills to get his way. Trump tries to make everyone lie like he does and his doctor did just that. The doctor tried to lie about Trump requiring oxygen to breath but enough people knew the truth that he finally had no choice but to tell the truth. It is very obvious that Trump has lung damage by his labored breathing. A typical course of the Trump virus is the patient appears to get better for a few days and often walk back into the emergency room only to be on a respirator two hours later. The immune system goes into hyper drive and kills them.

Today we have 7,546,065 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 7,505,022 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 41,043 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 213,408, yesterday the death toll stood at 213,056. That means another 352 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Oct, 2020 09:00 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Trump not only exposed the secret serves agents but their families and everybody they interact with. Many doctors and other medical service employees died by being exposed to people who had the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Oct, 2020 09:12 pm
How many people do you know that can afford to quit their job because of an idiot? These agents are vested in the retirement system and have have many years invested, they can't just quit because of an idiot. The idiot is now being given strong drugs that were reserved for the most critical patients that have a possible side effect of making him hallucinate. His finger is on the button and he can be having a hallucination. Trump should be required to step down immediately until those drugs are out of his system.
Reply Tue 6 Oct, 2020 08:21 am
These agents are vested in the retirement system and have have many years invested, they can't just quit because of an idiot.

Yes they can actually quit if they want, they can step down from Presidential protection detail and do something else different for the Secret Service, as the detail is just one of many jobs available to them. It just happens to be the most sought after detail in the Secret Service, bank fraud and counter fit money tracking is likely very boring.
Reply Tue 6 Oct, 2020 08:55 am
It just happens to be the most sought after detail in the Secret Service...

I've got a friend whose son has worked in the Secret Service for quite a while. He hates it and will retire soon. It's the personalities of the politicians, both Democrats and Republican, that really ruin the job for him.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Oct, 2020 08:49 pm
It is time for Trump to step down not only do to the drugs he is taking causing a psychosis but 90% of the people who have had the Trump virus have mental problems of some sort ranging from depression to PTSD after having the virus. The Trump virus attacks every organ of the body by attacking the blood vessels in those organs and that includes the brain. X-rays of the brains of people who have recovered from Trump virus show dark spots in their brains where the Trump virus has destroyed parts of their brains and let’s face it Trump had very little brain to destroy. To let Trump, continue to be president puts everyone’s life in danger even more danger that they were in to start with.

Today we have 7,553,392 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 7,546,065 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 7,327 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll now stands at 213,462, yesterday the death toll stood at 213,408. That means that another 54 Americans died today.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Oct, 2020 08:53 pm
I can tell you as a long time union officer there is one thing that will get you fired and no arbitrator in the world will overturn a firing for refusing to follow a direct order. That is considered a mortal sin. There is no way to win their job back.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Oct, 2020 09:09 pm
Now we find out that Trump was not tested for the Trump virus before the debate last week. The rules called for all the participants to be tested for the Trump virus before the debate. Trump arrived late for the debate and they did not have enough time to test him. This leads to question whether Trump had tested positive before he left the White House? If Trump had tested positive, he would have gone to the debate anyway no doubt in hopes of infecting Biden. The debate was last Tuesday and the White House acknowledge that Trump had the Trump virus on Thursday but the reason he missed the test at the debate was likely that he was infected and contagious but did not want to miss the debate. The talking heads on red neck right radio were playing up the story that Biden might skip the debate and if Trump skipped the debate because he had contracted the Trump virus, they would have egg on their faces. It is more than likely that Trump was infected on Tuesday and knew it and exposed countless other people to the Trump virus.

Today we have 7,640,890 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 7,553,392 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 87,498 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 214,947 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 213,462. That means another 1,485 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 8 Oct, 2020 08:51 pm
Now we know it is Trump who has refused to debate because it was going to be changed to a virtual debate. Trump would like nothing better but to be in a good position to give his Trump virus to Biden. Let’s face it, I would not want to be around anyone that had recently had the Trump virus recently. One of the women Trump had bought back into the country with the Trump virus had tested negative after she had it. The women took off to a Mall in Texas, a second test had been conducted on her but the results had not come back before she went to the mall. The second test showed she still had the Trump virus. She had to be tracked down and put back into quarantine. Just because they have a negative test does not mean they still don’t have the virus.

Trump does not want the moderate of the debate to hold him to his 2 minutes. A virtual debate would give the moderator the ability to cut Trump off once his time was up. Trump’s style is to act like a bully and steal the opponent’s time. He thinks this makes him look strong like when he was 15 in Jr High and beating up 10-year olds. Trump was thrown out of a private school that his father was a director of for bullying younger children. You have to be extremely bad to be thrown out of a school that your father is one of the directors. Trump had to be placed in a military school until he graduated. Military schools were used as reforms schools for children who their parents could not control. Trump still acts like the bully he was at 15.

Today we have 7,690,020 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 7,640,890 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 49,130 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today. That number includes half of the White House, they can’t even protect themselves let alone America.

The death toll stands at 215,903 today, yesterday it stood at 214,947. That mean another 956 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Oct, 2020 09:12 pm
Former senator and presidential candidate Bob Dole tweeted that there are and equal number of Republicans and Democrats on the Commission on Presidential Debates. The Commission on Presidential Debates must be bipartisan but Dole says that he knows most of the Republicans on Commission for Commission on Presidential Debates and none of them support Trump. Dole believes that in order to be on the Commission for Presidential Debates you need to be a Trump cult member. The rules don’t call for a tri-partisan Commission it calls for a bipartisan Commission. Trump is an expert at making enemies and he has made enemies on both sides the isle. Nobody likes to be bullied and Trump still acts like he is still in Jr High picking on smaller children. Most of the Republicans were easily bullied, they would rather hand over their lunch money than have a confrontation but there were a few who stood up on their hind legs and fought back they made the bully pay a price. Remember in the “new” republican party you must first and above all pledge loyalty, not to America but to Trump.

One thing about it, Trump has called to duty every sicko in the country. The maggots are coming out of the woodwork. Trump publicly called for the sickos to liberate Michigan and the sickos immediately responded storming the state capital with assault weapons. Now the Trump sickos plotted to kidnap the governor and try her for treason. This is Trump’s idea of making America Great again. Michigan was not the only state that Trump wanted his sickos to “liberate.” Look for other governors to be targeted by the Trump sickos.

Today we have 7,757,909 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 7,690,020 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 67,889 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 216,990 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 215,903. That means another 1087 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sat 10 Oct, 2020 08:53 pm
Today at the White House event it looks like the republican party has become the party of the mask it looks as everybody in the crowd had a mask on. That is quite a difference from the Trump rally going on in Florida today where very few people wore a mask. To be a Trump voter you had to be ready to fight to secure your right to spread the Trump virus where every you pleased. Now the Trumpies must be completely confused, first Trump makes not wearing a mask an exercise of your freedom and all of a sudden it is to hell with your freedom and you must wear a mask around Trump, he does not want to catch the Trump virus again.

Trump is anxious to get back on the road again because he is facing the worst landslide victory in history but he needs to test positive at least twice or at least anyone else would. Trump will bully his way back on to the road again whether he tests positive or not he will expose everyone on the plane to his Trump virus. Nothing has ever mattered to Trump but Trump.

Today we have 7,786,184 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 7,757,909 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 28,275 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 217,319 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 216,990. That means that another 329 Americans died of the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Oct, 2020 08:42 pm
Ted Cruz says that the 2020 election will be the biggest republican blood bath since the 1976 election, after Richard Nixon was forced from office. This was predictable when Trump was elected. Usually the election polls get closer as the election nears but in this case Trump is getting further behind with Biden leading by 12 points.

During the vice-presidential debate Kamala Harris stated that Biden had a plan to deal with the Trump virus. The vice president said that it was a copy of the Trump plan, the trouble is Trump only plan was to lie about it and hope it would disappear on its own. How did that workout? We are now approaching eight million cases of the Trump virus with no end in sight.

Today we have 7,851,080 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 7,786,184 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 64,896 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 218,129 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 217,319. That means another 810 Americans died of the Trump virus today.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Oct, 2020 09:09 pm
As Trump sinks further in the poles he is becoming more and more desperate. He is now using people in political adds without their permission. If you are filmed and the person doing the filming intends to use the film for commercial purposes you must sign a release. If the film is used your identity must be concealed. Military officers are strictly forbidden to take part in partisan politics. Now Trump is using the image of the Joint Chiefs Chairman, General Mark Miley is being used in Trump’s political ads without his knowledge or consent. Of course, Trump has also used Dr Fauci words that were taken out of context to use in another political add. Fauci’s quote was meant to address the hard work of our medical professionals who were working around the clock and not the praise the worst response to the pandemic of any government on the face of the earth. The most cases of Trump virus and the most deaths from the Trump virus of any country on earth, says it all.

Today we have 7,898,638 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 7,851,080 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 47,558 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 218,448, yesterday the death toll stood at 218,129. That means that another 319 Americans died today of the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 13 Oct, 2020 08:38 pm
Trump’s ship is sinking and the rats are taking notice and have begun deserting the sinking ship. Romney spoke out today and blamed Trump for the hate filled politics in America today. The rats have a choice to make they can go down with the ship or they can swim as fast and as far away from the Trump’s ship as possible. Trump has used fear and bullying to keep the republicans from even criticizing any of his actions. Bullying may work in the short term but people don’t like to be bullied and they don’t forget. Sooner or later every bully gets beat up and his “so-called” friends have no problem kicking him when he is down. Every dog has his day but inevitable those days run out and there is a long line of people waiting to get even and earn their self-respect back. Even Moscow Mitch is being critical of Trump’s response to the Trump virus.

Today we have 7,947,567 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 7,898,638 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 48,929 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 219,149 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 218,448. That means the Trump virus claimed another 701 Americans today.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Oct, 2020 08:48 pm
Trump has finally realized he is losing the election to Biden; his solution is he is going to run against Hillary Clinton again. You could not make this up truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Secretary of state Pompeo is defending Trump’s effort to release Clinton’s emails before the election. The Russian have already posted 35,000 of Clinton’s on Wikileaks one has to wonder whether the Russians have located more of Clinton’s emails or has Trump and company simply made them up. The bigger question is why is the secretary of State, Pompeo involved in politics in the first place. Pompeo isn’t running for President, or is he? If you can’t beat the guy your running against then run against someone you can beat, oh I forgot he lost that one also and got by on an outdated technicality.

Today we have 7,954,066 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 7,947,567. That means that another 6,499 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today. The counter is lagging behind today. Now we know that Trump managed to not only give the Trump virus to his wife but his teenage son also.

The death toll now stands at 219,254, yesterday the death toll stood at 219,149. That means another 105 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Reply Thu 15 Oct, 2020 08:44 am
I take it you are ignoring the NY Post story on Hunter Biden and the crooked Bien family. I'll share it below. If Biden was winning in such big numbers, why would social media need to block the story? Remember we were told in 2016 that Hillary was going to win bigly and it turned out to be a lie. Trump is going to win in a landslide and there is nothing the dirty leftists can do to stop it.
2.0 is coming, are you ready?

Reply Thu 15 Oct, 2020 10:34 am
If Biden was winning in such big numbers, why would social media need to block the story?

I think they'd block the story whether Biden were winning or losing — it's not about Biden, it's about spreading disinformation. The story is as yet unverified, the charges are unproven, the timing is suspicious, the sources are questionable.
The metadata on the PDF filed purporting to show Hunter's emails published by the Post suggest they were created on a Mac laptop on September 29 and October 10, 2019, which raises questions about its authenticity as the files were created several months after Biden allegedly dropped off the laptop at the repair store in April.

Reply Thu 15 Oct, 2020 10:55 am
No explain Trump tax info being release by the NYT and why the media didn't provide the same level of scrutiny?
Reply Thu 15 Oct, 2020 12:33 pm
I don't understand your question. The NYT has teams of investigative reporters and can devote years to compiling facts and details. It's also based in NYC and has covered Trump for years. It has sources in the local real estate community, in high level accounting firms, in the legal profession, and in law enforcement. The tabloids don't have that level of expertise nor the money to invest in that level of investigation. What's that got to do with the Hunter Biden story?

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