You want the truth? You can't handle the truth.
Secret Obsessions at the Top
February 7, 2004
To unravel our intelligence failures in Iraq, it helps to
look back at what was once one of the most secret and scary
chapters in U.S.-Soviet relations. An intelligence failure
risked nuclear war in the 1980's - but this was a mistake
by the K.G.B.
In 1981, we now know, the K.G.B. chairman said at a secret
conference that President Ronald Reagan was planning to
launch a nuclear strike against the Soviet Union. The
Soviets became consumed with the U.S. threat, just as the
Bush administration became obsessed with the Iraq threat.
The K.G.B. ordered all its offices in NATO countries to
seek evidence of Mr. Reagan's plans for a pre-emptive
nuclear strike, and they code-named the effort RYAN.
Once K.G.B. officers knew what Moscow wanted, they found
"evidence" everywhere of Mr. Reagan's secret plans for a
nuclear strike - confirming Moscow's worst fears.
Then NATO held a nuclear launching exercise in November
1983, playing into the Soviet alarm. The K.G.B. mistakenly
reported to Moscow that NATO was on an actual alert. The
Soviets put their own forces on alert and braced for a
nuclear attack.
It was "one of the worst nuclear scares since the Cuban
missile crisis - and Washington didn't even know it until
after it was over," James Risen and Milt Bearden write in
their terrific book about the spy wars, "The Main Enemy."
The parallels between our Iraq intelligence mess and RYAN
are telling. When a country's capital is in the grip of
hard-line ideologues who demand a certain kind of
intelligence, they'll get it. The result is an intelligence
failure. And, more fundamentally, it's a political failure
by the top leaders themselves.
So to me, the administration's recent effort to blame the
intelligence community for the Iraq mess is as misleading
as the drive to war itself. Nothing the C.I.A. did was as
harmful as the way administration officials systematically
misled Americans about the incomplete and often
contradictory mountain of intelligence.
For example, in September 2002 the Defense Intelligence
Agency issued a still-classified report saying "there is no
reliable information" on whether Iraq had chemical weapons.
Yet in the same month Donald Rumsfeld was telling a House
committee the opposite: "We do know that the Iraqi regime
currently has chemical and biological weapons of mass
destruction, and we do know they are currently pursuing
nuclear weapons."
I've been canvassing people in the intelligence community,
and one person at D.I.A. tells me: "I never saw anything
that justified the idea that Saddam was an immediate
threat, or that we knew with certainty what he had.
Everything I saw was laced with `possibles' and
`probables'; in fact, what I saw about those aluminum
tubes, for instance, seemed to me to leave the impression
that they probably were not nuclear-related."
Lt. Col. Dale Davis, a former Marine counterintelligence
officer now at the Virginia Military Institute, says he
hears from his former intelligence colleagues that top
officials "cherry-picked the intel for the most damning,
and often least reliable, tidbits and produced alarming
conclusions - the 45-minute chemical attack scenario, the
African uranium and the Al Qaeda connection. The C.I.A.
never supported these assertions."
Another person with long experience in military
intelligence put it this way: "Everyone knew from the start
that there was no smoking gun and the assessment was based
on speculation, anecdote and outdated information, not
current evidence. We didn't have the `humint' [human
intelligence] capability to confirm anything one way or the
The administration could have been truthful, saying that
the intelligence about W.M.D. was incomplete but alarming -
and that in any case Saddam was a monster. Instead,
officials from the president down warned us that unless we
went to war, we risked a mushroom cloud at home.
That was worse than an intelligence failure. That was
Here's an update on Srey Mom, one of the teenage girls
whose freedom I purchased in Cambodia. After fleeing her
village and returning to the brothel, Srey Mom met this
week with my interpreter and aid workers. She agreed to try
again to start over, and she has moved to Phnom Penh. She
is living with a family and will learn to be either a
hairdresser or a model (details can be found at or in the updated multimedia
feature). So maybe fairy-tale endings are possible.