I feel like I've said most of it before so I'm hesitant...
But I joined Abuzz when I was pregnant and still working, in CA, and then really jumped in after I moved (six months pregnant, a couple of thousand miles away where I knew nobody, not working outside the house, etc.) It was definitely a sanity saver in those early years when I was adjusting to being a mom. (Everyone here knows me as a mom but I was just not a particularly mommish person before I actually had a kid -- I was the go-getter, high-achieving, firebrand type. I remember a conversation at a party with an old friend when sozlet was about two and we were catching up, I was reciting a litany of mom things I was doing and he was cracking up, another person who didn't know me as well was looking back and forth between us saying "what's so funny??", and my old friend just shook his head and said -- "sorry.... if you know [sozobe] this is hilarious.")
Partly I just needed to be able to interact at an adult level (I've always enjoyed the debates, political or otherwise), partly I really benefited from asking for mothering advice here. Noddy was a huge contributor there. (I take "Hold your dominion" very much the same way as littlek, with an added implication of "you can't control everything so don't try, just hold on to what you have and stay strong.") She single-handedly brought my blood pressure down on several occasions.
Anyway, after that beginning, I got to know a lot of people I wanted to stay in touch with and kept coming back (Abuzz and then A2K, with a stay at Les Anarchistes Artistiques as well -- tsar, you're another one I'm glad is now at A2k).
Now the role is much less central, but still nice to have a bit of effortless communication now and then. Facebook has been an interesting addition, though I find that I get a little too A2k-y and have to edit. (What that means, mostly, is I respond to everyone I know based on what they post rather than how well I know them IRL -- that's sometimes a bit too chummy for FB culture, I think. Though I have become IRL friends with some people I only barely knew, that way.)