Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 05:07 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Because I would rather not just leave but have my words stricken from this forum altogether or edit the bad crap out.
In other words you are a control freak. Sometimes you have to let other people be, be who they want to be and decide for themselves what they do, decide for themselves how to act. The world has not come to an end yet, in my opinion because while we all have the capacity for both good and evil within us most people prefer to do good.

You suffer from the same fault as Firefly, this desire to take a short cut to making better humans by way of authoritarian control of human behavior through law making and punitive measures. You have this great need to decide for others how we should behave and need to then make us conform to your will. This is counter productive and is despicable.....your kind needs to be challenged and put down when ever possible. You lack enough respect for humans to be allowed to be in charge of anything, you are not ready for the job of leader that you are trying to make for yourself.

No! I don't want or care to control other people's threads. I may give my two cents in their threads but, I want control of my own discussions that I initiate. What is so freaking wrong with that?

Authoritarian control would be more like leaving hurtful words directed at the discussion originator while deleting their love song art links discussion that took them an hour or so to compile and post.
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 05:11 pm
I want control of my own discussions that I initiate
Is that how it works where you live, the person who says the first word gets to control all who join the conversation? Because where I live this is not how it is done, you would be seen as a control freak jerk, and if you started to mouth off demanding control over what others say you would be told to either behave or leave.
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 05:21 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

I want control of my own discussions that I initiate
Is that how it works where you live, the person who says the first word gets to control all who join the conversation? Because where I live this is not how it is done, you would be seen as a control freak jerk, and if you started to mouth off demanding control over what others say you would be told to either behave or leave.

YES... you write a book and post it online then others comment or review it. You don't write a book and have others interjecting at every sentence with hate then publish it. Your book may contain bibliographies of others who substantiate your points.

A discussion should follow the boundaries of its originator then if others want to discuss outside of the boundaries they can start their own discussion and set the boundaries as they see fit.

A discussion should reflect the moderation and sensibilities of the poster and not just be a hodgepodge of every crackpot hater who wants fame by defaming someone without even addressing the points of the discussion.
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 05:25 pm
RexRed wrote:
A discussion should reflect the moderation and sensibilities of the poster and not just be a hodgepodge of every crackpot hater who wants fame by defaming someone without even addressing the points of the discussion.

but one could also edit out reasonable posts that disprove or contradict your ideas or theories, thus perpetuating only the posters agenda to the detriment of the uninitiated in a subject
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 05:27 pm
No! I don't want or care to control other people's threads. I may give my two cents in their threads but, I want control of my own discussions that I initiate. What is so freaking wrong with that?

Everything. What's the point of a discussion at all if you have the ability to delete anyone who disagrees with you or you don't like? You may not be drugfucked but you do make yourself look like an idiot by even suggesting it. If someone is unfairly criticising or abusing you then other readers will be able to judge that for themselves. As others have said, if you want total control then you have a blog or your own message board. I'm relatively new here and haven't followed your previous posts but I really can't understand why you stay if you hate the place so much.
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 05:35 pm
@Region Philbis,
I'm sure I have more that a hundred tags. I don't graffiti tag. Well, maybe once or twice but I erased them with the big red X.
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 05:38 pm
Dammit, I replied here again. Aaaaaack.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 05:48 pm
MonaLeeza wrote:

No! I don't want or care to control other people's threads. I may give my two cents in their threads but, I want control of my own discussions that I initiate. What is so freaking wrong with that?

Everything. What's the point of a discussion at all if you have the ability to delete anyone who disagrees with you or you don't like? You may not be drugfucked but you do make yourself look like an idiot by even suggesting it. If someone is unfairly criticising or abusing you then other readers will be able to judge that for themselves. As others have said, if you want total control then you have a blog or your own message board. I'm relatively new here and haven't followed your previous posts but I really can't understand why you stay if you hate the place so much.

Some discussions are closed. Some are open and people should have a choice. It is not like all discussions are open for any faction to obliterate its orderly process. You can't just walk into the US congress and start insulting senators with slander while it is in session.

My group discussions would be there for all to read and all to participate provided people act civilly and with some basic decorum.

I am sure there are people who have been banned from a2k and some simply driven off by, "the dogs"..

So already this forum is skewed. It is for that reason that I would like to control the direction and tenure of my own discussions.

I personally would let "most" things stand in my discussions.

Having the ability to simply delete trolling in discussions would be a deterrent. I would email the poster and say if you want your posts to stand in my discussion you have to post something more relevant to the topic than, "you're an asshole".

I have a website that people post photos on. I get about 30 to 100 comments a day and some gays post very x rated porn. I would go on my page and see two guy performing sex and have to delete it on a daily basis.

At the same time when these porn attacks were posted my page ratings would go down. Finally I had to set the comments to approval only, the forum is considerate in that way of allowing me control of my own discussions.

Now my ratings stay up and my comments are G rated as I see fit. And my many women friends (many who are lesbians) don't have to be inundated with it every time they want to view my art page. It is not that I don't like or approve of porn like the next guy, but I don't want my public profiles littered with it. There is more to me than that.
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 05:50 pm
djjd62 wrote:

RexRed wrote:
A discussion should reflect the moderation and sensibilities of the poster and not just be a hodgepodge of every crackpot hater who wants fame by defaming someone without even addressing the points of the discussion.

but one could also edit out reasonable posts that disprove or contradict your ideas or theories, thus perpetuating only the posters agenda to the detriment of the uninitiated in a subject
This is why they have their own voice and discussions and if they have a popular opposing view the posters will congregate to their discussion and mine (if unworthy of attention) would fall to the wayside.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 10:00 pm
Some discussions are closed. Some are open and people should have a choice. It is not like all discussions are open for any faction to obliterate its orderly process. You can't just walk into the US congress and start insulting senators with slander while it is in session.

Why should you have a choice? Do you pay the costs of running this place? You don't have any rights here - as far as I know its a privately funded messageboard and nothing at all like the US congress. I'm sure you can make polite suggestions but given you've threatened legal action against them I can't see why admin would listen to you. There must be hundreds of thousands of messageboards of varying sizes. I've been a member of a few and moved on when /if I haven't felt comfortable there - that's what most people do...they don't start making demands about how things should be done and threatening legal action if they don't get on with people.
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 10:03 pm
"I'm sure you can make polite suggestions"...


I'm not so sure rex has that in him, MonaLeeza.

not since I've been reading him...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 10:13 pm
MonaLeeza wrote:

Some discussions are closed. Some are open and people should have a choice. It is not like all discussions are open for any faction to obliterate its orderly process. You can't just walk into the US congress and start insulting senators with slander while it is in session.

Why should you have a choice? Do you pay the costs of running this place? You don't have any rights here - as far as I know its a privately funded messageboard and nothing at all like the US congress. I'm sure you can make polite suggestions but given you've threatened legal action against them I can't see why admin would listen to you. There must be hundreds of thousands of messageboards of varying sizes. I've been a member of a few and moved on when /if I haven't felt comfortable there - that's what most people do...they don't start making demands about how things should be done and threatening legal action if they don't get on with people.

And I am the one whining?

When you become the target of attacks on your threads I hope you remember asking me why I should have a "choice"...
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 10:23 pm
hiya & higher

dfi sounds like something i'll never be charged with

on or along the road

teach your children well

because i'm credibly elusive
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2011 03:11 am
When you become the target of attacks on your threads I hope you remember asking me why I should have a "choice"...

Well, I guess I'm just lucky that for all the years I've been visiting messageboards - and often having quite heated debates with people who vehemently disagree with my views - no one's even seen cause to call me a drugfucked idiot. If they did I think I'd take a good hard look at myself and if I disagreed with their assessment I might call them names back ... or just leave. Because afterall it's only an internet messageboard it's not the real game in my life ... if my family and the people I do business with started to call me a drugfucked idiot I might start to worry.

You still didn't say why you seem to think you have a right to make demands about anything on a board that you don't pay for . Just because someone hurt your feelings?
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2011 03:19 am
MonaLeeza wrote:

When you become the target of attacks on your threads I hope you remember asking me why I should have a "choice"...

Well, I guess I'm just lucky that for all the years I've been visiting messageboards - and often having quite heated debates with people who vehemently disagree with my views - no one's even seen cause to call me a drugfucked idiot. If they did I think I'd take a good hard look at myself and if I disagreed with their assessment I might call them names back ... or just leave. Because afterall it's only an internet messageboard it's not the real game in my life ... if my family and the people I do business with started to call me a drugfucked idiot I might start to worry.

You still didn't say why you seem to think you have a right to make demands about anything on a board that you don't pay for . Just because someone hurt your feelings?

I have the right to make demands and I also have to right to take my words elsewhere. It's called a free world. Maybe you need to take hard look at yourself... This forum is a service not only of the person who owns it and but even more so to the people who donate their words to make it something worthwhile to read. WHO PAYS ME?
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2011 05:50 am
Thank you for today's conversation . I hope you can get some help soon.

Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2011 06:30 am
Out of curiosity, how many days are you going to go with this hysteria? Youve taken on RG, many regular participants. Even the most obtuse realize when you point a finger, the rest of the fingers point back at you.

Aren't these only words and isn't this JUST a forum? It's not real life. Try real life on for size. These offensive words here, however nasty you perceive them, should just roll off your back. If they take such a toll on you, perhaps you should re-evaluate your own emotional stability?

This forum is a service not only of the person who owns it and but even more so to the people who donate their words to make it something worthwhile to read.

After all these days of carrying on, how is the forum a better place with this continual screed?

Righteous indignation gets you only so far; however, after a short while, you lose credibilty. If you feel so wronged by all this, why not participate in another online forum? If I felt so wronged, I'd say my peace and then move on.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2011 08:06 am
RexRed wrote:
I have the right to make demands and I also have to right to take my words elsewhere. It's called a free world. Maybe you need to take hard look at yourself... This forum is a service not only of the person who owns it and but even more so to the people who donate their words to make it something worthwhile to read. WHO PAYS ME?

- You have the PRIVILEGE of making demands. If you think making demands is a right, you live in a different world than me. RG could terminate your membership here in a blink of an eye without you having any recourse. Likewise if you make demands on your boss, that boss could terminate you. That you have the privilege of making demands that people actually listen to is something you should value.
- It is not a free world. Every service you use is paid for by someone, often you. Every right you enjoy was won by someone, is protected by someone else and is likely denied to people somewhere in the world.
- Your pay for your contributions to this site is the enjoyment you take from using it. If that pay is insufficient you can take your payment elsewhere and no one can stop you. That you are still here shows that you find value here. It is disingenuous to claim that the owner of the site reaps all the value of your labor and you receive nothing in return when you've been posting for years.
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2011 02:00 pm
engineer wrote:

RexRed wrote:
I have the right to make demands and I also have to right to take my words elsewhere. It's called a free world. Maybe you need to take hard look at yourself... This forum is a service not only of the person who owns it and but even more so to the people who donate their words to make it something worthwhile to read. WHO PAYS ME?

- You have the PRIVILEGE of making demands. If you think making demands is a right, you live in a different world than me. RG could terminate your membership here in a blink of an eye without you having any recourse. Likewise if you make demands on your boss, that boss could terminate you. That you have the privilege of making demands that people actually listen to is something you should value.
- It is not a free world. Every service you use is paid for by someone, often you. Every right you enjoy was won by someone, is protected by someone else and is likely denied to people somewhere in the world.
- Your pay for your contributions to this site is the enjoyment you take from using it. If that pay is insufficient you can take your payment elsewhere and no one can stop you. That you are still here shows that you find value here. It is disingenuous to claim that the owner of the site reaps all the value of your labor and you receive nothing in return when you've been posting for years.
Land of the free home of the brave I don't know what world you live in. And internet chats are regulated by the FCC and not able to just do as they please either.

And when bosses terminate good workers they get a reputation of being jerks and assholes. Then no one wants to work for them except, err, the dogs. Business suffers and eventually the doors close.

The doors close due to poor hiring and firing policies and overall bad service. I would have left this forum a long time ago if i didn't care at all.

Yet I have stayed not only to exact change to make the service better here but also primarily to make it a better place for the average person who wants to get their point across without all the noise and confusion meant only to discredit, distract and disharmonize the collective unity of the people.

Freedom is enforced in this country by laws that even private business owners have to adhere to and respect. Just because someone OWNS the business does not mean they can walk all over people.

Business are shut down every day due to owners who think people don't have basic rights and protections under the law.
I am not out just to change A2K but all internet forum discussions that are being spammed by unscrupulous posters.

Should my profile feature hardcore porn clips and hate attacks just because the owner of the forum thinks everyone needs to be barraged by it every day?

A2k is only one of these forums and all discussion should be moderated by not only the owner but if the owner has lower standards the person whose name is on the profile should be able to further moderate the discussion so it meets the standard with which their name is associated.

I don't want my name associated with all the crap that has been posted in my "discussions"...

Much of the crap admittedly I posted myself. I should be able to change my mind.
Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2011 02:05 pm
MonaLeeza wrote:

Thank you for today's conversation . I hope you can get some help soon.

You need the help, when you are done kissing ass for brownie points you will have lost your soul. unforgivable.
0 Replies

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