Pensioners vote in a pretty solid block fm and a good number of them won't be here when the policies they vote for come into effect. Hence the deficits. It makes more sense to give a bloke a vote for himself, his wife and each of his kids. He would have to cast them all of course. In the interests of domestic bliss.
At least most prisoners have a stake in the future. And there's sure to be some extra jobs in it. There's already a few jobs just discussing it.
When the promises of Science are fulfilled and energy is free I see 80% of jobs being concerned with discussing important matters, deciding on them, appealing the decision, through a tiered system, implementing the outcomes and discussing whether they are constitutional or not.
Finding the number of qualified people to engage in such important tasks is easily achieved by handing out enough qualifying certificates to fill the projected quota.
There's 2.5 million prisoners in the US. Which is a bureaucratic gravy train I should think. Are you trying to make it more difficult for Mr Obama to get the unemployment rate down. ci. won't like that.