Good luck, Bigun. Hold your dominion.
bigun- Bear in mind that things may be getting very crazy now. She may flip-flop and want you to take her back. You need to be very centered, and clear about what you are doing. You don't want to become a yo-yo.
We are all here for you. We are as close as your keyboard.
Yeah, yo-yo's are fun, but after a few times, your finger starts to hurt. Be careful!
Wow. We're here for you, buddy.
[quote=". She just told me she had feelings for him and can't let go. .......[/quote]
The whizz-bitch effrontery of a woman telling the man she promised to love and cherish--forsaking all others--that she has "feelings" for a stranger from cyberspace and "can't let go".
What about your feelings?
Hold your dominion.
The reality is, that you have been given the truth and the chance to learn how to become true to yourself. This will be the determining factor of how this affects all of your personal relationships in the future. Do you want to learn from this and grow to be the person you are intended to be, or to be cursed with trust and fear issues forever? Just remember, everything happens for a reason and this experience will be miracle grow for your own path, which always leads to something better. (even when we don't want anything or anyone else)
Someone once pointed out to me that I could not restore something I had never seen. This, applies to true love and true trust, for me.
How are you, bigun? (Hope you're OK.)