Tue 15 Jan, 2013 05:34 pm - [color=#000080]Awww, what a nice thing for y'all to do! Happy Birthday JPB! I am getting old so I can't remember if I'm older than you or you're older than me! LOL I was... (view)
Mon 7 Jan, 2013 11:00 pm - [color=#000080]I am sorry. I should not have said "Spade might ................" in that post. I did not mean for you to get drug into this. It has absolutely nothing to do with you.... (view)
Sun 6 Jan, 2013 05:21 pm - [color=#000080]Actually, it's because of what you just posted. I see your real feelings have now come out. I ignored you but yes, was curious about what you'd have to say. I'm... (view)
Sun 6 Jan, 2013 05:07 pm - [color=#000080]Okay Spade might think you are a nice respectful guy and all but I don't. That video just got you on my permanent ignore list[/color] (view)
Thu 3 Jan, 2013 12:12 pm - [quote="BillRM"]
[quote]No, they didn't. Sharon Tate's baby was never cut from her womb. [/quote]
So she was just killed while begging for her and her child life?
So to... (view)
Wed 2 Jan, 2013 09:30 pm - [color=#000080]I hate snakes! I can stand just about anything but snakes just make my skin crawl. I still remember that kid at the hospital walking around with one on his neck. Yikes![/color] (view)
Wed 2 Jan, 2013 09:16 pm - [color=#000080]Um, that might work but our creek is full of water moccasins so I stay away from there. In the summer, you can see them curled up on the sand ledge in the shade. ewwwwwwwwwww![/color] (view)
Wed 2 Jan, 2013 09:07 pm - [quote="BillRM"]
[quote]The only difference between Mosses and the Mansion family is the Mansion family didn’t kill small children. [/quote]
They cut a late term baby out of the... (view)