I have a feeling that George is coming to the end of his chain. Sistani has him beat from the get go .... sooner or later someone will ask the question 'why can't they wait until it is possible then have an election, they watched Saddam get 100% of his last election and stood by. We told the Shia in 92 'sure , go ahead and revolt', then left them to be massacred.
Sistani played George like a master, the game is at check with no chance for a draw ..... George is close to the end of his chain.
An old trapper came out of the woods and went to see the dentist, to have a lot of work done on his teeth, He needed many fillings and several extractions, besides a good cleaning. The dentist offered to give him novocaine, but the trapper adamantly refused. He said he had experienced terrible pain twice in his life and it had hardened him to pain.
So the dentist went to work. He drilled, he filled, he pulled, and he polished, working up a good sweat with all his effort, but the trapper never flinched or moved.
When he was all finished the dentist reached into an upper cabinet, pulled out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses, poured two generous drinks and offered one to the trapper. The dentist said, "What happened to you to harden you so much to pain?"
The trapper replied, "Well, I was out in the woods one day and nature called. So I dropped my drawers and had the misfortune to squat right over a set bear trap. Well I dropped my load, it hit the trip pan and that trap jumped right up and grabbed me by my scrotum!" "Oh my God!", said the dentist, "That must have hurt terribly!" The trapper replied, "Not as bad...as when I got to the end of the trap's chain!"
Just had to work that in