Steve (as 41oo) wrote:Sometimes I just cant help but analyse a post:
Just the opposite. Sanctions were imposed in an effort to force compliance.
Sanctions which crushed the Iraqi people, in direct contravention of the intent of those sanctions, while illegally enriching the coffers of not only Saddam and his Ba'athist cronies, but of the very UN administrators of the program and their favorite firms and individuals as well. The Oil-for-Food program already has been shown to have been at the core of one of the largest criminal enterprises of all time, and the investigation into the depradations and perfidy of its supporters and participants is but barely begun.
Quote: No they didn't. Iraq's failure to fully comply with the Chapter VII resolution meant that hostilities COULD BE resumed, but after 12 years of sanctions, it was agreed that enforcement "by any means" i.e. war would require further UN resolution explicitly authorising it.
1441 did not authorise war. It specifically excluded war by calling for "severe consequences" for Iraq by its continued non compliance. It was exactly because 1441 did not call for war, that Syria voted for it and it was passed unanimously.
Sorry, I find that nonsensical on several levels. The repeated violation and defiance of the terms and conditions of a ceasefire by a party to that ceasefire abrogates the agreement, re-establishing hostilities. A ceasefire remains operative only so long as the conditions establishing it are met. UNSCR 1284 and UNSCR 1441 explicity referrenced, as foundation, UNSCR 678, which authorized the 1990 military action, as well as the rest of the pertinent intervening resolutions, and UNSCR 687, which set the conditions for the ceasefire, as being core to the last-and-final opportunity for Iraq to avoid the reopening of hostilities. Given that UNSCR 687 calls, upon pain of military sanction, for Iraq to neet certain and particular requirements. Iraq failed to do so, was found repeatedly and substantially to be in material breach of those hostility-suspending conditions, as well as specifically the conditions set forth by UNSCR 1441 itself, and thus by her own actions triggered the 2003 action. "Last-and-final opportunity" means "Last-and-final" or it means nothing. UNSCR 1331 did not state that Iraq was to "get one more chance to get ome more chance", UNSCR 1441 was Iraq's last chance, a chance Iraq chose to squander.
Quote:Iraq tried everything to avoid war, short of inviting American forces into the country. Saddam even offered the CIA to inspect the WMD sites that Colin Powell said he knew all about. (This was declined). To say that the UN chose to pursue irrelevance is nonsense. In fact it was the United States that made the UN irrelevant by ignoring its wishes when the UN wanted to pursue a different road other than the US timetable to war.
Poppycock. Iraq continually attempted to manipulate and impose conditions and restrictions upon what unambiguously were requirements for unconditional compliance. Iraq, as had been the case for a dozen years, was playing games, and the UN was going along with it, with Syria having her reasons, and France, Germany, and Russia having theirs. Of the bunch, Syria's reasons at least were political, not pecuniary. In that, perhaps Syria deserves some respect; the rest paint theirt own obscene portraits.
Quote:You mean Saddam wanted the invasion, the loss of his country, the death of his sons, his own capture and humiliation by the Americans? What sort of a devious plan is that?
Saddam did not expect The US to have the resolve to carry though with what had been idly threatened for a dozen years. He fully expected the graft and corruption on which he and his regime depended would continue to shield Iraq from the consequences mandated by her breach of the entire string of pertinent resolutions. Saddam missestimated ... or, to employ a recently popular term, "misunderestimatated" US resolve and determination. Saddam's "Plan" was to continue the status quo found by him so very beneficial. In his megalomania, he figured not only would the money continue to flow his way, he would continue to be seen as standing against the arrayed might of The West, and, in his own estimation, remain a hero and a paragon in The Arab Street.
Quote:I think you mean inconsequential. But this won't happen. America has learned its lesson over Iraq. It needs the UN every bit as much as the UN needs active US participation.
No, I chose the word "consequential" consciously; the failings of The League of Nations led proximately to WWII, the more recent similar failings of the UN the Iraq matter contributed directly to the current war. I will agree that without The US, the UN is a sham. I disagree The US "Needs" the UN if the UN is to be, as was demonstrated repeatedly, a factionalized, dithering, irresolute mockery of itself and its charter.
Quote:This is a gross distortion of the UN position. The demands on Iraq were that it should give up its wmd. The UN inspection teams were back in the field. They were making progress, and destroyed some illegal longer range missiles. NO-ONE not even the French ruled out the possibility of military action if the inspection regime continued to be frustrated in its efforts to disarm Iraq.
But that wasn't happening. Blix only wanted more time to complete the inspections and the opportunity to make a final report to the UN security council. If Blix had reported in July or August of last year that Iraq was still not in compliance on process and/or substance, then the UN really would have had to face the choice of backing down or authorising force. But in February March 2003, we were not at that stage.
Of course in the end the UN inspections were indeed frustrated, but not by Iraq, by the United States which forced its curtailment by its pre emptive strike.
Nonsense. The "Demand" was not that "Iraq give up WMD", but that she fully and openly confirm she had done so. The job of UNMOVIC was to monitor and verify that compliance, not to enact or enforce it. Iraq continued to act in the manner which had pertained for a dozen years. "More time" clearly was no answer at all, but rather continued capitulation to Iraq's obfuscation, obstructionism, blatant intransigence and open defiance.
Quote:All the more reason for the US to get involved, give it some teeth and sort it out, not walk away. The fact is the US wants it both ways. It wants to do what it wants, if it has UN backing that's fine, it legitimises US action, and if it doesn't have UN backing thats fine as well because the UN is an irrelevance and its view doesnt count.
The US is under no obligation, moral, ethical, or legal, to subvene matters of domestic and international security to anybody or any body. The fact is, to borrow your phrase, that The US was forced, by the continued failure of the UN to follow through and implement its own demands, to take action apart from the sanction of The Dithering Body. The mandate of UNMOVIC was to determine and report the facts. UNMOVIC determined and reported the fact Iraq was in continued, substantial material breach of the pertinent resolutions. That is the fact.
Quote:What this amounts to is that "The Real World" i.e. the rest of the world excluding the United States has to do what the United States wants...or else. The implied threat in the last sentence could not be clearer. Its statements like this which really does divide the world into two camps, the US versus the Rest of the World. Is that what the current US administration is seeking to do? If it is, I cannot think of a greater folly.
No, what this says is that "The Rest of the world", as herein exemplified by the UN, must do what it says it will do or what it says means nothing. If there are "two camps", one camp means and does what it says, and the other does not. I can think of no greater folly than to stand by idly debating, dithering, and denying, while allowing a clear threat to global security to gather, coallesce, and come to fruition. The time for games is over, whether you or anyone else recognizes that or not; there's a war on, and The Iraq Matter is but one component of that war. If a thing is to get done, it is done only by doing it, not by talking about how and why and when to do it. "More Time" was precisely Saddam's goal, his only available avoidance of ultimate defeat. It was time, long past time, that Saddam's time was up.