sumac, thanks for the link.
My reading was cursory but it seemed it mentioned that the Bush Admin people offered a peaceful solution to the Bin Laden situation and somehow this was a Bad Thing. This seems a situation like that encountered in the FedEx commercial where the recipient of a package complains that his package was delivered exactly when they said it would be. Are the publishers of this article disappointed because the Taliban regime was unwise or that the Bush administration did what they said they would do given Taliban intransigence?
Then there is this from the article:
Quote:"Brisard and Dasquie contest the U.S. government's claim that it had been seeking to try bin Laden since the attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998. "Actually," Dasquie says, "the first state to officially prosecute bin Laden was Libya, on the charges of terrorism." "Bin Laden wanted to settle in Libya in the early 1990s, but was hindered by the government of Muammar Qaddafi," Dasquie claims. "Enraged by Libya's refusal, bin Laden organized attacks inside Libya, including assassination attempts against Qaddafi."
The fact that any country was "the first state to officially prosecute bin Laden" cannot, by itself, lead to the conclusion that the U.S. failed to so endeavor. However, the actions of Libya, an Arab state not above using terrorism, against bin Laden, an Arab terrorist, are instructive. It would seem they have developed a policy towards that particular mode of self expression so demonstrated by bin Laden. Since the book in question was completed before 9/11 we cannot accuse the authors of second guessing the Bush Admin's changed policy towards the Taliban after that fateful day in September but we can question the purpose of this article as to why it seems to want to damn the Bush administration for seeking peaceful means to a sticky situation.
Well, Bunky, it seems it's all about "The Oil"! Of course it's about the oil. As I, and others have mentioned in this thread, (way, way back) the Middle East (ME) is important not because Israel is there but because it possess a significant amount of the world's oil reserves. Some would like us to believe the United Sates is evil because it uses so much oil, so much so that it can be considered to be addicted to oil. This implication of moral weakness is simply incorrect because the whole world depends upon oil. Can we really charge the planet's human population with such immorality for wanting better living conditions? The fact is that a significant and quick disruption in oil supply would be a disaster for the global economy. (This is one of the important reasons why a Saddam in Kuwait was intolerable)
Then we have the age old charge of greedy corporations trying to make money. Capitalist Pigs! -- Please! In the words of John Stossel: "Give Me a Break!" Were U.S. Firms trying to make a buck? Yes, absolutely, nothing wrong there. Were they going for a monopoly? Of course, that's what all business wants and strives towards. A U.S. administration trying to freeze the Russians out of the oil game in the ME? Sounds good to me! It's a zero sum game, so, better the U.S. has control than, well, anybody else (The U.S. is the one of the few countries where, if necessary, the masses can change policy).
About the CRG (The web site publishers): It equates war with globalization. Wrong. It sees the European military establishment (NATO)in Co hoots with the Pentagon and the CIA-- probably other intelligence services too. This seems a bad thing to CRG. Why? Then we find that the IMF, World Bank, and just for good measure, all those greedy capitalists on Wall Street have their hooks into NATO also.
We also find more questionable characters systematically trying to deceive the world in that:
Quote:"The powers behind this system are those of the global banks and financial institutions, the military-industrial complex, the oil and energy giants, the biotech conglomerates and the powerful media and communications giants, which fabricate the news and overtly distorts the course of world events. In turn, the police apparatus represses, in the name of "Western democracy", all forms of dissent and critique of the dominant neoliberal ideology"
Seems quite a conspiracy, even the media is in on it! Fortunately, we may assume the CRG is above such attempts to lead us all down the garden path. What is noteworthy is that this group is made up of "progressive writers, scholars and activists". This assures us that CRG members are not only willing to think and write about such injustices but that their actions are legitimized in the name of progress. This is comforting in that it implies all other thinking and concepts are outdated and therefore invalid. Thank goodness this group is looking out for us! CRG's assault against
Quote:"The New World Order...based on the "false consensus" of Washington and Wall Street, which ordains the "free market system" "
seems vaguely familiar. Are these mere leftist or worse?