BillRM wrote:
Citizenship and the rights of citizenship is not an all or nothing matter and you can indeed under US law loss some or all of your rights as a citizen by your behaviors. Hell under some conditions you can loss your citizenship itself.
Second the right to have firearms is also under our laws and under our constitution a right of citizenship and it is highly amusing that as you do not approve of that right you have no problem saying no one should have that right.
However you do not control either US law or the US Constitution and the right to have firearms is just as solid as the right to vote.
Second the right/power to vote in the hands of people who had proven that they are not caring law abiding citizens can be as harmful in the long term to the society as a whole as having such people owning firearms.
Your reasoning as expected is all the way down flawed...
1 - I never implied in my remarks that when it comes to rights it was an all or nothing matter, it is n´t for anyone, rather I believe voting is a central right...thus you necessarily, misread !
2 - I thought from the start that we were not debating abiding Law which I do, but instead debating a matter of opinion upon what one believes is right and why !...again you misread !
3 - I have no intention of questioning American Constitution and American Law which is in place by the free will of its people, nevertheless as a matter of opinion it is also my right to disagree with it totally or partially like in the particular case with the second amendment ! Guess what ? You misread once more !
4 - The right to vote in a candidate with an well known public general governing program hardly can be compared with the right to use firearms beyond the fact that currently both are in place and must be obeyed under US soil ! There´s no whatsoever any similarity in justification for both cases aside that in so far American citizens in general approve of them and they must be obeyed ! The necessary conclusion of your babbling is that you continually misread all my statements and prove ultimately incapable of addressing what actually was brought in...no surprise in there !
Your Logic is linear, simple minded shallow and superficial and so far you did n´t convince me of anything nor did you try to make a proper case for it !