ican711nm wrote:Clearly, they should have waited until they could prove to a certainty that Saddam's regime was an immediate threat. No problem with that approach except for that very small percentage (say 100% x 3,000/200,000,000) of folks that per chance in future might get murdered with Saddam's help.
Steve wrote: I have no idea what this means
That's what past presidents did! They waited! What's wrong with that?
I shall explain.
If we wait until we are certain that a threat of evil action against us is certain to materialize in actual evil action, we probably will suffer the full consequences of that evil action. Furthermore, while we wait to be certain, innocent people other than us will pay the price for our waiting and unwillingness to act until the evidence is conclusive.
What's wrong with that? I'll tell you what I think is wrong with that! I think that's indifferent, irresponsible and even cowardly. It's like a paraphrase of that quote of Reagan's: Some folks think that if they keep feeding others to the alligators, they will be the last to be eaten.
Life is a gamble whether I or you like it or not. To decide
not to make judgments is as much a judgment as deciding to make a judgment.
Second guessing what should have been done or thought after the event requires far less courage than acting before the event to preclude the event. Besides, one may not survive the event to second guess it.