hawkeye10 wrote:
Quote:What is freedom and liberty without sweeping laws the protect the innocent?
As much as I dislike shouting down and shunning they are lawful acts, and within the rights of those who do them. Your attempt to equate rudeness and the lack of allowance for you to run your mouth with physical sexual violation is outrageous, and is likely offensive to anyone who has been raped.
What is likely offensive to anyone raped, the laws to protect them that i proposed and endorsed? Who is being offensive?
As for the f- word i could give a crap when it has been already used to deface my character. If i find out who has been using dummy accounts to COWARDLY deface my character (and I am sure the character of others too) I will return the kind gesture ten fold.
I am strong but others may simply leave this forum without stating their peace. This is a travesty and a bully monopoly facilitated by a2k's, err, web 2.0 software.
I do have a tough skin and i make a gripe for others mostly and not myself. To clear the way for future discourse that is open and unadulterated by unscrupulous assholes. My experience here on a2k has been queered by people who come onto my threads and simply call me names and don't even say a single word to address the actual topic. THIS has got to stop of be moderated by the thread owners. I get all proud of a new topic only to have it spammed and yes raped by a2k errr, dogs...
No one demonstrated in my CERN thread how messing with nuclear particles with billions of electron-volts is PERFECTLY SAFE. but i get spammed for bringing the possibility up. I am ******* sick to death of a2k!
LET US MODERATE OUR OWN THREADS A2K!!! I have shitload of crap I would like to expel out of my threads!