The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 14 Sep, 2020 08:53 pm
The law-breaking law and order president. How can the president go across America breaking laws in every state and proclaim that he is even for law and order? In Nevada all gatherings are limited to 50 people and Trump was turned down at other public locations and he held his rally in a warehouse whose owner is suing the state over regulations. Trump thumbed his nose at the state law and had a hundred times as many people as state law allows. Five thousand people crammed into a warehouse with little ventilation is going to spread the Trump virus far and wide.

Trump made the remark today that the shooter of the LA Sheriff Deputies should be put to death even though both deputies are going to live. But if Trump believes that than he should face the death penalty for killing Herm Cain with the Trump virus at his Tulsa political rally? There will be many more who die from Trump breaking the law and spreading the Trump virus. Let’s face it dead is dead whether from a bullet or the Trump virus. Trump’s political rallies will spread the Trump virus so much that the whole country will have to go back into lock down because Trump spreading the Trump virus.

Today we have 6,645,046 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 6,610,453 cases of coronavirus. That means that another 34,593 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 197,464 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 197,067. That means the Trump virus killed another 387 Americans today.
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Reply Mon 14 Sep, 2020 09:00 pm
When you live on a diet of lies and conspiracy theories the truth is hard to stomach. When you support a known criminal for president, one who swindles people and sexually women, it must be hard to sleep at night. Lies bind but the truth will set you free.
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Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2020 08:58 pm
We know that in any contract one side gets something and the other side gets something. You can bet the countries in the middle east were promised something from Trump. What we do know is the Russians wanted the American sanctions ended because they have contracts to build nuclear power plants in Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries. This would give them the ability to produce material for atomic weapons.

We also know that Jared Kushner was going broke but after his first trip to Saudi Araba after Trump was elected, Kushner talked Trump into supporting a Saudi blockade of another Arab country. Kushner was able to extort two “loans” from the country that the Saudi had blockade one for $770 million and another for $196 million to bail his company out of the red. Trump is busy selling the middle east to the Russians but he is getting more than a few beads.

Today we have 6,686,203 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 6,645,046 cases of coronavirus. That means that another 41,157 Americans were diagnosed with Trump virus today.

The death toll now stands at 198,646, yesterday the death toll stood at 197,464. That means that another 1,182 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 16 Sep, 2020 09:05 pm
ABC held a Town Hall Meeting from Pennsylvania with Trump and Trump did what he does best he lied his ass off. As always, he belly ached about how hard the questions were. When Trump was asked why he down played the Trump virus? Trump denied that he ever down played the Trump virus despite the fact that there are recording of him saying exactly that. Trump said he up played the Trump virus actions. Every American is entitled to know the dangers they and their family are facing. Trump said he did not want to start panic. Where would we go to in a world pandemic? Trump was only worried about a panic in the stock market.

Today we have 6,704,125 cases of Trump virus, yesterday we had 6,686,203 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 17,922 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 199,297 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 198,646. That means another 651 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Thu 17 Sep, 2020 09:03 pm
Trump was being groomed by the Russian to president for 15 years. The Russian occupy many of Trump’ properties. The Russians have over payed millions for Trump owned properties. After Trump had bankrupted his casinos and airline and no American bank would touch him all of sudden Trump was flush with all kinds of cash to buy golf courses, when asked where all Trump’s cash was coming from? Jared Kushner stated all that cash was coming from Russia. Trump says nobody has been rougher on Russia him. That is easy to say but actions speak much louder than the words.

We know what Trump got out of the deal with Russia but what did Russia hope to get out of Trump? Number one Russia wanted an end to the US sanctions. In December 2016 before Trump even takes office General Flynn starts discussions with the Russians ambassador on how Trump plans to end the sanctions in violation of the Logan act. The calls with the Russian ambassador are recorded by the US intelligence agencies.

But that is not all Russia hoped to gain. They had a far more important agenda. Russia was able to get Trump to refuse to reaffirm “NATO’s article 5 the mutual defense clause.” Which means that if NATO country is invaded the United States would not come to their aid. Putin has ambitions of putting the Soviet Union back together but several countries that were part of the Soviet Union have joined NATO. Putin wants to make sure Trump will not come to their defense when they are overrun by Russia.

Today we have 6,758,858 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 6,704,125 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 54,733 Americans was diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll topped 200,000 today. The death toll now stands at 200,552, yesterday the death toll stood at 199,297. That means another 1,255 Americans died from the Trump virus today. That is nearly half as many Americans who were killed in WWII. Only in Trump’s America could this happen.
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Reply Fri 18 Sep, 2020 09:00 pm
When Trump says he has been rougher than anyone on Russia one has to wonder where that comes from since Trump has given Russia everything on their wish list, from Syria to being allowed to post bounties on our troops. We know for fact that General Flynn was assuring the Russians that as soon as Trump took office the sanctions on Russia would be removed. The trouble is Trump thought he would be king and could do as he pleased but our government has a division of powers and congress spoke. They passed even more sanctions on Russia for interfering with our election by a vote of 582 to 5. Trump had no choice but to sign the new sanctions because congress could easily override any Trump veto. But then Trump refused to enforce the sanctions.

Now the FBI director testified that Russia was again trying everything in its power to help Trump win the election but Trump insists it is China that is interfering with the election. But has China broke into Republican headquarters and stolen their e-mail? Have the Chinese published all kinds of lies on social media? Have the Chinese used a targeted direct mail campaign to make sure their lies go to those who will believe them? Have the Russian done that? They are doing it again because Trump refused to enforce the sanctions.

Today we have 6,811,443 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 6,758,858 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 52,585 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 201,546 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 200,552. That means another 994 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Sep, 2020 08:57 pm
Moscow Mitch was extremely clear that no president should be able to appoint a supreme court judge in his last year in office when Obama nominated a supreme court justice Moscow Mitch refused to even hold a hearing but now with only a month and half before the election the republicans now are going to go ahead and hold a hearing on the judge that Trump nominates. Trump people have been working at warp speed on the nomination for the last couple of weeks even before RPG died. There is no such thing as honor among thieves and republicans. Why are they in such hurry? The republicans know there is no way that Trump will be reelected otherwise they would have another four years to nominate a supreme court justice. They are not only worried about Trump but losing the senate. Trump cost the republicans the house in the 2018 landslide election. The republicans know their clock is running out and they are desperate. It may be another 20 years before the republicans take back control of congress as happened after the other Great Depression.

Today we have 6,819,719 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 6,811,443 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 8,276 Americans have been diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 201,735 today, yesterday it stood at 201,546. That means another 189 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2020 08:55 pm
There was a time in America when a man gave his word it was his bond. There were men of honor who practiced what they preached. You could measure a man’s character by how he kept his word. The Republican party, for the most part, has taken the lack of values of Trump to heart. When you admire a swindler, you will imitate his behavior. Everybody takes pride in how well they do their job and swindlers, crooks, and serial killers are no different.

If the senate believes that a sitting president should not be able to nominate a supreme court justice in his last year or 9 months in office then they should pass a law that applied equally to presidents in both parties and the public would know the deadline. Swindlers can swindle a lot of people but sooner or later what comes around goes around.

It would be nice to bring back the age of honor with cameras and recordings there would be no doubt when they had given their word and they would be expected to live by their word.

Today we have 6,863,854 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 6,819,719 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 44,135 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 202,409 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 201,735. That means another 674 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2020 09:15 pm
At no time in the history of the United States has lying been the primary means of winning an election and staying in office. When the Christian right began to overlook Trump’s lies as unimportant and dismissing them with an all politicians lies it just embolden him to tell more and more lies. Fact checkers have now documented something like 10,000 Trumps lies. It one thing when Trump lies to American people but when he requires the CDC to lie to the American people it goes from dangerous to killing people. A few weeks ago, the CDC website were changed. The site had advised anyone who came in contact with a person infected with the Trump virus to be tested. The site was then changed to say that you only needed to be tested if you had symptoms. The problem is that some people are asymptomatic even though they have the Trump virus and can spread it. There was enough hell raised by health professionals that the site was changed back. Trump just wanted the numbers to come down by stopping the testing it would look like there is less Trump virus than there is. This however would only increase the deaths from the Trump virus.

The CDC site recently posted that the Trump virus was spread as an aerosol which goes much farther and not just the droplets from a cough. The CDC website was change back again to say it can only be spread by the droplets. Scientist knew in March that the Trump virus is spread in aerosol form and can reach up to 20 feet in an enclosed space with poor ventilation. Trump is now mandating others lie for him.

We have 6,938,531 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 6,863,854 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 74,677 Americans diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 203,072 today yesterday it stood at 202,409. That means another 663 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2020 10:06 am
Glen Beck is running into problems, on his show yesterday he was livid because Face Book was refusing to let him post his lies on Face Book so if you want to hear Beck’s lies you will have to listen to his radio show or watch his TV show. Beck tried to tell Face Book that as long as he believed the garbage, he was posting was true that he should be able to post it. Face Book refused to let Beck continue to post lies. Beck will cry that he has freedom of speech but there is absolutely no freedom of speech on Beck show. Freedom of speech is only between the government and its citizens. Face Book is a privately owned company and never agreed to grant its users freedom speech and can write its term of service anyway it wants and can remove anyone it wants from face book just as Beck can decide who get to talk on his show and keep anyone else from expressing any opinion other than Becks.

Beck is pushing the narrative that if Biden loses the election that the democrats will rise up and start a civil war when in fact it is Trump followers who have already threatened to do just that if Trump is removed from office but you won’t read it on Beck’s Face Book page anymore even “if he believes to be true.” Beck will have to peddle his lies elsewhere. The conservatives grabbed power by eliminating the “Fairness Doctrine” which required balanced political discussions on broadcast media instead of political indoctrination paid for by those who had the most to gain.

We have 6,968,226 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 6,938,531 cases of Trump virus. That means another 29,695 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 203,446 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 203,072. That means another 374 American died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2020 12:22 pm
How is the Zardoz show going? I see a definite lack of interest in your rhetorical rants. What do you see?
Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2020 01:32 pm
coldjoint wrote:
Really no point in reading your posts anymore. Bye.

Really couldn't stay away, could you — ha ha!
Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2020 06:24 pm
hightor wrote:

coldjoint wrote:
Really no point in reading your posts anymore. Bye.

Really couldn't stay away, could you — ha ha!

What do you suggest? The electric chair or the firing squad?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2020 09:11 pm
Glen Beck and other rightwing nut media personalities have tried to portray all the democrats as the protestors but the overwhelming vast majority of democrats never participated in any protest. Of those who did participate in the protests the overwhelming majority did not take part in any violence. There are over 150 million democrats in America and those violent protestors make up less than .0001% of those in the democratic party but still Glen Beck paints all democrats with the deeds of a tiny fraction. From a civil war fought to force Trump from office to paint all democrats as violent extremists Beck uses them as a scare tactic. Fear is one of the primary motivators of human beings. Beck’s lies are believable to the ignorant and the uninformed and they are not in short supply in America. It is a good thing that Face Books has stopped Beck from peddling his lies. If you stop Beck from lying, he would have nothing to say that is exactly why he is leaving Face Book.

Today we have 7,025,624 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 6,968,226 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 57,398 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today. Another milestone reached as we have over 7 million cases of the Trump virus now. Do I hear 8 million? It is only a matter of time.

The death toll stands at 205,066 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 203,446. That means that another 1,620 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2020 09:19 pm
Not bad the post ranges between 100 to 300 hits a day. I watched the head of the Republican party on Meet the Press and she was upset and said how unfair it was for people calling the coronavirus the Trump virus. Let's make sure she continues to be unhappy. If Trump gets credit for the Trump virus he will lose the election. You have to give credit where credit is do and blame for the worst mess in history belongs to Trump.
Reply Thu 24 Sep, 2020 12:48 pm
Zardoz wrote:

Not bad the post ranges between 100 to 300 hits a day. I watched the head of the Republican party on Meet the Press and she was upset and said how unfair it was for people calling the coronavirus the Trump virus. Let's make sure she continues to be unhappy. If Trump gets credit for the Trump virus he will lose the election. You have to give credit where credit is do and blame for the worst mess in history belongs to Trump.

Reply Thu 24 Sep, 2020 08:55 pm
Trump says he will not leave the White House unless he thinks the election is “fair.” The trouble is Trump did not think that the last election was fair and spent millions of taxpayer dollar trying to prove that voter fraud was the reason he lost the popular vote in 2016. There is no way Trump will ever believe the election is fair if he does not win. Trump thinks he should be like his hero Putin and declare himself president for life. There is no doubt the military will have to drag Trump from the White House kicking and screaming.

Trump stuck his head out at Justice Ginsburg viewing and the crowd began to chant “vote him out’ Trump turned tail and quickly left. Isn’t funny how what goes around comes around.

Glen Beck was trying to make it look like Biden would refuse to have a peaceful transfer of power. The problem is Biden has no power to transfer peacefully or otherwise. Biden can refuse to concede but it makes no difference every thing continues as is. You do not have acknowledge you lost.

It would be so easy to knock down the lies of the rightwing nuts if you had equal time on the rightwing indoctrination networks. For instance, Beck was back on Biden son for taking a job but never mentions Trump supporting a Saudi blockade so Kushner can extort nearly a billion dollars from the country that was blockaded. It is funny how Beck never mentions that. Or how Ivanka Trump was granted 12 patents in China right after Trump was elected. It usually takes 10 years to get those patents in China but she was granted them overnight. Ivanka will make millions off those patents but Beck has no problem with that.

We have 7,058,362 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 7,025,064 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 33,298 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 205,833 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 205,066. That means that another 767 Americans died from the Trump virus today.

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Reply Thu 24 Sep, 2020 09:05 pm
You don't believe that Ronna McDaniel is the chairman of the RNC and was a guest on Meet the Press a week ago Sunday and said how unfair it was for the people to be calling it the Trump virus? You may be right after all Trump has become a roll model for most Republicans and they think lying is a virtue. You don't have to believe those lying republicans if you don't want to.
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Reply Fri 25 Sep, 2020 09:07 pm
In early voting in North Carolina twice as many democrats are voting as republicans. In Virginia Trump thugs have gone to polling places in an effort to keep people from voting. There is no doubt that in order to stay in power Trump and his followers will resort to a civil war. Trump does not want to president he wants to be a dictator. Trump wants to be just like Putin and Kim Jong-un but Trump’s role model has always been Hitler who he spent a lot of his time studying. As soon as Trump loses, he will suspend the constitution and dismiss congress as there will be no need for them. Trump will rule by executive order we are already seeing that now. There is no election that Trump will ever believe is fair.

A resident of Canada says it is like watching the fall of the Roman Empire. Now the other countries positive impression of America has fallen by as much as 27% after the Republicans decided to steal the second supreme court justice seat.

It seems Trump effort to make “America Great Again” has only put America on the same path as the fall of the Roman Empire. Remember the Trump casinos only an idiot could bankrupt three casinos. Trump presided over the fall of Atlantic City. History really does repeat itself.

Today we have 7,107,463 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 7,058,362 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 49,101 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 206,728 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 205,833. That means that another 895 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sat 26 Sep, 2020 09:18 pm
It will forever be impossible to bring America back to its former greatness without making the “Fairness Doctrine” the law of the land. What is so wrong about the public hearing both sides of a political argument? I listened to a weekend right wing radical talk show host today, called Joe Pags. These rightwing radical shows all have the same format. They are basically political indoctrination shows with a few kiss the hosts ass calls thrown in. They are like having a trial where the only person allowed to speak is the defense attorney. There would be no one ever convicted at trial because the defense story could never be questioned. For instance, they were back on Biden pressuring the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor. They always leave out that the prosecutor was corrupt and that NATO wanted him removed. They call it lying by omission and this is the method that has taken America so far off course. Do you think a defense attorney would give the jury all the relevant facts?

We have 7,166,392 cases of the Trump virus today, yesterday we had 7,107,463 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 58,929 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll now stands at 207,689, yesterday the death toll stood at 206,728. That means that another 961 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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