ci said
Quote:I don't think Tony Blair lied knowing he was lying. Atleast, that's what I hope.
You put your finger on Blair's problem. For legal reasons he was forced to place all the justification for the British action on disarming Iraq of illegal wmd. But right up to the eve of war when the House of Commons voted, Blair admitted he was unaware of exactly what was meant by wmd (e.g. battlefield/strategic distinction). This stretches credibility. The implication is that Blair took the country to war, not knowing whether to expect Iraqi wmd attack to be a nerve agent on British bases in Cyprus delivered by long range scud missiles, or mustard gas from battlefield munitions.
In the absence of wmd, Blair is forced to admit he made an "honest" mistake, as if the error itself is somehow negated because it was made in good faith. "Dad, I've got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is I've put the car into a wall. The good news is I didn't mean to do it"
Sorry Tony you can't expect to get away with that.
The alternative position is that Bush and Blair had a very good idea of what really existed in Iraq, but they presented an exaggerated picture for public consumption, because they were working to a timetable that had already been agreed. Blair is a clever man. Which is more likely?
Note that I make no comment on whether it was the "right" thing to do.
[of course if the war had gone well, i.e. coalition forces greeted with flowers and not rpgs, liberated Iraqis dancing in the street...just as Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz confidently predicted, Blair would have been a hero, and the point that he had to "exaggerate" the wmd threat for legal reasons would have been forgiven if not forgotten completely].
Now just listening to BBC radio 5 live, Hans Blix was being interviewed in Stockholm. He said Blair lacked application of critical thinking in his assessment of the wmd threat. Interviewer asks "Did you trust TB during the difficult period leading up to the war?"
Blix..." I have not made that accusation myself....I think he is a very able politician and admire many of the things he's done but er...