Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 08:59 pm
muscular sense of humour

mine's run to fatuous after jumping to conclusions and jogging the memory

all the while

Living In A Child's Dream.

Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 09:29 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

joefromchicago wrote:

RexRed wrote:
I blame Setana and Dys for driving off other posters one by one.

They turned me into a newt!

You don't look like a newt

<waits patiently>

Nope. Still a newt.
Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 09:33 pm
dude, you should look for insurance work till it wears off.

that little gecko is making big bucks...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 12:30 am
ehBeth wrote:

RexRed wrote:
friends are those who speak openly, honestly (without fear) and do not stab you anonymously in the back.

in that case, you should consider Set a friend. He's certainly open, without fear, and not anonymous with his pokes.

Where are you getting this not anonymous? It is most likely Set who just posted the anonymous tag "drugfucked idiot" on my thread that is the whole reason for this discussion.

Open? Honest? Without fear? Not a back stabber?
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 12:34 am
Ragman wrote:

And one more thing:

Any legal case you might think of pursuing for defamation of charcter based on abuse of the nickname RexRed is a total waste of time. No self-respecting lawyer interested in seeing a payday will take on such a frivolous lawsuit. Any people who have thought they could pursue such a case have had a rude awakening. How are you going to prove in a court of law that there was any real damage done to you, your reputation or your livelihood?

It is not your legal name. End of case.

Oh, wait. Your motivation here is similar to another A2K poster boy. You are only interesting in trolling in the name of Jeeeee-sus.

Oh I see, my character is frivolous, thanks.
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 12:37 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

Doormats for Jesus anyone?
I dont think that you are in a position to stand up for yourself because from what I have seen through the A2K screen name RexRed you dont know enough about who you are and what you want to make a stand for yourself. I think that if you had more inner security that we would be seeing less outer emoting, that you getting all pissy about some minor slights/ribbing is about what is missing from you and not a sign of your strength as you advertise.

That tag was not just random it was hateful and meant to hurt my feelings. You don't care so whatever. You insinuating that I am confused simply has no basis in reality ok?

Many people changed parties when Obama took office you are just part of the same ilk.
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 12:39 am
ehBeth wrote:

RexRed wrote:
Set never even came to his own defense. Shame...

you apparently think you're interesting enough for him to follow you

No, I am just not a fool. Are you saying he did not read his tag as my thread title on page one of this forum? Get real Ehbeth.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 12:40 am
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:

RexRed wrote:

Not one person came to Set's defense to say, "Set would never do that!"

I'd thought about it (I didn't think he is tagging your threads) but I just didn't want to help yet another trainwreck on a2k become the center of attention any more than I already have.

I'm gonna take my advice now, vote this thread down and move on.
No you are not much of a help and never have been. Vote whatever.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 01:28 am
Loved dem Apprentices.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 02:45 am
Just one thought (not that I have not mentioned this before), This site would not be such a "train wreck" if people could not only create and edit their own tags but also moderate their own discussions.

1) The way it is we have people adding to discussions, unwelcomed insults = tensions between members.

2) People adding anonymous unrelated tags = tensions between members

3) Users creating discussions then changing their mind = tension between users and the forum itself.

4) The forum moderators ignoring requests to remove personal discussions = tension between users and the forum itself.

5) The moderators removing entire threads created by users to showcase their own artwork = tension between users and the forum itself.

Yea a2k is a train wreck!

I would not care if anyone deleted out my replies in their own discussion, I rarely reply in other people's discussions anyway.

Perhaps If I were to put hateful tags like
a2k train wreck
a2k sucks
a2k toilet wall of the internet
a2k hateful trolls

Because if a2k does not mind my trademark "rexred" being associated with DRUGFUCKED IDIOT it only stands to reason they won't mind their own trademark being defamed in the exact same manner right? Flooding Google with tags defaming a2k in the exact same way a2k deems FAIR for my character to be defamed can be accomplished in many ways.

able2know nothing
able2know hateful forum
able2know sucks
a2k sucky forum software
and my personal favorite
a2k drugfucked idiot

If a2k don't mind Google being flooded with tags associated with my name they should not mind Google flooded with hate directed at their own character.

What's good for the gander is good for the goose.

If the FCC allows my character to be defamed then the laws should carry over to a2k and their own blog image. After all my hateful tags would be a form of free speech, right?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 02:54 am
Well it seems the hateful tag has been removed from my CERN thread. This warrants me letting up a tinny bit but I still would like to see the changes all implemented that I have outlined.

Why am I still carrying on about this? I would like to finally after so many years be able to moderate my threads and take out all of the hateful insults.

I don't want my fans stumbling on this god awful place. I am ashamed of a2k and often wish I had never come here. The only remedy for my disgust of this site is to edit my threads. I click the delete button and nothing happens.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 04:00 am
Why does any of this matter to me?

Well since I was 17 years old I have been a career songwriter, a music artist since as long as i can remember.

I write strictly love songs. I make all of the music as the backdrop to my songs. I have strict control of the context my words are placed in.

Yet on a2k the backdrop for my words are quite often insults and anonymous attacks.

I started the CERN thread voicing my concerns of the nuclear footprint of the mega nuclear site and its "testing" and the first reply was from Set.

Set wrote: WHAT A LOON!

Not far off from "drugfucked idiot". huh?

Now am i supposed to take that as a joke from my good old buddy Set who has in the past said much worse and buggered up countless threads creating train wrecks with the same hate? ...and I am the heavy one here? I have never ONCE gone into his threads and initiated hate. I have had to go into his treads in response to so many hateful (unrelated to the topic) attacks. Perhaps I would even read his threads had i not been treated like **** so many times.

I tell him to shut the **** up and who looks bad? Me.. and what of my topic discussion and point? Well it loses its momentum and suddenly it is a train wreck instead of a discussion. This makes this forum suck out loud.

I liken this forum to putting my words in a dark room rather than a colorful and vibrant musical landscape.

Perhaps it takes an artist to see this.

They are MY words and I should be able to control the immediate context that they are viewed in. If people want to paste my words in their own context then fine but at least there is one place where they appear as I want them to be viewed.

This idea has vexed me for so long and THAT is why I get so uptight here. I am only going to get more bitter over time because the problems here are not being addressed and fixed.

I would not be so uptight if I had control of my discussions and words.

I don't care what others put in their own discussions but I do care what is left in my own discussions.

Set's opening insult, the first reply in my CERN thread is voted to +4

And Set does not follow my threads? Well he was johnny on the spot to insult me right out of the starting gate. Derail my thread before anyone can seriously entertain the idea... And why would Set purposely derail my thread, is he so insecure that he can't stand that someone else gets a little sunshine every now and then? Was drugfucked idiot really necessary? People voted up his insult and now his "WHAT A LOON" insult appears as the number one response to my discussion. THANKS PEEPS! You want to vote up nasty insults FINE!!! = tensions between members

Had I had my choice I would have deleted the tripe. Had I reported it, well, a2k moderators have usually sided on what defaces my character the most and they would have left it against my own wishes. Delete my art love song links discussion and keep the flaming insults. WTF a2k!

I can't win for losing on this site... What will it take, a mass protest to give posters the power over their own discussions? Changing FCC laws so we have freedom to rule our own discussions?

I really don't have any problems with others on this site and I assume the same dummy accounts that were used to deface me with the hateful tag was also used to vote up his "what a loon" reply.

Let Set stroke his own ego in his own thread. If I could delete his crap I would still let a post of his stand in one of my discussions if it actually contained no insults and added to the discussion in a productive way. I am a nice guy and that is more than I can say for Set.

I don't hate Set, I just want control of my discussions.

Sometime I post ridiculous stuff (I'm not perfect) and I would like to moderate my own words from time to time too.

These shortcomings are what make this forum less user friendly.

Perhaps many of my threads would actually be nice places to go and read and would not be perpetually at zero rating if it were not full of so many err, train wrecks....

When people (or dummy accounts) vote up an insulting reply users should be able to on their own just delete it. No more train wrecks, no more tension between users. There are clear cut boundaries and people can make their own discussions if they want to gripe about another user or clarify an opinion.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 04:31 am
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:

RexRed wrote:

I wonder what a lawyer will say to A2K's anonymous bullying... We are "unable to know" who is defacing our character? Kind of negates the whole stated purpose of the forum.

I will keep this up until democracy and change prevail and common people are no longer bullied and insulted by a2k's hateful policies.

I hope you have some money set aside for a ******* legal battle.

If you are going to make legal threats against a2k, no matter how stupid they are, your access to a2k will be permanently removed.

I am not willing to provide you a free service only to have you pitch a fit about what others say to you on it and threaten me legally for providing you use of this free service.

How about if I tag some of your threads Robert with drugfucked idiot and see how long they stand?

What, it is ok for me but not you?

How about if I start a discussion on Google answers detailing my a2k experiences? Either you can give people control of their discussions or face the consequences of FREE SPEECH!

The same free speech attacks you expect us to endure, right?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 04:42 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

More and more people are leaving this forum in droves
Do you know this as fact? I should think that number that matters is individual members who post per that number down?

I pointed out in day one of the NEW A2K that the new programing was going to change the culture here, and it has. A part of this was always going to be losing a certain number of people who dont like the new A2K, but I am unclear if their energy has been replaced with new blood. Two years ago I said that A2K was dying, but now I am not as sure...We have had some really energized and thoughtful conversations here over the last year, the best that I have seen on an open forum.

What happened to Neo and Real Life?

"What a loon and drug fucked idiot?" Really energized and thoughtful conversations? By whom, where?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 04:58 am
was this tag on the CERN thread, cause i love Coast to Coast AM and **** like that and even i know it's drugfucked idiot talk (by the by, thanks whoever invented that, i now have a way to describe C2C, Alex Jones and Dreamland to folks who enquire what i'm listening too)

edit, ok i see it was
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 05:03 am
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:

I don't think all graffiti tags are motivated by the anonymity, but it's pretty clear that some are because they come from people who are not willing (or for whatever reason don't) to post the same thing under their own name. For some cases just removing the anonymity will stop it.

But yes, there is a lot more than just that to motivate it, sometimes it's just because people think it's fun or clever and that's why the change in anonymity alone will likely not eliminate graffiti tagging. The real thing I think will make a difference is semantic analysis and algorithmic devaluation of tags that are not semantically relevant to the thread.

Or how about letting people moderate their own tags would that really be so bad? Why is the person the last one considered? You think a robot can tell if a tag is relevant better than the person who started the discussion?

I see that you are trying to resolve this issue and I am still reeling from anger fits from this and many other attacks over a LONG TIME...

I do love a2k and its people but it needs change that gives the user more control and not robots and moderators who are not sitting in the seat of the actual user.

I have been in multimedia media all of my life. I know that lyricists write songs and the record companies don't look to other song writers for the tune of the song they usually figure that if an artist's muse will give them the lyrics the muse will also give them the tune to the song.

Just as a writer if they are given the inspiration to come up with a unique topic they should also be given the insight to moderate their own discussion.

Not all song writers are given the words and tune but it would be a travesty if they were given the tune and an aliens tune was then applied instead by a robot.

Now I did not respond to your post with "what a loon" I used reason and analogies to make my point.

I expect the same level of respect by other members.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 06:43 am
RexRed wrote:
Open? Honest? Without fear? Not a back stabber?


he tells you to your online face exactly what he thinks of you

I can read his tags - he doesn't hide behind tags - he puts it out there. That's what you claim to want from a friend - honesty.

Deal with it.
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 06:43 am
That's a deliberate obfuscation. I simply commented that as a legal case this would be considered frivolous lawsuit and has no merit. Internet nicknames is not defamable as it's not a legal name.

Nicknames are NOT a TRADEMARK
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 07:55 am
RexRed wrote:
It is most likely Set who just posted the anonymous tag "drugfucked idiot" on my thread that is the whole reason for this discussion.

You do realize that you can go to a member's profile and check to see that member's tag's, right? Rather than making wild accusations against Setanta, you could have just checked his profile and seen that Set doesn't have a "drugfucked idiot" tag. On the other hand, hingehead does.

Now, doesn't that make you feel better?
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 08:06 am
I looked up the drugfucked idiot forum, only got one post and it wasn't Rex's. I painfully read through the CERN thread and I don't see any abnormal abuse there either. Not sure where the heartburn is coming from here.
0 Replies

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