theollady wrote: However, it you are musing that Dick Cheney, W bush and company went over ALL the "truth and consequences" with a fine tooth comb and resulted in the 'fair' solution that attacking Iraq was the best choice-----??? I just plain disagree, and think they have had a covert agenda even before being appointed by the SC.
[emphasis added by me]
Ah Hah

So you're one of
them too!
FACT: Federal election law prohibits changing the rules of an election after that election has been held.
FACT: The Florida Supreme Court decided to do just that.
FACT: The US Supreme Court stopped them from doing just that.
In other words the Florida Supreme Court attempted to assist Gore to steal the election from Bush. They failed. All those who attempted to perpetrate this crime along with the Florida Supremes are accusing their intended victim, Bush, of stealing that which they themselves were actually trying to steal.
ALSO FACT: Federal law requires
all the legal votes of absentee military personnel to be counted even when their votes are delivered late to the polls by military transportation after election day.
ALSO FACT: Several Democrat Party run polling districts attempted to not count these absentee military personnel votes despite court orders to count them. Some of these absentee military personnel votes have not been counted to this day.
ALSO FACT: All but one subsequent vote count performed by various media organized vote counting groups ratified Bush's election. The one vote counting group that did not ratify Bush's election, employed their own unique rules for deciding whether a vote was void (i.e., a flawed vote for Bush) or a vote for Gore.